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Several Issues

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 15

Joined: Sun Oct 17, 2010 7:07 am

Post Sun Dec 02, 2018 5:41 am

Several Issues

I'm just starting playing again and am having several issues:

1. I multi-box six characters, I have filled out the sections on populating their account information (name, server, password) but when launched nothing at all populates in any of the six windows. This never populates, whether I use the default no patch profile or the character set.
2. When launching using the six characters, I cannot get the console to come up using the ~ key. If I launch the game using just the Everquest II no patch option I can bring up the console without any issues.

I can multi-box fine once I get into the game, just those two items above seem broken at the moment. I am running through Steam, if that is the problem I'll remove and install outside of it.

Any thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Post Sun Dec 02, 2018 6:17 am

Re: Several Issues

There is no password field in ISBoxer.

The server/account name will normally populate as read from the game files that contain that information. If you haven't logged the accounts in yet, then it wont come up. If, after successfully logging them in correctly, it doesn't appear on the next launch, then it may not be saving the correct config files. By default, for EQ2, ISBoxer will have per character copies of "eq2_recent.ini" and "cookies". If the last logged in server and account are not stored in those files, then the appropriate file should be found and virtualized (using the Virtual File Wizard, select Other, type in the name of the file, next, select the appropriate characters, hit finish). It is possible Steam is getting in the way if you are launching via Steam, rather than direct to the EverquestII.exe.

The InnerSpace session console key is removed by default from ISBoxer character sets. If you want to have it back, there is an option for this hotkey on the Character Set. Set that in the toolkit, export, and you can then use your hotkey to bring up the InnerSpace session console.


Posts: 15

Joined: Sun Oct 17, 2010 7:07 am

Post Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:18 am

Re: Several Issues

You're right about the password, thinking of something else.

Thanks Bob, I was able to find that setting with your info and update it to bring up a console.

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