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slot 1 disappears

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:12 pm
by tabel412
When I'm boxing with just 2 characters slot 1 will disappear completely when I switch to box 2 but when I've got slot 1 selected slot 2 is small in the bottom left corner of my monitor like it should be. Any idea why this is happening? This also happens when I'm 3 boxing but it has been awhile since I've used that set so I can't remember which slots disappear when I've got slots 2 and 3 selected

Re: slot 1 disappears

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:06 am
by MiRai

Re: slot 1 disappears

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:32 am
by tabel412

Re: slot 1 disappears

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:31 am
by lax
Well, your Window Layout looks fine...

The only thing I see so far that looks iffy is the "Swap Hot Character to main region" setting. It's set to "only when I press a Slot activate hotkey" which should actually be fine. However, I heard of a bug recently where someone said some related behavior was not working correctly when their Slot activate hotkey was configured as global -- which yours is (and that's supposed to be fine; that's on by default).

So... I have two things for you to try that might help. Try these things separately so you can be specific in your response, which will help get the problem solved:
1. Try un-checking the "make this hotkey global" box next to your per-Slot Hotkey in your Character Set
2. Try changing the "Swap Hot Character to main region" setting to "always, for game windows"

After making either of these changes and Exporting, re-launch the game windows and see if the behavior is different. Let me know :)

Re: slot 1 disappears

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:20 pm
by tabel412
Sorry, I'm new to this and I haven't fully familiarized myself with the ISboxer toolkit so I'm having som difficulty with your suggestions. When I try step 1 my characters will not switch at all. As for step 2, where can I locate the "swap hot character to main region" setting?

Re: slot 1 disappears

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:47 pm
by lax
I assumed you knew because the setting was non-default, sorry. :)

The "Swap Hot Character to main region" setting is a drop-down box at the top in the General tab in your Window Layout.

Re: slot 1 disappears

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:51 pm
by tabel412
Tried step 2 and still no luck. Is there a way for me to try your first suggestion while still being able to use those hotkeys to swap? When I uncheck that box the hotkeys dont do anything. Sorry for the trouble!