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DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

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Post Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:04 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

Even though I pressed mouse3 my slaves aren't targeting my target and assisting me. Hopefully I am just missing a step. If you could focus first on the fire-team part that would be good.


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Post Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:43 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

Ok, I'm going to have to write this up in the Play-guide anyways, so let me explain how the system works:

There are 3 Fire-Teams, Team # 1's activities are assigned to the Mouse 4 Button, Team #2's to Mouse 5 and Team #3, which is by default all of the characters in the party, has it's targeting assigned to Mouse 3.

By putting your crosshairs on an enemy and pressing the corresponding button (Mouse 4 for Fire-team # 1, Mouse 5 for Fire-team # 2 and Mouse 3 for Fire-team # 3), you are marking the target for the members of that team to attack.

Then, once you start pressing any attack keys, the members of the teams attack their marked targets simultaneously. Fire Team #1 attacks their target separately from Fire-Team # 2 and the active character (to include the active character if it beongs to one of those). And Fire-Team # 2 does the same for it's target. So you can, in theory attack up to two marked targets (not assuming AOE here) plus whatever target your main is engaging (for a total of three targets) in a single attack.

Furthermore, mouse buttons 4 and 5 have a Shift and Ctrl key modifier for Fire Teams # 1 and # 2, respectively. Shift + the mouse button gives you an AOE heal at the Fire-Teams' location (knockback if your DCs have Divinity mode on or a CW is in that team). Ctrl + the mouse button give your Fire Team an AOE damage spell at their location. This is useful in the event that ads rush your Fire-teams - which happens alot in Neverwinter. :roll: These actions typically give you enough time and doenough damage to allow Fire-team 3 (all characters) the opportunity to quickly eliminate them.


Now, the part that is important to know is, that Mouse 1, 2 & 3 (Fire-team # 3, aka all party members) have two modes of operation:

- If you click on a target with Mouse 3 it marks it for Fire-Team # 3, which is every character - that way you can burn targets down quickly. And successive attacks following a Mouse 3 click are directed to that target, and the targets of Fire-Team # 1 and Fire-Team # 2 are cleared.

- Clicking on Mouse 3 also enables an auto-targeting mode whereby you do not have to re-target each successive time. Every attack will then be directed to Fire-team # 3's target and you can continue to hold the mouse key to strafe the target without ceasing. This is exactly how it functioned in previous NeverBoxers. For example, I press mouse 3 to mark a target for Fire-Team # 3, and after that just double-click mouse 1 or 2, holding on the second click, to enable auto-targeting and strafing. So, for example, I click mouse 1, then press it again and hold it to continue delivering mouse 1 At-wills to the target (which is what we will use most of the time anyways). Mouse 1 and 2 will continue to fire this way until I press Mouse 4 or Mouse 5 to assign new targets to Fire-teams #1 & #2.

Why do this? 95% of the time you are going to use Fire-Team # 3 (everyone) for focused DPS and CC on mobs. You only need to use the Mouse 4 and Mouse 5 Fire-team functions when you want to split into teams to gain position advantage (ie; ambush, elevated position, etc). So this means that 95% of the time, you will come up to a target, double-click Mouse 1 or Mouse 2, holding on the second click and applying CC's and DPSing the target with the whole group (Fire-Team # 3). The only time you will need to target using Mouse 3 is the first time you enter a zone to attack, or you are finished with your Fire Team #1 and #2 targets (they are dead, or whatever) and want everyone back on the remaining target.

I hope this explains things - the best way is to read this, and then go into a foundry and work it out with your fingers. Practice using the Fire-Teams. use the comma and period keys to position your teams and then draw a mob to you and see what you can do with them. My fav is to put two teams at a distance of about 30-40 and then using Divinity mode Mouse 4 and Mouse 5 (with a DC in each Fire-Team) bounce mobs all around. Loads of fun, I promise. :lol:

Good luck - and if you have suggestions on how to improve the system, I am always open to listening to suggestions.
Last edited by Sylver on Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Sylver


Posts: 388

Joined: Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:02 pm

Post Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:53 am

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

NeverBoxer version 1.1 is up!

Changes include:

- NoDoze's Top Left FPS meter
- BiggCarl's TR, GF, CW & DC attack/heal maps (tyvm)
- Example Chars & Char Set
- Fixed minor typo for Click-Bar name

Make sure to update ISBoxer using Help->About screens on the menu bar as an update has been made that affects NeverBoxer - failure to update could result in your config not working properly.

Please re-read Part 5 of the installation guide as some steps have changed.

Note that binds must be manually loaded for each character due to unknown ISBoxer bug (finding a fix is my top priority).

See Part 7 - NeverBoxer Play-Guide for details on how to use new Fire-Teams & Targeting Features.
- Sylver


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Post Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:52 am

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

Sylver wrote:... let me explain how the system works:

There are 3 Fire-Teams ...

- Clicking on Mouse 3 also enables an auto-targeting mode whereby you do not have to re-target each successive time. Every attack will then be directed to Fire-team # 3's target and you can continue to hold the mouse key to strafe the target without ceasing. This is exactly how it functioned in previous NeverBoxers. For example, I press mouse 3 to mark a target for Fire-Team # 3, and after that just double-click mouse 1 or 2, holding on the second click, to enable auto-targeting and strafing. So, for example, I click mouse 1, then press it again and hold it to continue delivering mouse 1 At-wills to the target (which is what we will use most of the time anyways). Mouse 1 and 2 will continue to fire this way until I press Mouse 4 or Mouse 5 to assign new targets to Fire-teams #1 & #2.

Why do this? 95% of the time you are going to use Fire-Team # 3 (everyone) for focused DPS and CC on mobs. You only need to use the Mouse 4 and Mouse 5 Fire-team functions when you want to split into teams to gain position advantage (ie; ambush, elevated position, etc). So this means that 95% of the time, you will come up to a target, double-click Mouse 1 or Mouse 2, holding on the second click and applying CC's and DPSing the target with the whole group (Fire-Team # 3). The only time you will need to target using Mouse 3 is the first time you enter a zone to attack, or you are finished with your Fire Team #1 and #2 targets (they are dead, or whatever) and want everyone back on the remaining target.

I hope this explains things - the best way is to read this, and then go into a foundry and work it out with your fingers. Practice using the Fire-Teams. ...
Good luck - and if you have suggestions on how to improve the system, I am always open to listening to suggestions.
Sounds like a good system. Thanks for the comprehensive walk-through. From previous posts I had gathered the basics of Mouse 3 for all but it wasn't working for some reason. I did denote that I wasn't holding the second click of Mouse1 or Mouse2 after doing Mouse3. Previously with v1.0 I did go into a Foundry and was doing Mouse3 while targeting a Training Golem and getting that "All" message but only my Foreground window was attacking with no others joining in. After reading the above I just now tried it again but still had no others joining in even after pressing Mouse3 (getting the all message) and double-clicking Mouse1 (or Mouse2) and holding the second click.

Rather than continue to try to debug on v1.0 I will download v1.1 and start over going through the revised steps. Thanks again for all the hard work.

EDIT: After opening v1_1 and looking at the example characters I figured it out when I looked at the Action Group assignments. When doing V1.0 I had added each player to Fire_Team_1 or Fire_Team_2 but didn't assign anyone to Fire_Team_3 as I had understood from earlier posts that was the default & assumed that it was automatic or didn't need a group assignment. That is interesting and I would leave it that way in case you have a character you don't want to attack by default when you engage FT3 for some reason.

I re-reviewed the copy of v1.0 guide I downloaded & I didn't see any reference to assigning FT3 specifically and was going to recommend adding that to the v1.1 guide but I see where you already added a point about this being mandatory in the V1.1 guide:

"Next, in the left lower window pane, look for "Virtual files" and ensure that all of the virtual files found in the lower right pane are highlighted blue (selected).

Additionally, make sure that each character is added as a member of Fire-Team #3. This is important for coordinating attacks using NeverBoxer's targeting and combat system. "

Good job. I suspect I can now easily fix my v1.0 deployment but I hope to keep on trucking on v1.1.

All of this is good news. Got to take a break to go get The Good News (we are going to Church) & hopefully I can pick up on this after lunch.


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Post Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:42 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

nodoze wrote:EDIT: After opening v1_1 and looking at the example characters I figured it out when I looked at the Action Group assignments. When doing V1.0 I had added each player to Fire_Team_1 or Fire_Team_2 but didn't assign anyone to Fire_Team_3 as I had understood from earlier posts that was the default & assumed that it was automatic or didn't need a group assignment. That is interesting and I would leave it that way in case you have a character you don't want to attack by default when you engage FT3 for some reason.

Yes, this is by design - you are following 100%. The same line of logic applies where you see me using "classes" in Action Groups instead of simply going with "melee" or "ranged" action groups... If you DON'T want a specific type or specific character to join in on the attack it becomes much easier to include/exclude them from the key map.

I'm still sick and been busy with relatives this weekend AND Traded our two vehicles in on a new CR-V, so its unfortunately left me with less time for NeverBoxer and guide-writing than planned.

Ill get the guide up soonet - it will shed light on alot of new features and how they are used.
- Sylver


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Post Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:27 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

Sylver wrote:
nodoze wrote:EDIT: After opening v1_1 and looking at the example characters I figured it out when I looked at the Action Group assignments. When doing V1.0 I had added each player to Fire_Team_1 or Fire_Team_2 but didn't assign anyone to Fire_Team_3 as I had understood from earlier posts that was the default & assumed that it was automatic or didn't need a group assignment. That is interesting and I would leave it that way in case you have a character you don't want to attack by default when you engage FT3 for some reason.

Yes, this is by design - you are following 100%. The same line of logic applies where you see me using "classes" in Action Groups instead of simply going with "melee" or "ranged" action groups... If you DON'T want a specific type or specific character to join in on the attack it becomes much easier to include/exclude them from the key map.

I'm still sick and been busy with relatives this weekend AND Traded our two vehicles in on a new CR-V, so its unfortunately left me with less time for NeverBoxer and guide-writing than planned.

Ill get the guide up soonet - it will shed light on alot of new features and how they are used.
No worries. Get well, take what time you need and family first.

When you write an application (which NeverBoxer really is) it is hard to anticipate everything someone who didn't write it will need to get the most out of it. The class part was very clear in v1.0 and there were screenshoots in v1.0 with the FT3 assigned along with FT1/2 but just not spelled out/hi-lighted. The least we can do is try to respectfully identify areas we stumbled a little on to help others in the future.

It is a little complex to understand at first but allowing each slot to be tagged by class, fire_team, range/melee, and/or Leader/follower is very powerful and I am very glad you put it in there. I think the majority of people may just do FT3 out of the chute if they are leveling (like I am with my new 5man team) and likely won't really need FT1/FT2 until they get to the 5mans. Folk who have been struggling in 5mans (and for me also eventually) this is just what we needed and putting in Biggcarl's key-maps is great icing on the cake.

It is all good (including the documentation). Very good in fact.


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Post Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:00 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

I am curious how you recommend doing trades between 2 characters in the party in v1.1?

I have the "Gameplay" option to "Double tap to roll/sprint" turned on for all my characters so they move quickly on a double tap. The [ & ] keybinds to change windows now adds a WW to the end such the each time I change windows one of the characters gets a WW sequence and either teleports or streaks forward (leveling CWx2+DCx3). When I change via the Ctrl+Alt+1-5 keys the Alt shuts my trades.

I tried changing the WW to be WS so that it results in a slight move forward and then right back but that also is still closing the trades.

I remember reading that the ww was there to clear out interaction windows and I think that is a great feature but I do need to be able to trade.

If there isn't a better way I will likely turn the ww & ws off on the [ ] method of switching windows as the Alt in the Cntrl-Alt will unavoidably close them...

If you do leave the dual movement keys in to close windows I recommend changing the WW to WS to eliminate the double-tap but still close interaction boxes.

I am curious how you are trading currently & what your thoughts are.


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Post Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:25 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

W S is better than W W - I'll make the change in tonite's update ... gotta fix those example chars anyways.

As for trading, I've experimented with a series of VFX windows and different things. Currently, I use a guild bank account and deposit and take from there as I cycle thru characters to AVOID trading. :lol:

I will likely put trading in for version 1.2, as I have some good ideas...
- Sylver


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Post Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:38 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

Put version 1.1a up:

NeverBoxer version 1.1a- Fixed party leader/follower Action Group typos in example characters. Also fixed Melee Action Group by adding to GF in SLOT1, fixed SLOT inits for example characters 2 & 3. Changed movement keystrokes from W W to W S on window change key map to prevent accidental trigger of avoidance actions/powers.

Make sure to update ISBoxer using Help->About screens on the menu bar as an update has been made that affects NeverBoxer - failure to update could result in your config not working properly.
Please re-read Part 5 of the installation guide as some steps have changed. Note that binds must be manually loaded for each character due to unknown ISBoxer bug (finding a fix is my top priority). See Part 7 - NeverBoxer Play-Guide for details on how to use new Fire-Teams & Targeting Features.
- Sylver


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Post Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:38 pm

Re: DOWNLOAD/GUIDE: Parts 1-3 NeverBoxer v1.0 for ISBoxer & NWO

Sylver wrote:W S is better than W W - I'll make the change in tonite's update ... gotta fix those example chars anyways.

As for trading, I've experimented with a series of VFX windows and different things. Currently, I use a guild bank account and deposit and take from there as I cycle thru characters to AVOID trading. :lol:

I will likely put trading in for version 1.2, as I have some good ideas...

why not turn off keymaps? i jsut click the key map thing off and then trade
Multiboxing: (Mul-ti-box-ing)1.physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance, and unable to stop taking it without incurring adverse effects.

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