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Toggle Buttons are toggled by keystrokes NOT defined

PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:49 am
by jainician
My keymaps is being toggled off by hitting Ctrl+1. It doesnt toggle it back on only off. Looking at the Isboxer tool kit that toggle is not defined. Where can i look in the Tool kit or the xml file to find where that behaviour is coming from. I did a search in the xml file for Ctrl+1 and only found seven occurances. Im not sure where else to look.

Re: Toggle Buttons are toggled by keystrokes NOT defined

PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 12:47 pm
by bob
Behaviours like that are usually because a Mapped Key with the hotkey noted has an action to do something like disable key maps.

It is usually just a case of looking through the mapped keys (in the Key Maps), finding the one with the Hotkey in question, and checking to see what actions it does. It might refer to another mapped key in another key map, which means that also needs to be looked at.