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Black cursor/Black screen problem

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Post Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:18 am

Black cursor/Black screen problem

Hi guys/Lax

First post here, unfortunately to ask about something.

Not too sure if its ISboxer, video card drivers/my PC or the game itself:

- With repeater on, I get black mouse pointers(looks rectangular) in my non-main windows in ISBoxer (sometimes resembling a quarter of a dialog box icon). Not too game-breaking but annoying. Main window 2060x1000, 2 other smaller ones 720x400. Swapping on.

- Black screen. After a while of play, could be anything from 15 minutes to a few hours, one of the windows will fail to be 'switched' to main, only giving a black screen. Usually only just one out of the 3. Could be any of the 3 clients. But when switching to any working window as the main, you can see the problematic client window clearly still working and I can get them to play and follow as per normal. Seems like a video blackout or desync somewhere with the game client and ISBoxer. Sometimes rapidly switching to and fro the working and non-working window brings it back, but most often not.

Video card: ATI 7850 with cat. 13.8 beta drivers
CPU: I5-2500K, OC to 4.6G (Still maxes out on all cores when in crowded areas, cpu strategy all cores selected)
Win7 64 Ultimate most things updated. Not running anything much in background usually when multiboxing.

Any input/help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Have a good day :)


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Post Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:25 am

Re: Black cursor/Black screen problem

The cursor is an Inner Space issue with copying the actual cursor for this game. I don't think it is related to your black screen issue though.

The black screen could be any of the above, so I don't have a specific suggestion. We've previously seen issues like this in several games, and generally it has been an issue with the game itself. EVE Online for example had an issue like this from un-docking more than one window from a station at the same time, so it might be possible that FFXIV has a similar issue where doing something specific at the same time in multiple windows causes this. It could also be a video driver issue where the driver needs to recover from an error, etc.

I might start by changing your Windowed mode setting within the game. If it's set to windowed mode, try fullscreen mode and see if the problem goes away -- or vice versa. If that doesn't help, I might try different drivers or even turning off overclocking to see if one of those things helps.

Another thing to try when you're trying to temporarily fix the black screen while playing, try pressing ctrl+alt+del and select the start task manager option from the screen that comes up


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Post Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:14 am

Re: Black cursor/Black screen problem

was there ever a fix for the black cursor?
My main is regular and my other 4 clients is a little black line, also I can see the cursor move on the clients but it will not pass
everything else passes accept the mouse.

to get my isboxer to load the client's I had to use the development build.


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Post Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:30 am

Re: Black cursor/Black screen problem

snoopkimble wrote:My main is regular and my other 4 clients is a little black line, also I can see the cursor move on the clients but it will not pass
everything else passes accept the mouse.

Using the Wizard to create an FFXIV-specific team should have already enabled the option, but you should check the "Make game believe it is in foreground" option in your Character Set.


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Post Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:47 am

Re: Black cursor/Black screen problem

I deleted my current set of 4 and it know passes just still has the black curser but I can live that lol



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Post Sat Nov 23, 2013 8:38 am

Re: Black cursor/Black screen problem

Lax, et anyone:

I've recently started 4 boxing FFXIV - however the mouse issue is not only a black cursor deal - it's also a sync problem. I can't determine if it's due to the lag that SE has on their side, or the local client, but often I do not get replicated clicks or mouse movement across my 4 instances. (forcing me to change instance AND use the in-game num key navigation system (like tabbing around, but with the numkey pad as the mouse does not register in the right location - often being 10-25% of a screen away).

I've been a huge fan of the isboxer platform in D3 and NWN where it works amazingly well. Any chance that the interface will be tuned to perform as smooth here in FFXIV?



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Post Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:13 am

Re: Black cursor/Black screen problem

lovemymages wrote:I've recently started 4 boxing FFXIV - however the mouse issue is not only a black cursor deal - it's also a sync problem. I can't determine if it's due to the lag that SE has on their side, or the local client, but often I do not get replicated clicks or mouse movement across my 4 instances. (forcing me to change instance AND use the in-game num key navigation system (like tabbing around, but with the numkey pad as the mouse does not register in the right location - often being 10-25% of a screen away).

Try changing the windowed mode setting the game is using and see if that helps your repeater issue


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Post Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:14 am

Re: Black cursor/Black screen problem

Will do - I'm hopeful I'm the only one seeing this issue as that means it can be resolved on my side.

Will follow up later today when I've a chance to try it.

Thanks for the blazing fast response btw - Sat. morning, your support puts many commercial products to utter shame.


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Post Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:53 am

Re: Black cursor/Black screen problem

Bingo - Borderless Windowed Mode solved it.


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