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BETA VERSION: NeverBoxer - ISBoxer Config for Neverwinter

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Post Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:47 pm

Re: DOWNLOADABLE: Never Boxer - ISBoxer Config for Neverwinter

Sylver wrote:
zandokan wrote:Ok this is the list of the things I modified on my to work better with my setup or preference.
Key maps, Combat: I failed at making a Port Out option with Shift+S.
Non combat, 0,6, 7,8 and 9 broadcast to everyone. Like I said before these are things that I rather press 1 button instead of shift.
The ` for scatter I made it the other way around since when I use it I need to have my shield up so to scatter Shift ` and to come `.
ESC I broadcast, since so far I haven't seen anything that would screw me up.Is nice when you are questing and you want everyone to leave the NPC screen and there is no option for it.
I added 4 personal heals, and thats it.

Thanks for the inputs... I'm definitely going to add "Shift+ESC" to broadcast that key like you said - very useful!

I'm thinking I should leave "7, 8 9, -, + and Backspace" open for everyone. I know you use them and I'm sure alot of others do too.

I might move Invocation and Mass Invocation to another spot... the default Ctrl+I doesn't work well for some reason. I know you use them and I'm sure alot of others do too.

I'll invert scatter like you said - for shield users that makes sense...

Where do you have your heals bound to? I haven't gotten around to doing heals yet because I'm working on the trade-windows at the moment. Maybe I can use yours as an example. :)

Well I have them set up to NUM4,NUM5 and NUM6, and a Oh shit button for Divine Armor on Z, I have a mouse that has Num so is ez for me.
And an example of one of the buttons is setup like this:


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Post Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:15 pm

Re: DOWNLOADABLE: Never Boxer - ISBoxer Config for Neverwinter

Sylver wrote:
lax wrote:I have to recommend not distributing ISBoxerToolkitGlobalSettings.XML. I understand you're doing it because of the image files, and I'll see what I can do about that... (though they can just use the Quick Setup Wizard after installing your profile)

... but the paths stored in the file are not guaranteed to be the same as on someone else's computer either. And if someone already had a profile, maybe they had other images and other settings in this file and they will lose those

Lax, if I omit the file, will ISBoxer look in the Innerspace folder by default and find the images there? Since I'm looking at adding alot of graphics, menus, etc in the near future, what will be the best mechanism for me to deliver them with?

Bumping this in hopes Lax reads...
- Sylver


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Post Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:58 pm

Re: DOWNLOADABLE: Never Boxer - ISBoxer Config for Neverwinter

zilch wrote:working well for me on my laptop... not a bad laptop (ALIENWARE) - but still doesnt hold a candle to my gaming rig....

im still encountering a problem though.. and i think it is related to the binds... inside of the Neverwinter\Live folder, i see all the isboxer-....binds.txt files for each one of my characters, and inside each there is no data... the times that the files were created coincide with me LAUNCHING my char sets... i did insert the /bind_load_file in the startup...

any ideas to point me in the right direction here?

also can sum1 post what the binds. file that is created should look like?


Lax gave a good video on the binds files and some are supposed to be blank. I would watch the video if you haven't already and let us know if that answers your questions:



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Post Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:18 pm

Re: DOWNLOADABLE: Never Boxer - ISBoxer Config for Neverwinter

Note: brought this over from the Healing Macro thread to here so it maybe can be added to NeverBoxer...
Sylver wrote:
zandokan wrote:Ok I tried it in Cragmire Crypts today and I helped me a ton is way better than it was. I just need to figure out how to get a VFX from my healer abilities in my main window I dont want the whole thing.

Look at Part 5 of the NeverBoxer guide - you can prob rip the examples verbatim out of the post, just adjust the coordinates and VFX size to where your healing bar is.

I haven't been running Epics yet but my my guild-mates have and when discussing party composition it been pretty clear that having at least one healer is mandatory and one GF is mandatory. I am interested in seeing if you can complete Epics with 1DC + 4 CWs but wanted to give you a heads up that the guys scoffed at the idea of not having a GF (even if we weren't boxing). I remember seeing a DC Hybrid Tanking build in the Forums and if I come across it again I will PM it for you.

Anyway, I think that a GF in the main window blocking & mitigating damage with at least one DC in the second window (with the others doing DPS or maybe one more heals) will likely be the most standard if not optimal setup.

You may want to consider adding that to your config at some point. I created my own DXNothing windows and VFX windows for SWtor and can likely figure it out again but it would likely be a common request from users (both Zanokan & I would both need/want that).

My idea was to VFX in the Cleric's Divine Meter from the second window to be next to the GF's Guard Meter (slightly to the Left). You could also bring in the DC's health bar and encounter abilities if you want but personally I can keep those cool-downs and counters in my head. If I were to VFX in the DC's Encounter Powers and Health bar I would put them right under the GF''s over the XP bar (and move the GF's up slightly) or put them to the left of the GF's...

Anyway, just some thoughts...


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Post Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:14 pm

Re: DOWNLOADABLE: Never Boxer - ISBoxer Config for Neverwinter

Sorry bud I tried to follow your steps on how to make a source and a viewer for VFX but I couldn't figure it out. I went to the source which is my second monitor when I keep my healer and I used a tool from AutoHotKey spy, that let me know where was my mouse positioned at and the top let of it was 893,1103 and the top right bottom was 1031, 1184. What can I do with that info I know I will also need where to put it in the main screen but I jump to that later maybe if you tell me how to do the source I'll know how to do the viewer.


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Post Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:44 pm

Re: DOWNLOADABLE: Never Boxer - ISBoxer Config for Neverwinter

zandokan wrote:Sorry bud I tried to follow your steps on how to make a source and a viewer for VFX but I couldn't figure it out. I went to the source which is my second monitor when I keep my healer and I used a tool from AutoHotKey spy, that let me know where was my mouse positioned at and the top let of it was 893,1103 and the top right bottom was 1031, 1184. What can I do with that info I know I will also need where to put it in the main screen but I jump to that later maybe if you tell me how to do the source I'll know how to do the viewer.
The following threads helped me figure out how to source in particular sections of other windows into some pretty snazzy layouts. Unfortunately it has been years so I don't remember the exact steps but I am hoping it is like riding a bike. If you want to learn it yourself I would review the following threads:


http://www.dual-boxing.com/threads/4608 ... -of-follow

If you can get it working maybe you can share it back to Sylver. If either of you don't then maybe I will one day but for now I need to get back to my work...


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Post Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:30 pm

Re: DOWNLOADABLE: Never Boxer - ISBoxer Config for Neverwinter

nodoze wrote:Note: brought this over from the Healing Macro thread to here so it maybe can be added to NeverBoxer...
Sylver wrote:
zandokan wrote:Ok I tried it in Cragmire Crypts today and I helped me a ton is way better than it was. I just need to figure out how to get a VFX from my healer abilities in my main window I dont want the whole thing.

Look at Part 5 of the NeverBoxer guide - you can prob rip the examples verbatim out of the post, just adjust the coordinates and VFX size to where your healing bar is.

I haven't been running Epics yet but my my guild-mates have and when discussing party composition it been pretty clear that having at least one healer is mandatory and one GF is mandatory. I am interested in seeing if you can complete Epics with 1DC + 4 CWs but wanted to give you a heads up that the guys scoffed at the idea of not having a GF (even if we weren't boxing). I remember seeing a DC Hybrid Tanking build in the Forums and if I come across it again I will PM it for you.

Anyway, I think that a GF in the main window blocking & mitigating damage with at least one DC in the second window (with the others doing DPS or maybe one more heals) will likely be the most standard if not optimal setup.

You may want to consider adding that to your config at some point. I created my own DXNothing windows and VFX windows for SWtor and can likely figure it out again but it would likely be a common request from users (both Zanokan & I would both need/want that).

My idea was to VFX in the Cleric's Divine Meter from the second window to be next to the GF's Guard Meter (slightly to the Left). You could also bring in the DC's health bar and encounter abilities if you want but personally I can keep those cool-downs and counters in my head. If I were to VFX in the DC's Encounter Powers and Health bar I would put them right under the GF''s over the XP bar (and move the GF's up slightly) or put them to the left of the GF's...

Anyway, just some thoughts...

I can make something up over the weekend, hopefully. Just finishing up line formation tonight, maybe trade windows if the baby actually sleeps tonight as well. Ill definitely add to my to-do list :)
- Sylver


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Post Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:14 pm

Re: DOWNLOADABLE: Never Boxer - ISBoxer Config for Neverwinter


Regarding this part of the instructions:
Step 2 – ISboxer setup
ISBoxer must be properly installed and you should be familiar with:

•The Quick Setup Wizard (http://isboxer.com/wiki/Quick_Setup_Wizard)
•The CPU Strategy selection (http://isboxer.com/wiki/Quick_Setup_Wizard)
•The Control Styles of ISBoxer (http://isboxer.com/wiki/Quick_Setup_Wizard)
•The WIndow Layout Selection (http://isboxer.com/wiki/Window_Layout)
•Character Sets (http://isboxer.com/wiki/Character_Sets)

It is recommended that you use the MMO Standard Control Style for setting up your ISBoxer configuration. It is MANDATORY that you use the "Stacked" 5-screen mode.

It is important that as you go thru the ISBoxer quick setup wizards that you click the little check-box for "per Character targeting macros instead" that sets you up to use the Cryptic Helper macros (see below):


Step 2.1 - Download the NeverBoxer .ZIP archive located at the beginning of the Guide. Extract all files into your ISboxer directory, which is located by default at: C:\Program Files (x86)\InnerSpace
I am familiar with all of those wizards & setups but not sure which, if any, of them I should run to be off to the races with NeverBoxer.

I saved my previous config and cleared everything and then the first thing I did was import your NeverBoxer_v_0_8.xml file to take a look at it (I also did this with v_0_6 a few days back).

My setup is a 1920x1080 laptop with an external 1920x1200 monitor so I figure I likely at least need to run the 'Window Layout Wizard' have the windows open in "Stacked" 5-screen mode on my second monitor.

Can I just rename Character1Name ... Character5Name to be my character names or do I need to actually run the other wizards ?

If I do need to run anything in addition to the 'Window Layout Wizard' please let me know which one(s) ?

I am not trying to be dense but frankly not sure how to proceed.


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Post Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:40 am

Re: DOWNLOADABLE: Never Boxer - ISBoxer Config for Neverwinter

nodoze wrote:Sylver,

Regarding this part of the instructions:
Step 2 – ISboxer setup
ISBoxer must be properly installed and you should be familiar with:

•The Quick Setup Wizard (http://isboxer.com/wiki/Quick_Setup_Wizard)
•The CPU Strategy selection (http://isboxer.com/wiki/Quick_Setup_Wizard)
•The Control Styles of ISBoxer (http://isboxer.com/wiki/Quick_Setup_Wizard)
•The WIndow Layout Selection (http://isboxer.com/wiki/Window_Layout)
•Character Sets (http://isboxer.com/wiki/Character_Sets)

It is recommended that you use the MMO Standard Control Style for setting up your ISBoxer configuration. It is MANDATORY that you use the "Stacked" 5-screen mode.

It is important that as you go thru the ISBoxer quick setup wizards that you click the little check-box for "per Character targeting macros instead" that sets you up to use the Cryptic Helper macros (see below):


Step 2.1 - Download the NeverBoxer .ZIP archive located at the beginning of the Guide. Extract all files into your ISboxer directory, which is located by default at: C:\Program Files (x86)\InnerSpace
I am familiar with all of those wizards & setups but not sure which, if any, of them I should run to be off to the races with NeverBoxer.

I saved my previous config and cleared everything and then the first thing I did was import your NeverBoxer_v_0_8.xml file to take a look at it (I also did this with v_0_6 a few days back).

My setup is a 1920x1080 laptop with an external 1920x1200 monitor so I figure I likely at least need to run the 'Window Layout Wizard' have the windows open in "Stacked" 5-screen mode on my second monitor.

Can I just rename Character1Name ... Character5Name to be my character names or do I need to actually run the other wizards ?

If I do need to run anything in addition to the 'Window Layout Wizard' please let me know which one(s) ?

I am not trying to be dense but frankly not sure how to proceed.

You can go thru all the wizards or you can just change the character names, both work. The guide is meant to help someone starting from scratch...

It is important, that you explicitly do these steps:

- It is MANDATORY that you use the "Stacked" 5-screen mode.

- It is important that as you go thru the ISBoxer quick setup wizards that you click the little check-box for "per Character targeting macros instead" that sets you up to use the Cryptic Helper macros

If you don't do the first, you're going to end up with VFX screens that don't match what I have put together - it doesn't mean it won't work, it just looks different and in fact, some people here are using their own custom screen setups. But that's all on them and I wish them the best of luck. =)

The per Character Targeting Macros are vital because they are used in generating the binds files from ISBoxer/Innerspace. If you skip that step your binds will be all messed up (look in this thread for examples of that).

My best advice is to follow the guide as written because it will get you to the end with the fewest problems - you can always tweak and change things later to your hearts content. :D

Good luck and we're all here in case you get stuck and have questions!
- Sylver


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Post Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:36 am

Re: DOWNLOADABLE: Never Boxer - ISBoxer Config for Neverwinter

Trying to take NeverBoxer as is and get It up on my machine with as is with as little changes as possible...

With my DUO (GF+DC) I was able to launch it but the VFX windows aren't coming up and I can't do much if I can't see the slave background window for my DC.

With my 2 monitor config (I had run the ISBoxer 'Window Layout Wizard' to put the windows on monitor2) I wasn't seeing any VFX windows so after trying multiple things I shut everything down & started over from scratch... In Microsoft-Windows I reset my displays to disable Display-Monitor 1 (native Laptop 1920x1080 display) & only show Microsoft-Windows on the 1920x1200 Display-Monitor2.

I then cleared all ISBoxer configs and re-loaded the original clean NeverBoxer_v_0_8.xml.

The only changes I made for my Duo thus far are as follows:
- Changed the Character1Name & Character2Name to match my character_names@account_names;
- Changed each Actual_Character_name for Character1Name & Character2Name to match my character_names;
- Left Character2Name, Character4Name, & Character5Name alone;
- Inserted "/bind_load_file isboxer-binds.txt" into the launcher "Advanced Command Line" text box.
- Did the clear & unbind_all commands before launching to make sure everything was clean.

When I launch them I am still getting no VFX windows so I am stumped at this point. One thing I thought of was that maybe only having 2 total windows for my DUO is causing a problem for the VFX due to it expecting to be sourcing in 4 windows. I read though the whole thread again to see if others reported this exact scenario & it looked like Sylver and others were running less than 5 clients with no issues... I saw where Sylver said he only ran 2-3 extra windows on his laptop at times but wasn't sure if he or anyone had successfully tried only 2 windows total (1 foreground & only one background).

I am stuck at this point. I don't think I can effectively test further nor play if I can't see the other screens.

Any other help/ideas would be appreciated.

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