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Lax, you effeminate trout, how dare you!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:08 pm
by Mojoguy01
So yea....been using ISboxer for years, and today I JUST now learn that I can "split" the performance of multiple clients to different GPU's. Had I known this a year or so ago I'd be going mad right now by not having a life from multiboxing too much.

Seriously, Boxing FF14 went from 30fps primary, 10fps on each of the 3 other 60fps on primary and 30fps on each alt.

After digging deeper into the wiki, after someone mentioning on these forums about splitting their clients under different gpus, i found that my 2nd GPU during SLi was idling at around 5% power during gameplay.

So I'm like, "huh, what happens if I...." so I unplugged my 2nd monitor from GPU one into GPU two, and then turned off SLi. Changed settings to 60/20, round-robin, and BAM........FPS everywhere at a crowded town with 60+ people on my screen.

Lax, seriously bro, that should be a major selling point for ISBoxer. You should like, paint it onto the side of a Trout, take a picture, and then paste that ALL OVER the damn front page!


You offend me Lax with your magical programming abilities that obviously I won't have for many years as a 2yr experience Software Engineer, why must you make me feel so inadequate sir?! :evil:


TLDR: If you're having major FPS issues go buy two $120 video cards from Newegg (identicle), and then plug them in. Ignore SLi, put one monitor on one card and the other on another card, and have the Windows Layout manager in ISBoxer put two clients on each screen, bingo 30+fps on each client easy. :geek:

Re: Lax, you effeminate trout, how dare you!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:06 pm
by Alge
All of this information is on the GPU Management wiki page. And for those who believe this will solve all their issues, it may not... "With any version of Windows, allowing a game window to move from one monitor to another that is powered by a different GPU will cause a significant performance hit." Some people are happy to live with that limitation, others aren't.

Re: Lax, you effeminate trout, how dare you!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:10 pm
by Mojoguy01
Alge wrote:All of this information is on the GPU Management wiki page. And for those who believe this will solve all their issues, it may not... "With any version of Windows, allowing a game window to move from one monitor to another that is powered by a different GPU will cause a significant performance hit." Some people are happy to live with that limitation, others aren't.

I've never seen that limitation or hit before though, on any 3 of my PCs.

Re: Lax, you effeminate trout, how dare you!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:33 am
by moomoocowplus
Thanks a ton guys!! This has helped me out so much, I was having all sorts of problems with crossfire not working right. I followed the wiki and this post and now my clients are running so much better.

Re: Lax, you effeminate trout, how dare you!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:08 am
by Meshuggenah
Since you cannot have multiple game instances launched in Full Screen mode (it is exclusive by definition, so attempting to launch a second Full Screen application will simply not work), this poses a problem when multiboxing. Recent driver updates may allow your SLI/Crossfire configuration to operate in Windowed mode, however your mileage may vary; historically, enabling SLI or Crossfire mode while multiboxing has caused problems with both performance and stability.

So it's actually better to disable SLI if you're boxing all clients on a single monitor? I usually run all clients on my 30" and use my other monitors for browsing, etc. I haven't noticed any FPS issues in any game I've boxed (2x SLI GTX 680's) so I've never bothered to test if my second card is actually contributing.

I'll have to do some testing after I get FFXIV set up. Seems like this game is more taxing than what I'm used to playing.

Re: Lax, you effeminate trout, how dare you!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:39 pm
by Mojoguy01
Meshuggenah wrote:
Since you cannot have multiple game instances launched in Full Screen mode (it is exclusive by definition, so attempting to launch a second Full Screen application will simply not work), this poses a problem when multiboxing. Recent driver updates may allow your SLI/Crossfire configuration to operate in Windowed mode, however your mileage may vary; historically, enabling SLI or Crossfire mode while multiboxing has caused problems with both performance and stability.

So it's actually better to disable SLI if you're boxing all clients on a single monitor? I usually run all clients on my 30" and use my other monitors for browsing, etc. I haven't noticed any FPS issues in any game I've boxed (2x SLI GTX 680's) so I've never bothered to test if my second card is actually contributing.

I'll have to do some testing after I get FFXIV set up. Seems like this game is more taxing than what I'm used to playing.

On a single monitor? No idea as you cannot split the boxes to each card without a 2nd monitor.

You should give it a try though, SLi most likely isn't working for FF14.

Re: Lax, you effeminate trout, how dare you!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:15 pm
by Biggcarl
from what ive read Cross fire and sli do not work in window mode... thats why your one card was idle with no load when gaming.

Re: Lax, you effeminate trout, how dare you!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:51 pm
by Mojoguy01
Alge wrote:All of this information is on the GPU Management wiki page. And for those who believe this will solve all their issues, it may not... "With any version of Windows, allowing a game window to move from one monitor to another that is powered by a different GPU will cause a significant performance hit." Some people are happy to live with that limitation, others aren't.

Hey Alge :),

I understand that it is in the wiki, however it should really be talked about more, or even emphasized as a major benefit that isboxer can "split" performance between two different cards for multiboxing since SLi can't be used for windowed mode.

Also, if i've been using ISboxer for years, and just suddenly two-weeks or so ago found that information. It means, speaking from an enterprise level ruleset, that said information is not made obvious, or pronounced, enough for the average user.

That's all I was trying to say whilst at the same time giving props to Lax and thanking him :)!