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Custom XML Menu Button Event Handling

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Fri Mar 12, 2021 10:01 am

Re: Custom XML Menu Button Event Handling

Thanks Bob, I appreciate the second pair of eyes.

I will try out the debugging and in-session consoles to see what information I get.


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Fri Mar 12, 2021 11:12 am

Re: Custom XML Menu Button Event Handling

Try taking the : out of your mapped key name. replace with a - if you want a separator.


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Post Fri Mar 12, 2021 2:07 pm

Re: Custom XML Menu Button Event Handling

I updated the keymaps to replace ":" with "=".

When debugging with both consoles open, the only updates I see (when attempting to activate the menu buttons) are on the ISBoxer Debugging Console.

When I left click on D/M1, I get the desired result: the character targets extended target 1, and uses the macro hotkey 2 for tash/slow. This entry appears in the Console.
debug1.jpg (7.48 KiB) Viewed 8348 times

When I press 'z' and left click on D/M1, nothing appears to happen with the character. These two entries appear in the Console:
debug2.jpg (15.53 KiB) Viewed 8348 times

Yes, there are two entries for the one attempted action with the 'z' pressed while left clicking once. The below image shows that I tested with no key press and left click and then tested with 'z' pressed while left clicked.
debug3.jpg (24.2 KiB) Viewed 8348 times

However, even though it shows both lines, the character does neither keymapped action. Is there a setting I am missing that may be interfering?


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Post Fri Mar 12, 2021 5:36 pm

Re: Custom XML Menu Button Event Handling

if you have mouse events in your custom XML template, this may be interfering with the default mouse behaviours.


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Post Fri Mar 12, 2021 6:31 pm

Re: Custom XML Menu Button Event Handling

I commented out the event handling in the XML file.
   <template name='btnStd'>
      <Font Template='button.Font'>
         <Name>palantino linotype</Name>
<!--      <OnMouseEnter>noop ${MenuMan:OnMenuButtonState["${This.GetMetadata[menu].Escape}","${This.GetMetadata[menu_button].Escape}","Enter"]}</OnMouseEnter>
      <OnMouseExit>noop ${MenuMan:OnMenuButtonState["${This.GetMetadata[menu].Escape}","${This.GetMetadata[menu_button].Escape}","Exit"]}</OnMouseExit>
      <OnLeftDown>noop ${MenuMan:OnMenuButtonState["${This.GetMetadata[menu].Escape}","${This.GetMetadata[menu_button].Escape}","Press",Mouse1]}</OnLeftDown>
      <OnLeftClick>noop ${MenuMan:OnMenuButtonState["${This.GetMetadata[menu].Escape}","${This.GetMetadata[menu_button].Escape}","Release",Mouse1]}</OnLeftClick>
-->   </template>

   <Window Name='EQ Action Menu'>
         <TabControl Name='buttons'>
               <Tab Name='Combat'>
                  <Button Name='btn1' Template='btnStd'>
                  <Button Name='btn2' Template='btnStd'>
                  <Button Name='btn3' Template='btnStd'>
                  <Button Name='btn4' Template='btnStd'>
                  <Button Name='btn5' Template='btnStd'>
                  <Button Name='btn6' Template='btnStd'>
                  <Button Name='btn7' Template='btnStd'>
               <Tab Name='Utility'>
                  <Button Name='btn8' Template='btnStd'>

The result was the none of the menu buttons worked. I uncommented and got back the left click functionality. Still striking out on the 'z' + left click.


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Post Sat Mar 13, 2021 5:44 am

Re: Custom XML Menu Button Event Handling

Ok. For my buttons, I've always inherited the template from the base menu button template where I wanted a functional button. e.g.
Note the first line.

So for your btnStd template I'd add in the inheritance.
The other choice, is that you have to put in all the handling operations yourself (i.e. the bits you commented out) - In what I was doing with custom templates it was to make the menu configurable via the toolkit, so to do that, you need the template inheritance.

<template name='description.button' template='MenuMan.Button'>




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Post Sat Mar 13, 2021 8:52 am

Re: Custom XML Menu Button Event Handling

I updated the XML to inherit MenuMan.Button in my btnStd and removed the event handling.

   <template name='btnStd' Template='MenuMan.Button'>
      <Font Template='button.Font'>
         <Name>palantino linotype</Name>

   <Window Name='EQ Action Menu'>
         <TabControl Name='buttons'>
               <Tab Name='Combat'>
                  <Button Name='btn1' Template='btnStd'>
                  <Button Name='btn2' Template='btnStd'>
                  <Button Name='btn3' Template='btnStd'>
                  <Button Name='btn4' Template='btnStd'>
                  <Button Name='btn5' Template='btnStd'>
                  <Button Name='btn6' Template='btnStd'>
                  <Button Name='btn7' Template='btnStd'>
               <Tab Name='Utility'>
                  <Button Name='btn8' Template='btnStd'>

Result is that the left clicks on 1-7 still work. However, the 'z'+ left click still does not work. In the console, I am getting the same two lines.
debug2.jpg (15.53 KiB) Viewed 8327 times


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Post Sat Mar 13, 2021 11:37 am

Re: Custom XML Menu Button Event Handling

OK. It's a bug. The "no modifers" conditional on the menu button is only excluding CTRL/ALT/SHIFT. Looking at how to fix it.

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