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Help with "Hold to Control" and window focus

PostPosted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:12 am
by eQQna
what I'm attempting to do is use "Hold to Control" to manage and keep 3 characters synced. The default setup works well but since it is using the other characters window not the one I've viewing to position, I'm trying to tweak it with some window focus changes as well. The problem I'm having is that I would like it to revert back to the main character once I've finished positioning them. Here's an example to help explain this a lil better, hopefully

I press and hold "7"
-now all mouse and keyboard commands only effect character 2 :D
-the window focus on character 2 as well :D
-now i just run that character around and it works perfect. :D
Now I release "7"
-now all mouse and keyboard commands are broadcast to all characters :D
-But, the main window is still focused on character 2 :?

I've been messing with it for a while now and i can't seem to get it to return the focus to my main character.

I do have that key map set up for all 3 characters, so for now I can tap the one for my main character to return the window focus to it. But, I'm sure there is another way to accomplish this. so, i'm crossing my fingers for a lil help.

Thank you,

Re: Help with "Hold to Control" and window focus

PostPosted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 12:08 pm
by lax
Show your configuration and we'll walk through what is happening --

Re: Help with "Hold to Control" and window focus

PostPosted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:59 pm
by eQQna

Re: Help with "Hold to Control" and window focus

PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:46 am
by lax

Remove the Window Focus Actions from your Hold to Control mappings, it's breaking them. The Hold to Control hotkeys are 2 steps, one for when you press the hotkey and one for when you release. If you switch focus on press, then the other window is getting the release, resulting in unintended behavior.

If you really want to actually switch windows with input focus on the one you're controlling, you should just use the Next/Previous window mapped keys (also under Always On) or the per-Slot Activation Hotkeys (per Slot in your Character Set; select your Character Set in the top left pane, then each Slot number in the bottom left pane, and it's under the Switching tab) instead of the "Hold to Control" mechanic.

Otherwise, if you just want to SEE it, use Window State Actions instead. It's pretty simple, in Step 1 use a Window State Action to set the window you're controlling to be Foreground/active, and then in Step 2 use a Window State Action to set it back to Background/inactive.

Re: Help with "Hold to Control" and window focus

PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:11 pm
by eQQna
very new to the software, thanks for the input i'll give that a shot.

thank you very much for your time.