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Screen Click Issue (didn't pick Default!)

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Post Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:46 pm

Screen Click Issue (didn't pick Default!)

Hello! :)

First time trying the product, followed an excellent PoE setup guide from these forums - I have the program broadcasting across 4 clients so pretty sure I've done it right.

My problem is: an area of my screen will not accept left clicks... I've attached an image hopefully... its just that red square. RIGHT click works, as does MIDDLE click, as does (those familiar with PoE... hold left clicking a different area and moving to the 'dead' area... it recognizes the mouse is there... Just not direct left clicking on the area :P And of course, that makes it difficult to invite people to party because that's where the information window spawns!

P.S... I did not select "Other" on Wizard (as I've read other problems), I chose PoE... Also "Make game believe it is foreground window" is TICKED. And I've exported to InnerSpace from the FIle menu.

If somebody might be able to help, here's my config...

And as I say should be an image attached. Heh, don't worry that I'm stood next to a wall, I appreciate that would stop me moving! It's not that lol :)

Would very much appreciate the help, if anyone has any ideas!?

- Quart.
Red box showing dead screen area for no Left Clicking
poehelp.jpg (762.38 KiB) Viewed 9252 times


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Post Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:03 am

Re: Screen Click Issue (didn't pick Default!)

(Sorry, not strictly a bump I realize you guys are busy)

The more I think about it... I saw someone instantiate ISBoxer with like an overview on their screen, is it possible that this might be blocking input? As in it's not visible on my screen but the box is there and is capturing/blocking the input? (Does the overview even block mouse clicks or is it transparent?)

Humm... My setup is dual screened, but running all games on 1 monitor.
EDIT2: Windows 8!? ;)
CPU: i5-3750
Gfx: GeForce GTX 660Ti
16 Gb Ram

I realize it might not sound like much of a problem, bit of screen not working, but unfortunately as I say - its (a portion of) where all the main dialogs on PoE appear, also stops me from zoning in/out if the portal is on the left half of screen... makes the game unplayable therefore the program useless... (and the problem only occurs when running ISBoxer, standalone PoE works fine).

Sooo Yeah, getting kinda stuck for ideas, any help appreciated even if its just random guesses of things I could try... I'm fairly tech savvy, so not afraid to try extreme diagnostics/solutions - but I bet its something dumb I've overlooked :D

- Quart.

EDIT: I wanted to try it on another game, to see if its less of a PoE problem - more of a conflict of IS with my setup, but I don't have any other multi-account games where I could run it... But I'll go check the general forums on here see if anyone's had same problem.


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Post Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:22 am

Re: Screen Click Issue (didn't pick Default!)

I suspect you have a Repeater Region set up in that location. Unfortunately that information is not stored in the ISBoxer profile and so I can't tell from the file you linked. There is nothing in the linked profile that would cause the behaviour you are experiencing.

To see if that is the case, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G, to open the ISBoxer Control Panel. If there is a red box covering that area, you can remove it by pressing the close button in the top right hand corner. You'll then need to Save As Auto, probably on the Repeater Region tab. If the box is green you whave a different sort of widget and will need to save on the appropriate tab after removing it.

Other than that, not sure what it could be. I've never seen this behaviour before. It certainly isn't normal.


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Post Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:08 am

Re: Screen Click Issue (didn't pick Default!)

Thanks for the response Alge, I will check that tonight when home from work (Only another 6 hours >.<) :D


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Post Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:19 pm

Re: Screen Click Issue (didn't pick Default!)

Hi again :)

So I've got it fixed.

Alge it wasn't a Repeater thingie I don't think. Ctrl Alt Shift + G just showed me a small multicoloured "ISBox Contr" window, no Red boxes.

So I figured, I probably broke something. Cleared the data file, re-created it all and... then had a weird D3D error (trying to put it on two monitors)...
So started again, cleared data, single monitor - all working peachy :)

Thanks for your help all the same Alge, it got me researching the different features of the product, which led me to people being advised to clear + start again... which fixed it.

Now then, time to see if I can control 4 Rangers at once :D

- Quart.

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