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Neverboxer - Invite works, follow and everything else does n

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:30 am

Re: Neverboxer - Invite works, follow and everything else does n

Ok, a few more things to add...

Don't worrt about deleting the SLOT 4 and SLOT 5 - as you mentioned they get automatically added and don't break anything (they just don't do anything either).

The only place isboxer-binds.txt should appear is in the config of the launcher; you don't need to manually type that in anywhere.


The only binds that you will manually load are the "isboxer-charactersetname-charactername@accountname-binds.txt"; one for each respective character in the character set.

I do recommend using an /unbind_all before binding as Neverwinter sometimes gumms up the binds and causes a mess of things. :roll:

I'm checking this from a mobile hotspot, but later when I get back to a PC I'll check out your config file again.

Try those changes and let me know if you get any further down the road...
- Sylver


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Post Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:14 am

Re: Neverboxer - Invite works, follow and everything else does n

balfhedii wrote:I feel like I'm writing a lab report but hopefully that's all the info you would need.

Welcome to the Neverwinter multi-boxing world, where nothing is as easy as it should be. But don't worry, we'll get this worked out. ;)
- Sylver


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Post Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:54 am

Re: Neverboxer - Invite works, follow and everything else does n

Yes I removed that line from the launcher because I was told by Lax that it may cause issues. So I added it back in and then /unbind_all on each character, then reloaded the team and nothing worked. Even though the command is in the launcher, the bind dump for each character creates a blank file.

Next I /bind_load_file isboxer-binds.txt on each character and tried inviting, but now I'm getting a "Player not found" error on both SLOT 2 and 3, like I was earlier for SLOT 3. Invoke works on each character when I CTRL+END from SLOT 1 but nothing involving their names. Now when I dump the binds it looks normal. The names appear to be correct so no idea why the invites aren't working. Strangely enough, when I manually invited SLOT 2 then pressed "V", he followed me but did nothing in combat, just stood there. When I switched to SLOT 2 and pressed "V", nothing happened, and that broke follow when I switched back to SLOT 1. This is before I've /bind_load_file isboxer-3man-Rotand@tfabalfhedii-binds.txt for each character.

Once I did that, nothing changed.


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Post Fri Sep 20, 2013 3:40 pm

Re: Neverboxer - Invite works, follow and everything else does n

balfhedii wrote:Yes I removed that line from the launcher because I was told by Lax that it may cause issues. So I added it back in and then /unbind_all on each character, then reloaded the team and nothing worked. Even though the command is in the launcher, the bind dump for each character creates a blank file.

Next I /bind_load_file isboxer-binds.txt on each character and tried inviting, but now I'm getting a "Player not found" error on both SLOT 2 and 3, like I was earlier for SLOT 3. Invoke works on each character when I CTRL+END from SLOT 1 but nothing involving their names. Now when I dump the binds it looks normal. The names appear to be correct so no idea why the invites aren't working. Strangely enough, when I manually invited SLOT 2 then pressed "V", he followed me but did nothing in combat, just stood there. When I switched to SLOT 2 and pressed "V", nothing happened, and that broke follow when I switched back to SLOT 1. This is before I've /bind_load_file isboxer-3man-Rotand@tfabalfhedii-binds.txt for each character.

Once I did that, nothing changed.

Ok, just to clarify again - there's no reason/need to load the is-boxer-binds.txt file. Other than it being in the launcher options, there's no requirement for it... Lax is correct that it may cause issues because it doesnt always work (it does for me though).

You may try putting a diferent character with a single name in place of the on with a two-part name. I've heard that it can cause problems, and other people have managed to get it to work with two-part names. All of my toons have one word names and I've avoided potential issues that way.

See if that makes a difference for you.
- Sylver


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Post Fri Sep 20, 2013 3:54 pm

Re: Neverboxer - Invite works, follow and everything else does n

balfhedii wrote:Okay it's hard to keep up with all these things that are happening and what I'm changing to make them happen but here goes:

First off only the first name before the @ is in Actual Character name (if different), and I changed the characters' names in the top left to add the @____. Either I'm crazy or you edited your post, but anyway the first thing I did was delete the SLOT 4 and SLOT 5 part of binds.txt and after launching the team 1. Invite no longer worked for SLOT 3 ONLY and 2. Follow worked for SLOT 2 ONLY but not combat. SLOT 2 would follow me and then once I started auto attacking he'd just stand there. I have my SLOT 2 and 3 in Fire Group 1 and all 3 slots in Fire Group 3 (I was told that's the "attack what the leader is attacking" group).

This is exactly what was happening earlier - one of the 2 slots would follow and for some reason it's now giving me the "cannot find player, try using @handle, etc." error when trying to invite SLOT 3. It's just "Coda@balfhedii" no spaces or anything.

I also tried deleting the SLOT 4 and SLOT 5 parts from the characters' specific binds but every time I export to Inner Space they get overwritten. And obviously when I changed the character names to include the @_____ in ISBoxer it created three corresponding character bind .txts.

I'm about to go through the process and narrate as I go:

Launch team, log in to each of the three accounts
Mass invite - SLOT 2 gets it, I get an Error Inviting player (not found) for SLOT 3
SHIFT + END to invoke - all three slots try to invoke (WTF?)
/unbind_all on each slot, try inviting/invoking, nothing works (as expected)
/bind_load_file isboxer-binds.txt on each, try inviting/invoking, same as before - SLOT 2 gets the invite, all 3 can invoke - FOLLOW does NOT work for any slot
/bind_load_file isboxer-3man-Rotand@tfabalfhedii-binds.txt, etc. for each slot - NO CHANGE

Here's my version of the screen shot you posted:

Current ISBoxer cfg: pastelink.me/dl/e1c2ca#sthash.CDCGCO8N.dpuf

I feel like I'm writing a lab report but hopefully that's all the info you would need.

Ok, downloaded your config file and all 3 characternames are messed. Now they all are named "Character1Account, Character2Account, Character3Account". This looks nothing like the screenshot you posted, which is confusing. I see you did put the single first name in the Actual name block, which is correct, but the full name XXX@YYYYYY also needs to be there otherwise nothing will work. Again, just like this (from the setup guide):




I also noticed that under the virtual files section, that /Software/Cryptic/Cryptic Launcher and GamesPrefs.pref both have the wrong filenames attached to them (look at the bottom right pane when you click on each of those two and you will see what I mean). One of them is even pointing to: "Software/Cryptic/Cryptic Launcher-Character8ActualName/" which leaves me scratching my head of how in the heck did you even get that LOL? :D Neverwinter doesn't even have 8 character parties...

Which leads me to the question of whether or not you started from a completely clean slate or have an 8 character set from another game loaded somewhere?

And if that's the case, then you'd probably be better off starting by creating completely new characters and a new character set (no other chars or char sets from other games plz) and starting from scratch following the guide explicitly. That also means to get rid of all those bind files floating around in your Neverwinter folder too. I suspect you have a spaghetti pile of differet files, characters and character sets that are making this alot more difficult than it already is (which is already difficult ;) ).
- Sylver


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Post Fri Sep 20, 2013 5:39 pm

Re: Neverboxer - Invite works, follow and everything else does n

Okay check out this ISBoxer cfg: pastelink.me/dl/24e693#sthash.CAKpOWgG.dpuf
It's COMPLETELY FRESH after I followed your instructions again. I haven't even loaded the team yet but I'm about to try and will post back. Just wanted to go ahead and provide the configuration after I follow your instructions word for word and before I manage to mess anything up.

Okay tried all the usual tests and same stuff happening yet again. SLOT 2 gets the invite, all 3 invoke, etc. Here's the bindsdump SLOT 1:

F7 "Follow"
F8 "HardTargetLock 1$$Assist"
F9 "HardTargetLock 1"
F10 "SetFollow 0"
F11 "HardTargetLock 0"
F12 "HardTargetLock 1$$TargetCursor"
F13 "invite Purist Thunderwrath$$invite Coda"
F14 "Team_kick Purist Thunderwrath$$Team_kick Coda"
F15 "Follow$$FollowUntilInCombatOrInRange 25"
Shift+printscreen "screenshot_ui_jpg"
Home "gfxSetDefaultFOV 55"
Pageup "gfxSetDefaultFOV 40"
Pagedown "gfxSetDefaultFOV 75"
6 "HardTargetLock 1$$Target Rotand"
7 "HardTargetLock 1$$Target Purist Thunderwrath"
8 "HardTargetLock 1$$Target Coda"
9 "HardTargetLock 1$$Target {SLOT4}"
0 "HardTargetLock 1$$Target {SLOT5}"
End "Invoke"
Insert "+InventoryExec Mounts 0"
Scroll "renderScale 1"
Pause "renderScale .33"
Shift+' "Adjustcampitch 120"
' "Adjustcampitch -60"
Control+delete "unbind_all$$bind_load_file isboxer-3man-Rotand-binds.txt"

Why the hell isn't SLOT 3 getting the invite, and of course WTF IS WRONG WITH EVERYTHING ELSE? :x
It's just that I've done this so many times I just can't figure out what's going wrong. Thanks a lot for your continued support though, Sylver.


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Post Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:26 pm

Re: Neverboxer - Invite works, follow and everything else does n

Before we go any further, for testing purposes only, can you please create (or use another existing) another character with a single-word name instead of "Purist Thunderwrath"? I'm wondering if the long, separated name is causing problems here. I'm thinking SLOT3 isn't getting the invite because it's not making it past the second character's (long, separated) name....

Also, did you export this config without character names? I ask because I am seeing a mix of "Character1Account", "Character1Account" and "Character1Account" with your character names "Rotand, Purist Thunderwrath and Coda". If you didn't then there's a problem to fix as well...
- Sylver


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Post Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:43 pm

Re: Neverboxer - Invite works, follow and everything else does n

Okay just to make things as simple as possible I reloaded your NeverBoxer XML and instead of making new characters, etc. and going through the process I just deleted the slots I wouldn't be using and renamed Char1 and Char2 to Rotand and Coda. I made sure the virtual files were pointing to the correct thing too. So I loaded my 2man (without the character with the long two-part name) and invite doesn't work. I'm getting the player not found error that I've been getting. What's strange however, is when I invite manually and press SHIFT + INSERT again, it says "Coda is already in a party" and SHIFT + END disbands successfully (Kicks Coda from the party). The only thing that changed was that I made the party manually first.

F13 "invite Coda@balfhedii"
F14 "Team_kick Coda@balfhedii"

That's definitely the name/@handle that I see in game when I press O. Since "Coda" is the one who's been giving me trouble lately (not the long 2-part name one) I'm about to do the same thing with that one instead of Coda - try to make a 2 man team and see what happens. Follow does not work. Give me a couple of minutes and I'll report back with the Rotand/Purist Thunderwrath team.

One question though - I know the virual files should point to :
Software/Cryptic/Cryptic Launcher-Rotand@tfabalfhedii/ but are the Gameprefs.Pref

EDIT: Okay Invites seem to be working now without me having to invite manually first. Still no follow or anything though. Also what's up with binds.txt? Not isboxer-binds.txt or the character specific ones but just binds.txt? When I was clearing out all those files I deleted binds.txt by mistake, then I remade it copying one of the characters' then I renamed it to bindssss.txt just to see if it was actually needed and I don't think it changed anything.

Gameprefs-Rotand.Pref or Gameprefs-Rotand@tfabalfhedii.Pref?


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Post Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:04 pm

Re: Neverboxer - Invite works, follow and everything else does n

Okay I simply changed out Coda for Purist Thunderwrath and same exact results. Follow but nothing else. I just can't help but notice that the only commands that work are the ones I can see right in front of me in the character's specific binds file. F7 follows (not V though), 6 HardTargetLocks, END invokes. I just don't get why the rest of the stuff doesn't. I'd be willing to bet if I downloaded NeverBoxer, loaded the fresh one in, and renamed 3 of the 5 you provided already, I'd be in the same situation except with 3 slots instead of 2. BTW, in the Characters section of ISBoxer, there shouldn't be anything selected in the Key Maps section, right? Just in the Character Set section?


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Post Sat Sep 21, 2013 4:17 pm

Re: Neverboxer - Invite works, follow and everything else does n

Okay I feel that I'm getting very close to coming to a workable solution. I don't know what it is but the complete form of NeverBoxer just isn't working with me so I've come to the compromise of using Norrin's GF/DC 2man set-up as a base and adding my CW (SLOT 3) to it. I've also copy/pasted a few things from NeverBoxer such as party invite, mass invocate, NPC interact, etc. as well as a couple of combat maps that would apply to my team. Still kind of hit and miss - a few minutes ago I had "Follow Me" working with "v" but no combat, then I just had SLOT 3 (CW) following AND fighting with SLOT 1 (GF). For whatever reason SLOT 2 (DC) just wasn't reacting to anything except for party invite, invoke, etc. I'm gonna give it a few more tweaks on my own then maybe you could take a look at the (much simpler) configuration.

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