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Random Camera/click freezing

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Fri May 17, 2013 7:44 pm

Random Camera/click freezing

Randomly one of my windows will freeze in an odd way. I will be able to use keybinds but the camera freezes and I can't mouse click on anything. It seems purely mouse based. I can't find a solution to this and its happening much more frequently (every five minutes or so). Even when I first start up my 5box. I have to force quit the particular screen that froze and restart it. That normally wouldn't be a problem if Neverwinters instance mechanics wern't so retarded forcing me to wait 2 minutes to change instances to the rest of my party and also launching me to the start of a zone. I originally thought that it was because I was swapping windows so fast handing in quests etc...but i have determined it is random. If anyone could help me you would be my hero this is making my 5 boxing completely unfeasible. (this is my second set of level 60 5 boxes..it never happened much my first time around)


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Post Fri May 17, 2013 7:50 pm

Re: Random Camera/click freezing

Lax, I asked djein to create a new thread on this to take it out of our other thread to keep it from getting locked for having too many topics in one thread ;-).

Anyway, this is happening to multiple ISBoxer users and I think it is an ISBoxer issue. I game with 6 others in my guild (who are not multi-boxers) and none of them have this issue.

I also have this issue but for me "restarting" my group from the Innerspace tray icon fixes it. It seems to reset all the windows and free up the locked one (at least as of the last weekends I was playing).


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Post Fri May 17, 2013 8:17 pm

Re: Random Camera/click freezing

When you are getting these crashes, do you have an active Keybind for the mouse clicks (say for the At Will abilities)?
I noticed things get all weird when you have the mouse clicks always sent to the slaves which is why I have a toggle for them.

Also, have you tried creating a single character team and running that single character from ISBoxer and see if that still gets the problem?


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Post Fri May 17, 2013 8:19 pm

Re: Random Camera/click freezing

Reloading the windows doesn't fix it for me. And it seems to primarily focus on the main window I use to play (A1) In the last hour I've had to force crash this window 4 times.


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Post Sat May 18, 2013 12:13 pm

Re: Random Camera/click freezing

I logged into the ISboxer chat to make sure Lax had seen this thread (lots of threads across all the Forums). He is aware of and trying to replicate:

[11:54] <nodoze> Lax, Our forum community of Neverwinter ISBoxers is pretty active. A possible bug is hitting multiple people. Can you look over the tread and share any ideas?: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=4020
[11:55] <~Lax> yeah i've been keeping an eye on it, and was testing the game myself a bit over the last couple days
[11:55] <~Lax> i'll work with it some more and see if i can reproduce the issue


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Post Sat May 18, 2013 12:22 pm

Re: Random Camera/click freezing

Copied over from the 'Simple Target Char' thread to keep all the responses in one place:
propagandalf wrote:
djein wrote:Anyone have a problem where they swap to a screen and can't click anything or move your camera and the only solution is to quit that slot and reload it? (oddly enough when you go into cursor mode(alt) you can move the mouse..but still can't actually click anything)

Fri May 17, 2013 9:28 am: Yes, I ran into that exact problem yesterday for the first time. I had to force quit externally, since you can't logout or exit ingame.

To summarize, at least the following have seen this possible bug:
- djein;
- propagandalf;
- nodoze;

I am focusing on trying out the profiles others posted and hopefully will get some actual game time after I study them. Will try to report back if I see this again (this is my first time getting on the game since last weekend except for a brief time on Tuesday helping guild mates).


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Post Sat May 18, 2013 10:10 pm

Re: Random Camera/click freezing

Repeated confirmation that the window I am primarily playing in is most affected. I tried shifting to the second window as my primary and that soon locks up in the same manner. Mouse movement works, key presses work but clicking anything with mouse is unresponsive as well as camera rotation unresponsive.

Thanks for your time looking into this <3


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Post Sun May 19, 2013 12:29 am

Re: Random Camera/click freezing

this happens to me here and there it just locks up turn off maps and still cant even click to leave game have to force quit and restart and it goes away till the next time =P ;)


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Post Sun May 19, 2013 12:55 pm

Re: Random Camera/click freezing

I am not sure if this is related so maybe I should start a new thread on it. It doesn't seem as severe as an entire freeze needing a force start.

Anyway, while running my duo with Assist and passing mouse clicks I noticed the following quite a bit yesterday:

- In both the Foreground & Background window, the mouse driven 'at-will' abilities would not fire (like I wasn't able to click at all). Shifting between windows maybe rarely fixed it or maybe it just started working by the time I switched over.

It seemed to happen most often on the background window (my healer's window) like 50% of the time and happened on my foreground window maybe 10% of the time.

The work-around that I used most of the time to get them working again was typically to switch to the affected window & press the alt key (greying out the screen) and then back and confirming the mouse was working again (sometimes had to do that multiple times).

Occasionally I toggled off & on the passthrough of the mouse clicks and that may have helped as well.

The good news is that I never had to close a game client all the way & restart or even logout/login but none the less it was very disconcerting. I could detect it was happening in the Background/healer/cleric window when it it stopped showing red text when I clicked on the mouse to trigger the at will abilities (the red text was because the background/healer/cleric has the foreground/tank/guardian targeted and the at-will are designed for the enemies). This was most painful especially in combat when it happened on my Foreground tank window as he would just sit there doing nothing except maybe blocking while waiting for his q/e/r cool-downs to finish... The healer wasn't a big deal as I never had assist anyway until yesterday and the q/e heals always seem to work.

It bites to have to press alt in combat and stop blocking and everything and watching all the enemies wail on you while waiting for it to switch out of alt and start working again but I guess that is much less pain than losing everything and having to force quit or kill the game client & restart the game...


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Post Wed May 22, 2013 5:46 am

Re: Random Camera/click freezing


Sometimes no-news is good news and I haven't heard anyone complain about this since this weekend. I want to make sure this is still an issue as we don't want Lax or anyone wasting time trying to replicate something that has gone away.

Can you all confirm whether you are still having this 'Random Camera/click freezing' issue and how often it is occurring (whether the frequency has decreased, increased, or remained the same)?


Yesterday I got a good amount of play time and did not notice any freezes of my mouse actions. I am not sure what change(es) may have been introduced (I auto download development ISBoxer updates, the game patched, windows has patched, & I have been regularly changing my ISboxer keybinds...). My locks were not as severe as I could get my mouse clicks working again by pressing Alt in game and getting a greyed out game screen and then going back.

Also, I can confirm that the RENDERING bug with ISBoxer's in-game GUI (e.g. FPS indicator, ISBoxer Control Panel, Menus like the Toggles buttons, etc) being cut off appears fixed on my end (I am on Inner Space build 5843).

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