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Tip for new EQ2 ISBoxers

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:30 pm
by tatanka7th
Had watched MiRai's video in January when I set up follow/assist for all in EQ1, using variable keystrokes, and it worked fine.

Tried to set it up today with EQ2, and it wasn't working. Finally got it to work, and I thought I would share the info in case anyone else had the same issue.

In his video, MiRai mentions that there's no built in follow function, and you need to make a macro. Well, there is a follow ability for all chars on the "abilities" tab (press "k", then first tab in there). I was using that, assuming it had been added since he made the video. After fighting it for over an hour, and then logging out, and watching the video again, I logged back in, made a macro, and it worked first thing!

So, don't try to use the built in "Follow" ability, and make a macro like MiRai says :)
