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Out-of-date or missing documentation

Moderator: MiRai



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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:59 am

Out-of-date or missing documentation

Hello fellow ISBoxers,

Have you come across an ISBoxer guide that needs to be updated? Have you found a page on the ISBoxer wiki that is out of date or missing information? The League of eXtraordinary Multiboxers are here to help you!

I am managing a list of documentation that needs to be updated and could use your help. Please post in this thread with a link to the offending item and a short description of the issue. If you want to volunteer to fix something, please do so here too.




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Post Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:45 pm

Re: Out-of-date or missing documentation

Alge wrote:... I am managing a list of documentation that needs to be updated and could use your help. Please post in this thread with a link to the offending item and a short description of the issue. If you want to volunteer to fix something, please do so here too.

I spend more time in the ISBoxer Forums helping others and discussing tactics than I do on the ISBoxer Wiki but will be happy to help where I can in the ISBoxer Wiki. If I have permissions to fix things in the ISBoxer Wiki I will as I come across them or if not I will try to remember to come back here to report them...

Experience-wise I contribute to & fix things I see at the general http://www.Wikipedia.org as well as the game specific http://www.ddowiki.com & at http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Neverwinter_Wiki & though I am not "uber prolific" I try to do good quality when I edit/add.

Up till now when browsing the wiki I haven't noticed the ability to edit so I haven't but if I have that ability I will fix what I can. I did try to register myself as a contributor to the ISBoxer Wiki like I have done with multiple other Wiki's but received the message "Login error: You are not a member of the required ISBoxer.com users group". If I do have the ability to edit the ISBoxer Wiki I would appreciate someone pointing me to instructions on how to unlock & utilize that ability (or letting me know they added me to the appropriate users group).

Let me know if there is something you need help with particularly or otherwise I will just try to fix or report things as I see them.


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Post Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:47 pm

Re: Out-of-date or missing documentation

nodoze wrote:Up till now when browsing the wiki I haven't noticed the ability to edit so I haven't but if I have that ability I will fix what I can. I did try to register myself as a contributor to the ISBoxer Wiki like I have done with multiple other Wiki's but received the message "Login error: You are not a member of the required ISBoxer.com users group". If I do have the ability to edit the ISBoxer Wiki I would appreciate someone pointing me to instructions on how to unlock & utilize that ability (or letting me know they added me to the appropriate users group).

Let me know if there is something you need help with particularly or otherwise I will just try to fix or report things as I see them.

nodoze, you can register yourself:

1.) Start by visiting the User Control Panel for the ISBoxer.com forums. The "User Control Panel" link is near the top of the page when logged into the forums.
2.) Within the User Control Panel, click Usergroups on the left; this should bring up the Edit Memberships page.
3.) Find 'Wiki Contributors' in the list and tick the 'Select' box on the right.
4.) At the bottom next to the drop-down box with 'Join selected', click the Submit button
5.) That's all, the Wiki Contributors usergroup leaders will receive a notification that you would like to join, and you should get approved when one of them is available to do so


Posts: 471

Joined: Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:46 pm

Post Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:06 pm

Re: Out-of-date or missing documentation

Kaische wrote:
nodoze wrote:Up till now when browsing the wiki I haven't noticed the ability to edit so I haven't but if I have that ability I will fix what I can. I did try to register myself as a contributor to the ISBoxer Wiki like I have done with multiple other Wiki's but received the message "Login error: You are not a member of the required ISBoxer.com users group". If I do have the ability to edit the ISBoxer Wiki I would appreciate someone pointing me to instructions on how to unlock & utilize that ability (or letting me know they added me to the appropriate users group).

Let me know if there is something you need help with particularly or otherwise I will just try to fix or report things as I see them.

nodoze, you can register yourself:

1.) Start by visiting the User Control Panel for the ISBoxer.com forums. The "User Control Panel" link is near the top of the page when logged into the forums.
2.) Within the User Control Panel, click Usergroups on the left; this should bring up the Edit Memberships page.
3.) Find 'Wiki Contributors' in the list and tick the 'Select' box on the right.
4.) At the bottom next to the drop-down box with 'Join selected', click the Submit button
5.) That's all, the Wiki Contributors usergroup leaders will receive a notification that you would like to join, and you should get approved when one of them is available to do so
Kaische, Thanks for the clear & consise instructions. I followed them and hope it turns out.


Posts: 167

Joined: Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:11 am

Location: Germany

Post Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:36 pm

Re: Out-of-date or missing documentation

Alge wrote:Hello fellow ISBoxers,

Hi Alge <3

Alge wrote:Have you come across an ISBoxer guide that needs to be updated? Have you found a page on the ISBoxer wiki that is out of date or missing information? The League of eXtraordinary Multiboxers are here to help you!

Yes, regarding the ISBoxer Wiki! I was really disappointed in the last months.
I really love you guys for being those awesome heroes we can look up but ... we don't get you really noticed.
How about do it like Spider Man! Make pictures of yourself while working some gangsters a$$.

In the last 6 month i corrected two typos in the wiki only through mentioning them in the IRC because the person maybe "could" read that wiki-page after i posted it.

I see dead^W .... no .. i see work! Really!

I joined this community 3 years ygo and i loved it .... stil!!!

Alge wrote:I am managing a list of documentation that needs to be updated and could use your help. Please post in this thread with a link to the offending item and a short description of the issue. If you want to volunteer to fix something, please do so here too.


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Post Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:25 am

Re: Out-of-date or missing documentation

FYI this is part of what Categories (and Templates) are about in the wiki.

When I update pages I mark them with an ISBoxer version template that looks like {{ISBoxer 37}} or {{ISBoxer 41}}. These templates make the little text at the top that says "this is written for ISBoxer 37 and may need to be updated blah blah" (example: http://isboxer.com/wiki/Template:ISBoxer_37) as well as put it in the wiki Category for easy browsing. Likewise, {{Stub}} is used for short articles with little information and {{Incomplete}} is used for articles that are pretty much there but still need additional information.

Granted this does not cover every case of pages needing to be updated, but these would all need to be reviewed for old screenshots, etc. The ones tagged with an ISBoxer version can probably be reviewed and marked with {{ISBoxer 41}}


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