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Crash report when unloading a menu from it's own button

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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Location: In the dining room, with the lead pipe.

Post Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:02 am

Crash report when unloading a menu from it's own button

I've created a menu which has a button which runs a mapped key, which in turn unloads said menu. This generates a crash report.

The sample dxnothing profile crashes on the two Crash buttons for me. The first button is a direct action, the second button is a Mapped key, the 3rd button is a direct action again. Strangely enough, the 3rd button doesn't cause a crash, despite being configured in the SAME way as button 1.

Also I tried submitting a report but it failed too :shock: (code -14)

Software: Inner Space Kernel 1.13 Build 6030 (Mon Sep 15 04:00:23 2014)
Current time: Tue Oct 14 14:01:36 2014
Crash: 0x030DADCB: Exception 0xc0000005 reading from address 0x0000000D in module IS-Kernel.dll

eax=0016DF58 ebx=031FB960 ecx=0A2DFECC edx=0A046168
edi=00000000 esi=09D52C69 ebp=0016E084 esp=0016DF38

0A2DFEAC 0A046168 030C0C39 0016DF58 D1DB5E59 09D52C68 09CF3BF8 0A046638
756E654D 006E614D 0A0343E8 0307920E 00000007 0000000F D1DB5E41 0016DFD0
03179A38 00000000 030C03EB 09D52C68 09D52C68 0A0343E8 0016E02C 030FF021
09D52C68 041DB2D0 0A0343E8 030FF11D 09D52C68 00000000 00000000 0016E02C
D1DB5EA9 041DB2D0 0A0343E8 09E84F10 0016DFF4 0016E004 0016E004 0317B258
FFFFFFFF 030FE928 0016E02C D1DB5EFD 041DB2D0 0A0343C8 09E84F10 03200601
0317E06C 031FB964 0016E001 0016E03C 0317B1C8 00000000 030FFC9C 0016E02C
D1DB6109 09ED4CC0 0A2DCD78 00000000 0016E598 00000000 003E0000 00000000
00000000 0016E074 0317B2E8 00000000 030E98BE 041DB2D0 00001000 D1DB614D
09D3B3E8 09CEE990 09CEE990 09E84F10 00001000 041DB2D0 0016E094 0016E324
0317A7A8 00000000 09DDC0A8 0A046408 0310034E 0016E094 09E92940 00000000
00000000 030D4E45 0016E0BC D1DB61BD 031FB960 09D534D8 00000000 0016E494
01010018 00000000 0A046408 031FB964 00000000 0A2732A0 09E92940 09D3B3E8
09DD1D01 0317E06C 031FB964 030B9E01 09E94830 09CF3BF8 0A046408 0000000E
030BED4A 0000000E 00000000 D1DB601D 09E929B8 0016E358 0000000E 030F5B6A
09E92700 09E92778 00000000 00000000 09DD1DE8 00467778 030F5BE4 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 D1DB605D 0016E18C 03116404 09EBB440 0046A710
09EBB440 0046A710 031E4AC8 031E4638 0046A710 0016E100 031A3430 00000005
19999999 00000008 00000000 0016E1A0 03122559 031E4B80 0016E1D4 00000000
0000000A 00000000 0016E1B4 031131DD 0A2DA158 00000007 03071552 09E92AC0
09FEA6C8 00000007 09EBB520 0A2DA158 030C110F 09FEA6C8 030C1120 00000031
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000006 0016E224 0300C378 0016E270 00465F88
00000006 004677C0 00465F78 00000000 030C96E1 00000000 00000006 D1DB6021
030CAC25 09E92700 00000000 00468E88 00000000 00000000 0016E358 D1DB634D
00469670 77D8E38C 77D8E38C 71A6B72F 09E8EBF0 003E0194 003E0000 00006570
0FE903AD 070C022A 00016A64 0000000F D1DB637D 0016E308 07EE03AE 0C26022B
00016A64 09E92700 003F60F8 003F60F8 0000000C 00000007 00000004 00000004
09E31258 003E8D88 003E8E9C 0A013708 003F6178 0016E260 0016E264 0016E414
0016E414 77D8E38C 71A6B6A3 00000007 003E0194 003E0000 09E8EBF0 00000007
0C2C0229 00016A64 00002000 D1DB63F1 00000000 0415AF98 070C022A 00016A64
00000000 003E0000 D1DB61AD 0016E368 0317994F 00000003 030D4835 0A2732A0

Module addresses in stack:

Windows Version: Windows 7 Ultimate//7601.win7sp1_gdr.140303-2144
Process Memory Usage: 67MB
System Physical RAM: 27227/32709MB
Page File: 30871/37827MB
Virtual Memory: 1821/2047MB (Extended: 0MB)
CPU 1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz @ 3500MHz
CPU 2: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz @ 3500MHz
CPU 3: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz @ 3500MHz
CPU 4: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz @ 3500MHz
CPU 5: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz @ 3500MHz
CPU 6: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz @ 3500MHz
CPU 7: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz @ 3500MHz
CPU 8: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz @ 3500MHz
CPU Affinity Mask: 0xFF
Video 1: //./DISPLAY1/AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
Video 2: //./DISPLAY2/AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
Video 3: //./DISPLAY3/AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
Video 4: //./DISPLAY4/AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
Video 5: //./DISPLAY5/AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
Video 6: //./DISPLAY6/AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
Video 7: //./DISPLAYV1/RDPDD Chained DD
Video 8: //./DISPLAYV2/RDP Encoder Mirror Driver
Video 9: //./DISPLAYV3/RDP Reflector Display Driver
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.17280

Loaded Modules:
Module 0x010C0000-0x010D8000: C:/Program Files (x86)/InnerSpace/dxNothing.exe (Sun May 01 19:41:24 2011)
Module 0x03000000-0x0323D000: C:/Program Files (x86)/InnerSpace/IS-Kernel.dll (Mon Sep 15 04:00:16 2014)
Module 0x03300000-0x0338D000: C:/Program Files (x86)/InnerSpace/InnerSpace.dll (Mon Sep 15 04:00:23 2014)
Module 0x05000000-0x050F1000: C:/Program Files (x86)/InnerSpace/ISUI.dll (Mon Jul 28 21:08:53 2014)
Module 0x54AC0000-0x54BA7000: C:/Windows/system32/DDRAW.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:04:56 2009)
Module 0x54BB0000-0x54C78000: C:/Windows/system32/OPENGL32.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:09:47 2009)
Module 0x54C80000-0x54DA0000: C:/Program Files (x86)/InnerSpace/IS-OpenGL.dll (Sat Mar 15 13:00:00 2014)
Module 0x553E0000-0x55402000: C:/Windows/system32/GLU32.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:05:35 2009)
Module 0x55450000-0x554BE000: C:/Program Files (x86)/InnerSpace/IS-D3D8.dll (Mon Aug 25 00:04:38 2014)
Module 0x55840000-0x55878000: C:/Program Files (x86)/InnerSpace/IS-D3D11.dll (Thu Aug 21 21:21:10 2014)
Module 0x55880000-0x558B5000: C:/Program Files (x86)/InnerSpace/IS-D3D9.dll (Thu Jul 31 13:57:14 2014)
Module 0x56830000-0x56860000: C:/Windows/system32/DINPUT8.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:05:05 2009)
Module 0x592E0000-0x59455000: C:/Windows/system32/d3d11.dll (Wed Mar 27 22:48:45 2013)
Module 0x5B3A0000-0x5B3A6000: C:/Windows/system32/DCIMAN32.dll (Thu Jun 06 04:51:13 2013)
Module 0x63590000-0x635F1000: C:/Program Files (x86)/InnerSpace/IS-VirtualInput.dll (Fri Sep 05 00:17:07 2014)
Module 0x636A0000-0x636DF000: C:/Windows/system32/d3dx11_43.dll (Sat May 22 01:22:28 2010)
Module 0x65A10000-0x65A3A000: C:/Program Files (x86)/InnerSpace/Lavish.DLL (Wed Apr 09 19:13:42 2014)
Module 0x65A70000-0x65A79000: C:/Windows/system32/hid.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:05:48 2009)
Module 0x67240000-0x6724B000: C:/Windows/system32/pcwum.DLL (Mon Jul 13 23:11:08 2009)
Module 0x67270000-0x67277000: C:/Windows/system32/midimap.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:08:20 2009)
Module 0x67280000-0x67288000: C:/Windows/system32/msacm32.drv (Tue Jul 14 01:07:27 2009)
Module 0x67290000-0x67294000: C:/Windows/system32/ksuser.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:09:07 2009)
Module 0x672A0000-0x672D0000: C:/Windows/system32/wdmaud.drv (Sat Nov 20 12:08:06 2010)
Module 0x68120000-0x6813C000: C:/Windows/system32/DXGIDebug.dll (Sat Jul 12 05:02:10 2014)
Module 0x68140000-0x6818C000: C:/Windows/system32/dxgi.dll (Sun Jan 13 20:20:31 2013)
Module 0x69080000-0x69088000: C:/Windows/System32/winrnr.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:11:32 2009)
Module 0x69090000-0x690A2000: C:/Windows/system32/pnrpnsp.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:10:14 2009)
Module 0x690B0000-0x690C0000: C:/Windows/system32/napinsp.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:07:57 2009)
Module 0x69240000-0x6943F000: C:/Windows/system32/d3dx9_43.dll (Sat May 22 01:21:17 2010)
Module 0x69440000-0x69647000: C:/Windows/system32/d3dcompiler_43.dll (Sat May 22 01:24:09 2010)
Module 0x6DAB0000-0x6E134000: C:/Windows/system32/atiumdva.dll (Fri Apr 18 01:20:13 2014)
Module 0x6E1F0000-0x6E1F7000: C:/Windows/system32/AVRT.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:04:24 2009)
Module 0x6E3F0000-0x6E404000: C:/Windows/system32/MSACM32.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:07:26 2009)
Module 0x6E4A0000-0x6E4A6000: C:/Windows/system32/d3d8thk.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:04:40 2009)
Module 0x6E4B0000-0x6E673000: C:/Windows/system32/d3d9.dll (Sat Nov 20 11:57:39 2010)
Module 0x6ED00000-0x6ED84000: C:/Windows/WinSxS/x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.7601.18201_none_ec80f00e8593ece5/COMCTL32.dll (Thu Jul 04 11:53:10 2013)
Module 0x6EEE0000-0x6EEF3000: C:/Windows/system32/dwmapi.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:06:15 2009)
Module 0x6F000000-0x6F0F5000: C:/Windows/system32/PROPSYS.dll (Sat Nov 20 12:05:23 2010)
Module 0x6F100000-0x6F180000: C:/Windows/system32/uxtheme.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:11:24 2009)
Module 0x70DC0000-0x70DC9000: C:/Windows/system32/VERSION.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:11:07 2009)
Module 0x70DD0000-0x70E02000: C:/Windows/system32/WINMM.dll (Sat Nov 20 12:08:34 2010)
Module 0x71520000-0x71558000: C:/Windows/System32/fwpuclnt.dll (Sat Oct 12 02:02:14 2013)
Module 0x715A0000-0x715A6000: C:/Windows/system32/rasadhlp.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:09:42 2009)
Module 0x715B0000-0x715D5000: C:/Program Files (x86)/Bonjour/mdnsNSP.dll (Tue May 18 23:30:55 2010)
Module 0x73C10000-0x73C54000: C:/Windows/system32/DNSAPI.dll (Thu Mar 03 05:29:23 2011)
Module 0x73C70000-0x73C75000: C:/Windows/System32/wshtcpip.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:11:54 2009)
Module 0x73C80000-0x73CBC000: C:/Windows/system32/mswsock.dll (Sun Sep 08 02:04:46 2013)
Module 0x73D00000-0x73D16000: C:/Windows/system32/CRYPTSP.DLL (Tue Jul 14 01:07:09 2009)
Module 0x73DB0000-0x73DB7000: C:/Windows/system32/WINNSI.DLL (Tue Jul 14 01:11:31 2009)
Module 0x73DC0000-0x73DDC000: C:/Windows/system32/IPHLPAPI.DLL (Sat Nov 20 12:00:25 2010)
Module 0x743F0000-0x74426000: C:/Windows/system32/AUDIOSES.DLL (Sat Nov 20 11:55:17 2010)
Module 0x74440000-0x74479000: C:/Windows/system32/MMDevAPI.DLL (Sat Nov 20 12:01:22 2010)
Module 0x74900000-0x74F79000: C:/Windows/system32/atiumdag.dll (Fri Apr 18 01:18:28 2014)
Module 0x74F80000-0x75093000: C:/Windows/system32/aticfx32.dll (Fri Apr 18 01:45:35 2014)
Module 0x75190000-0x751AB000: C:/Windows/system32/atiu9pag.dll (Fri Apr 18 01:05:33 2014)
Module 0x75210000-0x75220000: C:/Windows/system32/NLAapi.dll (Fri Jan 13 07:01:46 2012)
Module 0x75740000-0x7574C000: C:/Windows/syswow64/CRYPTBASE.dll (Mon Jul 13 23:12:01 2009)
Module 0x75750000-0x757B0000: C:/Windows/syswow64/SspiCli.dll (Mon Jul 07 01:39:16 2014)
Module 0x75920000-0x75980000: C:/Windows/system32/IMM32.DLL (Sat Nov 20 12:08:51 2010)
Module 0x75990000-0x75A90000: C:/Windows/syswow64/USER32.dll (Sat Nov 20 12:08:57 2010)
Module 0x75AA0000-0x75B3D000: C:/Windows/syswow64/USP10.dll (Fri Apr 25 02:04:57 2014)
Module 0x75B60000-0x75BF0000: C:/Windows/syswow64/GDI32.dll (Sat Aug 23 01:45:55 2014)
Module 0x75E10000-0x75F20000: C:/Windows/syswow64/kernel32.dll (Tue Mar 04 09:19:01 2014)
Module 0x75F20000-0x76B6A000: C:/Windows/syswow64/SHELL32.dll (Wed Jun 25 01:39:39 2014)
Module 0x76B70000-0x76B9E000: C:/Windows/syswow64/WINTRUST.dll (Tue Jul 09 04:52:48 2013)
Module 0x76BA0000-0x76C6C000: C:/Windows/syswow64/MSCTF.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:07:53 2009)
Module 0x76C80000-0x76C8C000: C:/Windows/syswow64/MSASN1.dll (Sat Nov 20 12:02:17 2010)
Module 0x76CF0000-0x76D37000: C:/Windows/syswow64/KERNELBASE.dll (Tue Mar 04 09:19:02 2014)
Module 0x76D40000-0x76D4A000: C:/Windows/syswow64/LPK.dll (Thu Jun 06 04:57:01 2013)
Module 0x76D50000-0x76D55000: C:/Windows/syswow64/PSAPI.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:09:34 2009)
Module 0x76DC0000-0x76DE7000: C:/Windows/syswow64/CFGMGR32.dll (Tue May 24 10:28:33 2011)
Module 0x76DF0000-0x76F8D000: C:/Windows/syswow64/SETUPAPI.dll (Sat Nov 20 12:06:49 2010)
Module 0x76F90000-0x7701F000: C:/Windows/syswow64/OLEAUT32.dll (Sat Aug 27 04:18:50 2011)
Module 0x77020000-0x77039000: C:/Windows/SysWOW64/sechost.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:10:28 2009)
Module 0x77050000-0x77062000: C:/Windows/syswow64/DEVOBJ.dll (Tue May 24 10:29:17 2011)
Module 0x77070000-0x770A5000: C:/Windows/syswow64/WS2_32.dll (Sat Nov 20 12:09:12 2010)
Module 0x770B0000-0x77150000: C:/Windows/syswow64/ADVAPI32.dll (Thu Aug 29 01:48:26 2013)
Module 0x77150000-0x771FC000: C:/Windows/syswow64/msvcrt.dll (Fri Dec 16 07:45:38 2011)
Module 0x77200000-0x77206000: C:/Windows/syswow64/NSI.dll (Tue Jul 14 01:09:45 2009)
Module 0x77210000-0x7736C000: C:/Windows/syswow64/ole32.dll (Sat Nov 20 12:05:03 2010)
Module 0x774A0000-0x77590000: C:/Windows/syswow64/RPCRT4.dll (Mon Jul 14 01:40:58 2014)
Module 0x77590000-0x776B0000: C:/Windows/syswow64/CRYPT32.dll (Sat Oct 05 20:00:06 2013)
Module 0x77730000-0x77787000: C:/Windows/syswow64/SHLWAPI.dll (Sat Nov 20 12:06:58 2010)
Module 0x77D60000-0x77EE0000: C:/Windows/SysWOW64/ntdll.dll (Thu Aug 29 01:50:31 2013)

LavishScript Execution Stack:
noop ${MenuMan:OnMenuButtonState["CrashMenu","1","Release",Mouse1]}
noop ${MenuMan:OnMenuButtonState["CrashMenu","1","Release",Mouse1]}

Running Scripts:
Last edited by bob on Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Location: In the dining room, with the lead pipe.

Post Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:32 am

Re: Crash report when unloading a menu from it's own button

Any chance I can get this looked at?


It appears that the crash on the menu unload for the first two buttons occurs when the target of the unload action is "self". If the target is an ATG or an advanced target then the unload works just fine. The target on the 3rd button in the sample was also "self" but this was working as desired.


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Location: In the dining room, with the lead pipe.

Post Sat Jul 15, 2017 8:08 pm

Re: Crash report when unloading a menu from it's own button

Thought I'd add to this, that my theory on the situation is that the menu is unloading itself while it is mid processing, so effectively it is resulting in a null object that is currently being processed.
i.e. it's a paradox. How to keep processing when the thing you were processing just made itself non-existant.

Anyway, the "fix" is to use a Timer on the unload action so it gets queued up for processing later (i.e. after the button has finished processing all its actions). I've used 0.1 seconds for the places where I've needed to do this. A recent report of 0.025 secs also can work (YMMV).


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Post Sun Oct 09, 2022 4:55 pm

Re: Crash report when unloading a menu from it's own button

Fixed in development build 7026, available now. Not a moment too soon! :D

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