Whats your Super Team ?
Updated 6/8
Running 3 Haweyes level 21 atm specing heavy into Archery going to try for a ignore defence build with basic powers, only put 1 point into roll
Play style is close to diablo3 Demonhunter gameplay its fun havent had any real probs with killng bosses very easy to kite them around
Running 3 Haweyes level 21 atm specing heavy into Archery going to try for a ignore defence build with basic powers, only put 1 point into roll
Play style is close to diablo3 Demonhunter gameplay its fun havent had any real probs with killng bosses very easy to kite them around
Last edited by gnetcham on Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.