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NW Macro commands sorted master list

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 61

Joined: Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:01 am

Post Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:01 am

NW Macro commands sorted master list

And holy crap are there a lot of them. Over 500 to be precise. Some of them are rather interesting and could help out with neverboxer should they work which remains to be seen.

Here they are in csv format:
macro commands.zip
csv format
(9.64 KiB) Downloaded 699 times

And as a ODF spreadsheet with tabs etc:
macro commands-odf.zip
(24.02 KiB) Downloaded 708 times

Wont bother trying to post them in the actual forum as there are heaps.

Don't know if they all work. Don't know how long they will last before being nuked. Don't know if anybody cares. :)

Don't know much really!


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Post Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:08 pm

Re: NW Macro commands sorted master list

Interesting commands and side effects:

  • Team_SetDefaultLootMode {String}/Team_SetDefaultLootModeQuality {String} - Params for loot mode: freeforall, roundrobin, needorgreed, masterlooter or (the hidden one) count (don't know the quality ones!)
  • setGameCamYaw {float} - sets the absolute yaw. 0 is flat.
  • Adjustcampitch {float} adjusts the camera ptich relative to the current angle. Setting 120 (max+) and then -60 will set a good angle.
  • I will be adding both the above to to my focus commands so all chars are left with a perfect camera angle.
  • ...TBC

Movement/Team formation:
Could be could for boxing obfuscation
  • Action commands Forward/left/right/turnright/etc (param 1) make the char make that movement until set to 0.
  • Follow_cancel, follow_resume - reacquire last follow target
  • Followuntilcombatorinrange <float> - with the param being the range. Will stop following once in this range. (e.g. if set to 10 will keep following as you don't get that close unless the followed backtracks)
  • ...TBC
Last edited by mrmagoo on Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:05 am, edited 4 times in total.


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Post Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:31 pm

Re: NW Macro commands sorted master list

mrmagoo wrote:[*]Followuntilcombatorinrange <float> - with the param being the range. Will stop following once in this range. (e.g. if set to 10 will keep following as you don't get that close unless the followed backtracks)

This command is already used in NeverBoxer "Follow at Range" (Shift + C). Works well when you want the party to hold back while advancing front-line melee.
- Sylver


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Post Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:38 pm

Re: NW Macro commands sorted master list

I saw that in there. :) There are some neat ones that I am going to muck about with.

If anyone is interested I will post anything that I think is useful to others. (or not if nobody is - no point wasting my time!)

There are some interesting ones in there. The auto moves are very interesting to me for making your party seem jumbled and semi-random - even while moving.

Because of the "anti-cheat" restrictions in IS it will be impossible to fully automate this efficiently without a 3rd party program. (i.e. without having to spam click while moving) Ideally you would cycle the movements every so often randomly and resume follow etc.

If you were smart enough you might even be able to get away with PVP since your characters could be made to move in a directed yet random looking fashion. ;)

Not that anybody would ever try that..... :roll:

Currently reviewing all the bindings and going to look at a completely custom key setup. I am not enthused by the mouse 1 and 2 being used for combat because of some of the unpredictable window behaviour and just the general nuisance of it. Also I have never been a "mouse click to fire" even in FPS's. Don't see why it cannot be something else.

I have a cheap 2nd hand game pad coming soon which I am going to use alongside the interceptor remapper I posted about to minimise the need for my keyboard to be used for anything other than typing and interface hotkeys.

Combat will be entirely driven from the keypad and the usb numpad I already have mapped.


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Post Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:24 am

Re: NW Macro commands sorted master list

I have been playing with macros and I know this is all probably a waste of my time writing this but I have made some discoveries:

Commands parameters with multiple names or special characters need to have quotes around their names in the params or they won't work.

e.g. You macro file should look like:
7 "HardTargetLock 0$$HardTargetLock 1$$Target "first lastname""

Also it appears that the long form (char@account) of the character name will not work (even with quotes) for follow commands.(this must be a recent change in the game surely?? Otherwise NB would be broken?) This will make life interesting since there is no way that I have found to differentiate slot name from account name. (I checked the list of variables and there was none) I would imagine it would have been something like {CHARACTER1} but this does not exist AFAIK.
The catch 22 is I think you need the long form for invites.

This will be easily workaroundable by manually changing the hardtargetlock macros with your character names specifically. (tested and confirmed working)

Was the reason my follow/target commands in NeverBoxer were not working right.

Also, and I am very pleased with this, I think I have solved the "wont import in a macro problem".

The quotes need to be around the file also even though it does not contain spaces! :mrgreen:
Control+delete "bind_load_file "isboxer-binds.txt""
(don't worry, it handles the nested quotes without a fuss)

Very pleased it is that simple a fix.... :mrgreen:

As a general rule therefore you should quote ALL your string params as a best practice.

I have also discovered the params for the party looting commands including a hidden one, count. Unsurprisingly such information can be found in the other games from the same guys. (in this case champions online) By using setting the "team_default" settings once your team will always have the correct setting.
I have added my defaults to my invite command just to be sure! :)

Cannot find the loot quality ones which is frustrating.
Last edited by mrmagoo on Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:28 am

Re: NW Macro commands sorted master list

Great finds! Looks like I have some updates to make. :lol:

I'm curious now if the quotes used in the launcher options window might solve the binds not loading problem... Will have te it (doubt it, but worth the test).
- Sylver


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Post Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:31 pm

Re: NW Macro commands sorted master list

Sylver wrote:Great finds! Looks like I have some updates to make. :lol:

I'm curious now if the quotes used in the launcher options window might solve the binds not loading problem... Will have te it (doubt it, but worth the test).

I was thinking the same thing last night but was tired and went to bed instead. :) I will test it this morning for you and report back.


Nope my "blah blah" macro never took until I hit ctrl-del.

Having said that since we already have init binds being called there is simply no need to rely on NW anymore. As long as you have done an initial manual import you are in the clear. So I will auto-bind on init for all chars. :)

I also notice that save/lod UI has all the bindings in that also as well as window positions.

I first thought it had graphics settings that you would not want to mess with but I was wrong: Make a mess! It is just user interface and bindings and is perfectly transportable between all your characters. I would not go as far as to provide a default copy as part of neverboxer due to patches changing the format and potential corruption though. Adding a 2-step macro to save and slave-load the ui is a possibility though.

Procedure for transporting your UI quickly to all your slaves:

  1. Make sure your isboxer bind file contains ALL the non-standard keybinds you are doing
  2. Set up your main just the way you want. E.g. Window positions, chat config, binding settings (not isboxer ones) etc, etc
  3. Execute command line from your main: /ui_save_file eye-eye-ui-txt
  4. Use Broadcast or copy/paste the following command to all slaves: /ui_load_file eye-eye-ui-txt
  5. Rebind your isboxer binds (either automatically or manually as you prefer)
Simple, repeatable and even 2-step macroeable if you can be bothered.(I will be because I fiddle a lot) :)

This process will save me over an hour of fiddling over the next few weeks and guarantee my UIs are identical.


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Post Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:33 pm

Re: NW Macro commands sorted master list

NW binds are VERY quirky. Holy christ I am starting to wonder if there is a "bug installation" key I pressed that everyone else missed out on...

It does not seem like anyone else is having all these problems?! :?

Firstly, binds will spaz sometimes and be set to all sorts of crazy shite.

If you change a default bind it is probably coming back again later whether you like it or not - especially if you use ui save/load as I suggested. It will work a treat for UI but binds suck.

The binding gui is also bugged in that if you remove and then rebind a default key (e.g. X) to another function the X will magically reappear in its previous home as well. And while the configuration is correct behind the scenes you will ultimately be stuffed shortly as it defaults back anyway due some other bug.
And if you UI save and load as I mentioned above don't expect it to bring you back to where you were because even though the ui file has the new binds in it, well...who cares about that, right?!


Another thing to watch out for is that the default binds will be re-applied UNLESS the key is explicitly set to "". (i.e. nothing) Like a bad smell their crappy default bindings of ALt and SHIFT will come back to haunt you like a creepy, smelly poo ghost.

I assume this will be fixed in the new patch...


You CAN override all this nonsense in your isboxer bind files via the magic of cryptic studios helpers- including the blanking of unused default binds. This insulates you from the bollocks a bit since you can now just config in isboxer and rebind to the isboxer file to solve all your binding problems.

Because the default keys will not appear at all in the file you need to set a custom bind to each and then export your binds to find out what the magical macro is.

Some of them have ++ and + in front. +means turning it into a toggle. ++ Means a continuous action. (I think key spamming?) Very cool. :)

The scope of these keybinds is fantastic but the current implementation...let's wait for the patch. (this is becoming a familiar theme lately.)

For more info on how general info. on how cryptic keybinds work:


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