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Problem with pixilated FX video

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:24 am

Problem with pixilated FX video

Now i know it depends on the resolution, and i did read the FAQ that were saying that the best quality will be gained from having stacking fullscreened windows.

But i were watching some guides on youtube and noticed this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73ATj87XXd4 he has the exact layout that i have but whenever i try to copy what he is doing i get alot of pixilation while he gets none.

Did he do some trickery and have stacked fullscreenes hidden and those 3 windows you see at the bottom are simply video FX feeds? or is there something simple i'm missing?

Also i were wondering is it possible to temporary hide a region with a click? like i press "b" and region 5 becomes hidden untill i press "b" again or something along those lines.
I need this because one of my regions is blocking my inventory so i need to hide it whenever i open the inventory


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:34 am

Re: Problem with pixilated FX video

In that video MiRai uses a Stacked layout with a dxNothing region, and the mini viewers down the bottom are Video FX viewers (he explains that right at the beginning). A layout setup like that (it's not arranged the same way, but the method) is covered in this post. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=3695, although the dxNothing region setup is not covered. You need to follow http://www.isboxer.com/wiki/DxNothing to add the dxNothing, and then use the dxNothing as your target.

Yes to the second too. If you create a mapped key which has a Video FX action that Hides a videofx viewer, then it will be hidden. If you make it a two step mapped key, and step 1 hides the viewer, and step 2 shows the viewer, then it will be a toggle. You will need to create this mapped key manually as the Mapped Key Wizard does not do VideoFX at this time. But if you go through the above post first to build a VideoFX layout, then you'll be familiar with added these actions.


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Vibrant Videographer

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Post Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:52 am

Re: Problem with pixilated FX video

In addition to what bob said, you can also watch my VFX Layouts video to give you some more ideas on how to create a full layout using Video FX.


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Post Fri Mar 06, 2015 7:40 am

Re: Problem with pixilated FX video

Maybe we misunderstood eachother or i'm just doing it wrong :P

What i want is a toggle key for hide/show on the black box in the top right corner http://i.imgur.com/AbHhdFS.jpg It's a dxNothing box

I tried doing what you suggested, what i did was:

Created a new mapped key under "always on"

Created a new Video FX action

Set it to Target:Character:dxNothing and selected the character set then clicked "Hide"

This was just to test if i could hide the window sadly it did not work

It seems thought that this is meant for toggeling the FX videos, remember i just want to toggle the black box shown in the screenshot not the viewers


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:37 am

Re: Problem with pixilated FX video

Oh, a whole region. Sorry, you just started out talking about videofx viewers, and my assumption led us on to here.

You can try and use the Window Actions to send it to the background and bring another to the foreground. MiRai says something about it here, http://www.isboxer.com/forum/viewtopic. ... 329#p29329, although he also mentions that sometimes it didn't work.

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