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Less than half of the IsBoxer windows are working

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:39 pm
by ineedajob
IsBoxer stopped working for me a few patches ago and has caused problem to where less than half the windows are reflecting the mouse/keyboard properly. When turning the repeater on with two isboxer windows the mouse icon shows in the second window but is offset to where it actually should be. However, it still seems to work and clicks accurately meaning its just a visual issue. When 3 or 4 windows are introduced only half of them are working but this can change when I swap to other windows. If im running 6 windows I can get 4 windows to click properly but this takes some messing around with and swapping to figure out. Im just wondering if others are getting a similar issue and if not should I just reinstall isboxer?

Just Reinstalled everything and I think ive gotten everything to work fine now. It took about 2 hours of tinkering but it works with the mouse icon still being offset.

Re: Less than half of the IsBoxer windows are working

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:03 pm
by Mrshull
Hi I can't even get 1 window to sync with my mouse repeater any info or tips?

Re: Less than half of the IsBoxer windows are working

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:06 pm
by ineedajob
If you can run 6 at once then keep swapping windows and then re-toggling the repeater. Hover over the login button in the main screen and if there both highlighted then it means its working even though the actual mouse icon might be offset. Ive been successful at getting two windows to work every time. Also make sure to be on the development patches.

Re: Less than half of the IsBoxer windows are working

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:15 am
by Infested88
Deleted everything in the My Documents/PoE Folder.

Uninstall/Delete Folder Contents Remaining/Re-installing.

Run Setup E-z Wizard.