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Can't open second instance of GW2 - Tried Virtualization Wiz

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Post Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:40 pm

Can't open second instance of GW2 - Tried Virtualization Wiz

But virtualization doesn't seem to be doing the trick? Any advice is appriciated

Could it be because I'm not bypassing the login menu?


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Post Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:55 pm

Re: Can't open second instance of GW2 - Tried Virtualization Wiz

The most likely reason is that you are not launching your team correctly.

Are you Right clicking the Inner Space icon in the system tray/Notification area, going to ISBoxer Character Sets -> Your Team Name, and selecting that?


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Post Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:04 pm

Re: Can't open second instance of GW2 - Tried Virtualization Wiz

bob wrote:The most likely reason is that you are not launching your team correctly.

Are you Right clicking the Inner Space icon in the system tray/Notification area, going to ISBoxer Character Sets -> Your Team Name, and selecting that?

I am doing that. It launches the first instance of the game just fine, then the second instance of the game doesn't launch and refers to the local.dat file already being in use.

By the way, is there a way to use launch parameters with isboxer?

I usually use gw2-64.exe" -nopatchui -email myemail@gmail.com -password mypassword

I think perhaps if I'm able to bypass the launcher the problem would fix itself. I see I can add parameters through inner space but I'm not sure how I would be able to use different parameters for different characters.


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Post Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:11 pm

Re: Can't open second instance of GW2 - Tried Virtualization Wiz

As the local.dat file should be virtualized as part of the Quick Setup Wizard configuration (and you say you used the Virtual File Wizard too) then it doesn't really make sense that it is reporting that it is in use, unless there is something that has changed in the game that needs patching in Inner Space to handle.

Yes you can use parameters with the Add Game method. Just Add your game twice, and set different parameters. If you want it neat and tidy, then add it via Inner Space to add a game profile under the existing Game configuration. To then use for different characters, select the appropriate game/game profile when setting them up (or afterwards by changing those settings under the Character settings).


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Post Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:34 pm

Re: Can't open second instance of GW2 - Tried Virtualization Wiz

bob wrote:As the local.dat file should be virtualized as part of the Quick Setup Wizard configuration (and you say you used the Virtual File Wizard too) then it doesn't really make sense that it is reporting that it is in use, unless there is something that has changed in the game that needs patching in Inner Space to handle.

Yes you can use parameters with the Add Game method. Just Add your game twice, and set different parameters. If you want it neat and tidy, then add it via Inner Space to add a game profile under the existing Game configuration. To then use for different characters, select the appropriate game/game profile when setting them up (or afterwards by changing those settings under the Character settings).

Hey, I made the game profiles now, deleted all settings in isboxer and started again completely from scratch with the Quick setup wizard. After going through the quick setup wizard I associated profiles One, Two, Three and Four with the four different accounts.

The profiles worked, so it now bypasses the login screen. But the problem remains and once the second instance starts up I get told local.dat is already in use.

Are you seeing my launch attempt?


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Post Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:56 pm

Re: Can't open second instance of GW2 - Tried Virtualization Wiz

I'm looking at the inner space console right now and I can't see any mentions of virtual files in use. That said I'm not sure if the usage is supposed to show up in the console or not either.

Without being able to copy paste it basically goes:

Launching character set
Launching Slot 1 character "ONE"
Successfully executed "F:/Guild Wars 2/Gw2-64.exe" +parameters
Session name "Guild Wars 27654" accepted for process
Session name "is1" accepted for process
"Session launched "(is1)
Launching Slot 2 character "TWO"
Successfully executed "F:Guild Wars 2/GW2-64" +parameters
Session name accepted
Character set not fully launched after 3 minutes.


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Post Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:20 pm

Re: Can't open second instance of GW2 - Tried Virtualization Wiz

No, I don't see your launch attempt. The licence check which occurs at a launch attempt is not something that is visible to anyone (except Lax).

You can copy/paste from the console. Start in the Top Left, left click, hold drag mouse to lower right, let go of the mouse button and it auto copies to the clipboard. It can be a little fiddly to get the top left position correct.

Anyway, as I said before, there may have been a game update since the last time someone actually tried boxing GW2, so it is possible that Inner Space needs an update to cope with the potentially missed game update.

You could also try build 6174, which might work, as there have been some changes to the Inner Space loader, and they may also be affecting the virtual files as there is not a large call for GW2, so it has not been tested recently. Follow this thread to get that.


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Post Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:58 pm

Re: Can't open second instance of GW2 - Tried Virtualization Wiz

bob wrote:No, I don't see your launch attempt. The licence check which occurs at a launch attempt is not something that is visible to anyone (except Lax).

You can copy/paste from the console. Start in the Top Left, left click, hold drag mouse to lower right, let go of the mouse button and it auto copies to the clipboard. It can be a little fiddly to get the top left position correct.

Anyway, as I said before, there may have been a game update since the last time someone actually tried boxing GW2, so it is possible that Inner Space needs an update to cope with the potentially missed game update.

You could also try build 6174, which might work, as there have been some changes to the Inner Space loader, and they may also be affecting the virtual files as there is not a large call for GW2, so it has not been tested recently. Follow this thread to get that.

Hey, I forgoed the virtualization path and set up four different copies of the GW2 game. This worked so I guess I'm just sticking with it. I guess maybe the last guy who tried and made a thread took the same path instead of virtualizing? Who knows.

Either way, thanks for the assistance. :)

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