nodoze wrote:Up till now when browsing the wiki I haven't noticed the ability to edit so I haven't but if I have that ability I will fix what I can. I did try to register myself as a contributor to the ISBoxer Wiki like I have done with multiple other Wiki's but received the message "Login error: You are not a member of the required users group". If I do have the ability to edit the ISBoxer Wiki I would appreciate someone pointing me to instructions on how to unlock & utilize that ability (or letting me know they added me to the appropriate users group).
Let me know if there is something you need help with particularly or otherwise I will just try to fix or report things as I see them.
nodoze, you can register yourself:
1.) Start by visiting the
User Control Panel for the forums. The "User Control Panel" link is near the top of the page when logged into the forums.
2.) Within the User Control Panel, click
Usergroups on the left; this should bring up the Edit Memberships page.
3.) Find 'Wiki Contributors' in the list and tick the 'Select' box on the right.
4.) At the bottom next to the drop-down box with 'Join selected', click the Submit button
5.) That's all, the Wiki Contributors usergroup leaders will receive a notification that you would like to join, and you should get approved when one of them is available to do so