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Game loads with wrong language

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Post Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:52 am

Game loads with wrong language

My first trouble is when i try to log my first account by battrlenet and the 3 other by Diadlo 3 client 64bit, the 3 last account turns into spannish language and i can't change it in the option. So i try to log my 4 account by battlenet and i got the same problem describe here. ( Cant log 2 account from battlenet one after the other even if i close them ) When i have try the method you give up, my D3 game stop working. So i erase my battlenet, my Isboxer and Innerspace and i retry from beginning. I have found to log my first account by battrlenet and the 3 other by Diadlo 3 client 64bit. When i do this the account log by Diadlo 3 client turns into spannish language and i can't change it in the option. What can i do for resolve the language trouble ??


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Tue Feb 19, 2019 11:16 am

Re: Game loads with wrong language

So I've split your topic off because it is not actually the same thing as the one you tried to attach to.

  1. The dev build applied to his post, not yours, because the dev build of the time has been pushed to live. Sometimes we remember to put version numbers to make this clearer.
  2. If the language is coming up as Spanish, there are two places for that.
    1. In battle.net itself. You can set the language in the Game Settings. If you are loading up via battle.net (or a Launcher option), make sure this is set correctly
    2. In the d3prefs-charname.txt file. This is actually copied from the source d3prefs.txt file, so it sounds like it is set to Spanish somewhere. Anyway, when loading up direct via one of the client options, then in the prefs files, find the appropriate lines, which are usually similar to (although your values are probably different to mine)
      SET portal "EU"
      SET textLocale "enUS"
      SET audioLocale "enUS"
      and set them appropriately.


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Post Tue Feb 19, 2019 2:18 pm

Re: Game loads with wrong language

I dont understand how to open: D3Prefs.txt.
I see it on the top left corner under file: Virtual file, when i clic on the D3Prefs.txt. it open a menu on the down corner left and it give me access to my 4 caracter.
When i clic on one of my 4 caracter, it show me a window on the right: D3Prefs-Hunter 1.txt, but i dont have access to change nothing !!


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Tue Feb 19, 2019 2:23 pm

Re: Game loads with wrong language

You don't open it in the toolkit. The toolkit is purely configuration for the file redirection that takes place when using ISBoxer.
You open the prefs files in the folder they are stored, which at a guess will be
C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III

but I don't really know exactly where as I do not have a copy of Diablo III


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Vibrant Videographer

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Post Tue Feb 19, 2019 2:28 pm

Re: Game loads with wrong language

The file is located in:

C:\Users\ACCOUNTNAME\Documents\Diablo III


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Post Tue Feb 19, 2019 9:34 pm

Re: Game loads with wrong language

I have try to add the line in my D3Prefs.txt, and i add it in my caracter 2-3-4 and it it dosent work !!! Someone have another idea ??

Or can someone give me a tip for log all my caracter with the luncher, if i do this i think i'll have the correct language !!

If i try to log my 4 account by battlenet i got the problem: cant log 2 account from battlenet one after the other even if i close them !!!

By the way, thx to take time for answer and help !! :D


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Tue Feb 19, 2019 9:43 pm

Re: Game loads with wrong language

There is no "add the line", there is "edit the existing line", which you would need to do with each of the per character prefs files. I actually copied those from WoW but I'm fairly sure they are much the same in D3. You are probably looking for something that says esEs (assuming Espana/Espana as apposed to esGT (Guatemala) or esBO (Bolivia). idk really, depends on which country you live in or what other keyboard/languages you have setup/selected, and presumably which languages WoW actually supports.

For the Battle.net thing. You should revert back to the live build for starters, by unselecting the dev build option from earlier, and a full exit and restart of InnerSpace, and then Patch the Files when it tells you about it.


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Post Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:13 pm

Re: Game loads with wrong language

This is my D3Prefs.txt description:

PreferencesVersion "46"
PlayedCutscene0 "0"
PlayedCutscene1 "0"
PlayedCutscene2 "0"
PlayedCutscene3 "0"
PlayedCutscene4 "1"
DisplayModeFlags "0"
DisplayModeWindowMode "0"
DisplayModeWinLeft "0"
DisplayModeWinTop "0"
DisplayModeWinWidth "1920"
DisplayModeWinHeight "1050"
DisplayModeUIOptWidth "1920"
DisplayModeUIOptHeight "1080"
DisplayModeWidth "1920"
DisplayModeHeight "1080"
DisplayModeRefreshRate "60"
DisplayModeBitDepth "32"
DisplayModeMSAALevel "1"
Gamma "1.000000"
MipOffset "0"
ShadowQuality "5"
ShadowDetail "0"
PhysicsQuality "1"
ClutterQuality "3"
Vsync "0"
LargeCursor "0"
Letterbox "0"
Antialiasing "1"
DisableScreenShake "0"
DisableChromaEffects "0"
LowFX "0"
SSAO "0"
LockCursorInFullscreenWindowed "0"
LimitForegroundFPS "1"
MaxForegroundFPS "150"
LimitBackgroundFPS "1"
MaxBackgroundFPS "8"
DisableTrilinearFiltering "0"
ColorCorrection "1"
MipBias "-0.000000"
ReflectionQuality "0"
HardwareClass "4"
PCIVendor "4318"
PCIDevice "6088"
flSafeZoneLeft "0.000000"
MasterVolume "1.000000"
EffectVolume "0.800000"
MusicVolume "0.800000"
NarrationVolume "0.800000"
AmbientVolume "0.800000"
ChannelsToUse "32"
SoundDriver "0"
SpeakerMode "0"
ReverseSpeakers "0"
QuestSubtitlesEnabled "0"
CinematicsSubtitlesEnabled "0"
PlayInBackground "0"
MuteSound "0"
MuteEffects "0"
MuteAmbient "0"
MuteVoice "0"
MuteMusic "0"


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:19 pm

Re: Game loads with wrong language

Oh well, maybe you are correct on that front. A Google took me to this page, https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questi ... lient-uses, which indicates you can change the setting under the Account Options when the game loads. This is old so the screens may have changed a little, but I would assume at this point that the language option is still available either before or after you log in.

In short it says
Not the right language?
1. Start Diablo III.
2. On the login screen, press ESC to pull up the Game Menu, then select Options.
3. Click on the Account section and use the Language Selection dropdown to choose your language.
4. Click OK. Diablo III will restart.

/e: I installed it just to check...

There is also this... https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/19072248055

And some more reading says
If it doesn't work,
1. Delete the Agent folder in C:\ProgramData\Battle.net
2. Launch the game via the launcher, close the game, close the launcher


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Post Tue Feb 19, 2019 11:00 pm

Re: Game loads with wrong language

Heu !!!???
Pouhahahahahahaha, let me explain, i know how to change the language, im not fool or noob at this point.
What i said it is when i go in the option for change language and region, the language slot is blank !!!

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