Fallen gate tle
Moderator: MiRai
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Anyone planning to play the new tel server that starts the 27th of June 2017? I've got 3 accounts n was wondering if anyone wants to group up. I'm pretty novice, I only started boxing because I was having trouble lvling my main (mystic) solo so I bought 2 more accounts n started grinding up an sk and Warnock. I've played eq2 since launch and I used to raid a lot. Knowledgeable player, novice boxer. Anyone wanna group when the server launches?
Re: Fallen gate tle
I'll be playing on FG... pretty new myself but planning on 3-boxing as well. Much more of a casual player but it'll be nice to play with another boxer.
Re: Fallen gate tle
My main is named Lokked and I only started on FG yesterday. I level slowly, as I like to experience all the content in EQ2 (I've only leveled to cap once, and I skipped a lot of content, so it's mostly still new to me).
I am running a straight DPS Team that is accidentally based on a specific AA build (I forgot we won't get AAs for 20+ weeks.....
) of Brigand, Dirge, Warden, but whatever. If you have a tank, I have 2 backstabbers, at least.
I am an expert with ISBoxer. I used a fully virtualized setup, where I only need to configure a certain Class in ISBoxer, and then can use that in all situations. I have SK, Necro, Defiler, Brigand, Dirge and Warden configured thus far.
Anyway, hit me up in-game if you want to group or ask questions about your ISBoxer configuration. I'm happy to offer what I know! I may have some EQ questions for you, too!
My main is named Lokked and I only started on FG yesterday. I level slowly, as I like to experience all the content in EQ2 (I've only leveled to cap once, and I skipped a lot of content, so it's mostly still new to me).
I am running a straight DPS Team that is accidentally based on a specific AA build (I forgot we won't get AAs for 20+ weeks.....

I am an expert with ISBoxer. I used a fully virtualized setup, where I only need to configure a certain Class in ISBoxer, and then can use that in all situations. I have SK, Necro, Defiler, Brigand, Dirge and Warden configured thus far.
Anyway, hit me up in-game if you want to group or ask questions about your ISBoxer configuration. I'm happy to offer what I know! I may have some EQ questions for you, too!
Re: Fallen gate tle
Cool dude... Actually starting up an ALT group, main just got up to lvl 27. You mind screen-shotting your setup? If you use Discord, met a guy that plays occasionally on the dual-box forum but only 6-boxes and doesn't play on FG/Pay, but I just made a server on there if anyone wants to chat and what not, specifically for FG but anyone is welcome. Curious about this virtual setup you've got going. I'm very new to ISBoxer and EQ2 but basically been making click-bars that go to various macro/hotkeys as well as targeting specific slots so I can heal other players etc. Would love to learn more about the program and ways to be more efficient.
Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/UapA5v5
Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/UapA5v5
Re: Fallen gate tle
Alright man. I'll be able to hop in to Discord later. On the evenings I'm able to play, I'm on for ~1-2hours between 9pm and Midnight Mountain Standard Time (-7 GMT).
I'll screenshot my setup, but it's probably just going to look like a poorly laid out Profit UI (as I just added that yesterday).
Configuration is more about how you Target, how you follow, how you control KeyMaps, how you configure Action Target Groups with Round-Robining Stuns/Interrupts, and how you want to manage healing. There are always options as to how you prefer to play.
My setup uses minimal keys, in my opinion. I use the Number Bar, the Number Pad, ASDW, the Cursor Keys and the mouse. I can be as complicated and micro-managed as you want.
The good thing is, once you establish how you want to use your Keyboard, you can set up a configuration for each Class you play (or all Classes if you want) and when you create a team, you only need to indicate you want to use that Class's configuration, and everything else works out like magic!
I'll screenshot my setup, but it's probably just going to look like a poorly laid out Profit UI (as I just added that yesterday).
Configuration is more about how you Target, how you follow, how you control KeyMaps, how you configure Action Target Groups with Round-Robining Stuns/Interrupts, and how you want to manage healing. There are always options as to how you prefer to play.
My setup uses minimal keys, in my opinion. I use the Number Bar, the Number Pad, ASDW, the Cursor Keys and the mouse. I can be as complicated and micro-managed as you want.
The good thing is, once you establish how you want to use your Keyboard, you can set up a configuration for each Class you play (or all Classes if you want) and when you create a team, you only need to indicate you want to use that Class's configuration, and everything else works out like magic!
Re: Fallen gate tle
Tanknspank, geterdone, and lohkey. Lol 26 sk/defiler/Nero. Was thinking about replacing healer with coercer or dirge though. Look me up.
Re: Fallen gate tle
Anyone still playing? I took a break. Thinking about reactivating my accounts. Lol 29ish. I'll be on one toon prob the next few days trying to decide of its worth my money
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