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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:19 pm
by WarHippy
I'm a new user, and I've never worked with XML files before, so when I see somebody is sharing their keybinds, keymaps, or configurations, just like a puppy dog, I start drooling, start clicking here and there, and if I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it, I look elsewhere in the forums for instructions to add it.
This new configuration is supposed to make it easier for new people to ease into the knowledge that most of you more experienced users already possess. I hope I don't anger anyone by stating this, but if you don't include instructions of HOW we implement the things you're sharing, you might be setting some of us clueless users up for disaster, or at least needing to start all over from the beginning.
I Love how helpful everyone is when there's a problem, and I know if I asked for explanations, I would get them. I've asked some pretty dumb questions, and gotten answers without making me feel like a total nitwit for not seeeing the answer myself. I want to be as good as you guys when I grow up, that's why I blindly download stuff that you share. I'm not new to computers in general, but I am new to this concept, and I want to learn.
PLEASE, if you share something out of the goodness of your heart, include instructions of how to use it, include it, add it, or replace what we already have. If you leave that part up to us to figure out, alot of us are gonna screw things up.
I've noticed when Lax shares something, he usually explains what it does and how to add it to or replace files that it pertains to. I look up to you guys, so please help me to get closer to understanding how to use your expertise.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:04 pm
by lax
If you're curious about CLS specifically, he's got a picture guide that might help:

I'm also working on an entire new section on the ISBoxer wiki to help with Pro Config topics:


PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:57 am
by WarHippy
No, I installed that ok, I was looking at keymaps that worked well for members, and I added what I thought were just keymaps, and it replaced my whole ISBoxer program with the one I copied. Luckily I didn't save it, so i got my version back when I ran the program again. And that goof up prompted this post


PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:36 am
by Nexor
Thing is if you want to use or look at another users profile (which is basically the xml file) in Isboxer you want always to make a backup of your current file first.

Than you have the option to either just load the other profile in isboxer or open a 2nd copy of isboxer and you can compare both of em, if you than by accident save the new profile you have the option however to always load your own profile again.

Also i think you kinda hoped that by what you call adding it would be basically merge with your current profile which isn't the case there is i believe no easy way to achieve that.


PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:24 pm
by WarHippy
HAHA, yeah, that's exactly what I was attempting, and I wound up with a whole lot more than I bargained for. See? This is what I meant about the help you get in these forums, even after doing something dumb like that. I had backed up my original program the day before, when I downloaded and configured the "CLS Like a PRO" version. But I never thought to back it up again, because I was only trying to add to it. Like I said, XML files are a whole new universe to me. I learned a couple programming languages in my younger days, and if I wanted to add a subroutine to a project, I knew where and how to do it, AND back it up before I tried it. I just learned that about XML files too. And, learned I can have more than one ISBoxer open at a time. Can I use that to troubleshoot why something is not working, when it worked in a different configuration? Or am I just going to get in more trouble comparing the two?


PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:03 am
by Nexor
I mean as long as you not gonna save it should be fine, also one thing i tried was if you could copy to clipboard in one isboxer and than try to paste to the other isboxer which don't work ( not 100% sure if that option if it would be avaible would maybe cause more harm than it actually would help).


PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:50 pm
by muhamad ali
Always, keep in mind, if you're going to use any other type of configuration, if you later decide you wouldn't want to use the newer one you can recall your other setup if you saved it with ISBoxer's "Save As" under the File menu within the Toolkit.


Save As...

Create a folder on the Desktop named: (MAs Configs)

Type in the file name as i.e. Backup-Core-Config.xml

I then click Open under the File menu within the Toolkit (Which will import the new config file)

Find the new config file and hit the Open button.

Work within this configuration to figure out what the hell is going on and what do I need to do. :D

After dabbling around with this new config, I'll save it with a new name like I did with my back-up config in the same location.

Why I use a folder on the desktop, I have it auto-saving personally to a Samba setup on my network, which I'll never lose any information and can revert back to any configuration I would like, since I am about "Backing Up Everything" prior to modifying anything.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:58 am
by WarHippy
thanks for the info, I 've started doing that too. One thing I've noticed tho, if I don't clear the config, and I open another, they blend together and that messed me up for a while til I started saving the file I was working on, then clearing isboxer, I guess that's the same as default, then Ioad a different config file. I'm S L O W L Y learning. And thanks for all your hard work with this config file.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 2:34 am
by muhamad ali
WarHippy wrote:I'm S L O W L Y learning.

Yeah this is the keyword here... LOL I think I have found there's more learning in ISBoxer than we all think, because every time I tinker around with ISBoxer I found and learned something new... It's endless and the possibilities are beyond ENDLESS vs any other multiboxing software, I've been working on multiple computers now flawlessly on seven boxes with twenty accounts and changing the CLS config file to work the way it should via each level having all in one macros as I progress. :)

Ever since Lax showed me the Pro Config way of doing things, utilizing the Virtual Combat system, there's nothing more to do but create a new team, mix match teams, by a simple drag and drop routine now :)


PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:34 am
by WarHippy
You young guys must think on a completely different level than us older guys. I keep making advances until I mess something up so bad, I can't make it work anymore, then I start all over with the basic config file and slowly work it to a more complex level. Once, I had your config file, with Jack Burton's wow macro's added, and it worked, but I wasn't satisfied with the dps each toon was doing, so I tweaked the settings til it was unuseable again. My latest efforts have been adding mapped keys, They were all working great, I had to quit for a while to do something else, the next time I booted up, my main dps key wouldn't attack, it just changed the camera angle, and other keys I had setup for dps made the main attack and the slaves just stood there, and when I pushed IWT, all the slaves ran up and started meleeing the target, but they're balance druids, they're not supposed to melee. But, I can build a screaming PC :)