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ISB42 Standard SHIFT (out of order)

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Post Fri May 17, 2019 3:48 pm

ISB42 Standard SHIFT (out of order)

i recently came back to isboxer after a long break. Things have changed a bit so now i'm confused (again).

Main issue right now.
I used the quick setup wizzard to setup 1-=, i toggled shift alt and cntrl 1-= on too both menu and regular keybinds. my problem is "ISB42 - Standard SHIFT" seem to be not working at all, while the 3 other bars work just fine. So my thought is maybe the standard template has an error or something. At first i thought it was me that had messed something up. but after reinstalling everything from scratch (boxer and innsespace) and deleting all files ect. I redid the quicksetup and same thing happened. keys are bound correctly in-game and when i use the regular shift hotkeys on my keyboard it works fine. But mostly when it comes to the shift bar i'm a clicker, so i'd like the menu to work aswell.

Secondary issue.
I'd like round robin on "Ctrl 1" and some variable keystrokes for the 7 and 8. But figured i'd get the shift menu bar issue out of the way first to not over complicate things for myself. Am very confused as to where to set it up, so any pointers would be nice. (mapped keys and keymaps and up and down in isboxer is very confusing to say the least, some color boxes or renaming to something not so close to eachother could make it less confusing for new people and returning like myself, just a thought)

Thanks in advance! =)
(my setup at the moment) https://ybin.me/p/947e4b81589590a8#uqFF ... yPrg+Gmn8= (ohh and the game i am playing is LotRO if that info helps in any way)


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Fri May 17, 2019 4:34 pm

Re: ISB42 Standard SHIFT (out of order)

When I paste in your profile, and have a look, the Standard Shift button set is not showing up correctly. It indicates there are no mapped keys to execute.
So, I suggest you set them all yourself to what they should be. Easy enough, select each action under the button, and set the item in the Mapped Key Dropdown.



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Post Fri May 17, 2019 5:58 pm

Re: ISB42 Standard SHIFT (out of order)

I have set the button and exported to inner space but it still dosn't work. So i still cant click on the shift bar, like i can on the alt ctrl and standard bar.
What else can i do? https://ybin.me/p/3a6e622e7c82ec66#qy+S ... yBedB39gE=


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Post Fri May 17, 2019 6:16 pm

Re: ISB42 Standard SHIFT (out of order)

If you've got it set so it now looks like the below, and you've exported to InnerSpace, then the only reason I can think of that it wouldn't work is that you have Key Maps disabled (actually from what I can see is that the menu overlay bar, when clicking, should work regardless of the state of the Key Maps toggle). It should be working at this point as the config would be the same as the other bars, and how it should be by default.


If you can press SHIFT+1 and it works, then the menu overlay hotbar should work too because they run the same mapped key.


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Post Fri May 17, 2019 9:12 pm

Re: ISB42 Standard SHIFT (out of order)

It looks like that now, identical to the other 3 bars that are working with 1 to = set. Yet it is still not working for what ever reason.
The Key Maps Toggle is on.
The ingame hotkeys are set correct to shift 1 to =.
When i press shift+1 to = on the keyboard it works. sending to all clients (broadcasting off ofcourse).
It's just that dang overlaybar giving me trouble now and not letting me click it like the others.

Thanks for taking the time and the swift replies!


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Vibrant Videographer

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Post Fri May 17, 2019 9:26 pm

Re: ISB42 Standard SHIFT (out of order)

Could we get a fresh copy of your profile with the most recent changes in it?


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Post Fri May 17, 2019 11:30 pm

Re: ISB42 Standard SHIFT (out of order)

I included it above, but here it is again. It's quite the mystery if it should work. https://ybin.me/p/3a6e622e7c82ec66#qy+S ... yBedB39gE=


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Post Sat May 18, 2019 12:58 am

Re: ISB42 Standard SHIFT (out of order)

I've taken your profile, exported it, and then clicked on each of the first buttons in each clickbar (actually clicked on every button in the shift bar - they all worked).


So at the top in the debug console is
Button: from keystroke@is1: nomodifiers 1
Button: from keystroke@is1: nomodifiers 162+1
Button: from keystroke@is1: nomodifiers 164+1
Button: from keystroke@is1: nomodifiers 160+1

Which is from, in order, the Standard bar, the CTRL (162) bar, the ALT (164) bar and finally the SHIFT (160) bar. So, everything is working from what I can see. The only change I made was to use a different Window Layout.

I've used the debug console to see that it was sending. http://isboxer.com/wiki/ISBoxer_Debugging_Console


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Post Sat May 18, 2019 1:30 am

Re: ISB42 Standard SHIFT (out of order)

I just used the debug and it is not sending anything when i click the bar in there. The other bars send fine still. Could i have exported it wrong or something? Do i need to add the character set to it somehow or the other way around? Very odd it wont send if you did a copy and it works right? You don't think it could have anything to do with the window layout do you? :?:

Alternatively, how does one go about making a new menu bar like it but with a diffrent name i guess? Since this should work but is not. A shame cause its all i need really to have a complete setup. (Figured out the other stuff with the round robin and the variable keystrokes i think.) :D


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Post Sat May 18, 2019 1:58 am

Re: ISB42 Standard SHIFT (out of order)

That makes it really sound like the settings aren't being applied when you Export to InnerSpace.

You could try going to your InnerSpace install folder, deleting the ISBoxerToolkit.<TYPE>.xml files in the scripts folder and reexporting from the Toolkit (those files will be recreated - well, unless you have two installs and the one being updated is not the one being loaded).


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