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Mouse Click Menu Bar not working

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Sun Jun 09, 2019 7:31 pm

Mouse Click Menu Bar not working

Hi, I'm new to ISBoxer and getting the hang of basic stuff. The issue I'm having is that the mouse click is not activating the hot keys on my Everquest hotbar's. I followed MiRai's video on youtube and have the Menu's working. I can clearly see the mouse point appearing on the other screen over the hotbar. I mouse click and nothing happens. On the main play screen the mouse looks as if it clicks the not key, but dose not launch the skill/spell/macro etc being pressed. Its as if the menu windows are blocking my mouse click. Like the menu window has a invisible wall behind it, or has no pass through for the mouse click.

Profile below

https://www.zerobin.net/?cef5e03d20884d ... wwewepnhQ=

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Post Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:05 pm

Re: Mouse Click Menu Bar not working

Try clicking that buton
Screenshot_1.png (127.58 KiB) Viewed 17940 times


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Post Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:30 pm

Re: Mouse Click Menu Bar not working

MenkoSar wrote:Like the menu window has a invisible wall behind it, or has no pass through for the mouse click.

Unless I'm reading it wrong, it looks like some Menus are overlapping each other? I don't know if you've re-positioned them through the in-game GUI or not, and if you did that information is not in your ISBoxer profile, so I don't know for certain. However, if they're overlapping each other, that could cause the issue you describe.

If you're sure that they aren't overlapping, then you may need to switch to a two-step process, where step one syncs, and step two sends the mouse click.

Finally, the buttons should not be set to click-through, as that defeats the purpose of being able to click on them.


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Post Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:38 am

Re: Mouse Click Menu Bar not working

Hi, thanks for the replies.

MiRai I did move the Menus in the game to the Everquest hotbars I'm using them on, so no overlaps. Ive tried breaking down the steps with no luck. I've noticed that the mouse click dose not even click the hotbars, even with my original profile before I made the step changes. If I switch to pass through the hotbar icon on the main screen is pressed and the spell/macro etc fires off, but then screen 2 hotbars are not clicked no mouse point visible. Like you said pass through defeats the object of making these menus. When I switch back to non pass through the mouse click dose not fire off the hotbar key on the main screen and the 2nd screen.


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Post Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:12 am

Re: Mouse Click Menu Bar not working


Looking only at the Mouse Click 1 menu.
First question is, are all your in game action bars at the same co-ordinates ? If not then it is not going to work.
Second, you have the mapped key for OVERLAY MOUSE CLICK, set to execute on "press OR release", so it is possible the game thinks it is getting a double click, because you only have 1 step. "press OR release"
works well if you have 2 step. And a step is executed on press and another on release. So step 1 would be the mouse sync, and step 2 would be the mouse 1.

Anyway, that might provide a couple of things to try.


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Post Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:58 am

Re: Mouse Click Menu Bar not working

Hi Bob

Yeah the ingame UI's are matched. With MiRai's guide on breaking down the steps, I have Step 1 as mouse sync, Step 2 mouse click. With the Assist menu I have Step one mouse sync, Step 2 mouse click, Step 3 Assist and a blank step 4.
Still no luck the in game mouse icon dose not click the hot bars with the Menu ovelays. I'm at a loss, I'll have to go back to setting up key binds for all the different spells and macros, I can then at-least multi box with my toons. I've a fuuny feeling that mouse click setup dose not work with EQ..

Current profile: https://www.zerobin.net/?7bb2147fc4d835 ... qHmSfIsco=

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