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D2R - ISBoxer often mixes up right click and left click.

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Post Sat Dec 21, 2024 5:53 pm

D2R - ISBoxer often mixes up right click and left click.


I can launch accounts/game instances with ISBoxer and login to them. About 20% of the time when I first join a game my character is frozen and can't move. When I click anywhere I get a game audio message "Not here." "Not in town." This is because ISBoxer is mixing up the mouse buttons. After entering the game I left click to move, the game receives a right click which is trying to cast a skill in town. The character cannot move. The only solution is to leave game, logout, close that instance of the game and relaunch that account with ISBoxer. And then hope it doesn't happen again. This is maddening. The mouse clicks work fine before entering a game.

This has been going on for at least 1.5 years. I know someone else who used ISBoxer with D2R and they too occasionally got the same error. Their solution was to go to a very old version of ISBoxer -- like 2022 version.

This has never happened when using the game without ISBoxer.

Current Inner Space is v1.19 (build 7278) ISXDK v35.

Any fix for this? It' very frustrating. It makes no difference if I patch before launching accounts or not.


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Post Sun Dec 29, 2024 4:30 pm

Re: D2R - ISBoxer often mixes up right click and left click.

"Not here. Not in town. "
"Not here. Not in town. "
"Not here. Not in town. "

This is maddening. IsBoxer might also be holding down a shift key by mistake, I think that would also trigger the problem.

Any feedback?


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Post Sun Dec 29, 2024 6:28 pm

Re: D2R - ISBoxer often mixes up right click and left click.

Not something I recall hearing of previously, or recently so can only presume it is not a widespread issue.
I could only imagine it is coinciding with some other nuance, such as remapping of the mouse buttons, e.g. that left handed people sometimes do.

Otherwise it really makes no sense as to why it would be doing that. Mouse1 is always Mouse1, unless it is remapped to Mouse2. ISBoxer certainly doesn't do that in its normal state, and if a Mouse1 is received from an input, then a Mouse1 is either picked up as a hotkey, or passed through to the game if there is no Hotkey set.

So, any particular mouse control software you have installed that might be possibly contributing ?


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Post Tue Feb 11, 2025 5:12 pm

Re: D2R - ISBoxer often mixes up right click and left click.

I have the same issue where I try to move and it says not in town. Then, if you toggle on broadcast, it fixes it temporarily.


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Post Fri Feb 14, 2025 11:30 am

Re: D2R - ISBoxer often mixes up right click and left click.

Try here, this is what solves that issue. (BTW, tapping shift also temp fixes it.)
:arrow: viewtopic.php?p=51755#p51755

Follow bob's steps carefully.

And don't ask about D2R crashes/fixes, there have been some known issues recently plaguing many people.
Unknown what Blizz changed in the last few months.
But many people (including myself) hare having stability issues with ISB dropping 1, multiple, or all clients - with no crash logs.

I've had a stable setup for a very long time, typically leaving all my clients sitting at char screen for days at a time with never a crash.
That way when i sat down, I didn't have to log in to them. I could just sit down, flip monitor on, grab toons & start playing.
^ is no longer possible.
In fact the longest I'm capable of getting them to run is about 2 hours, before I have to reload my entire team.
It's very annoying, but :ugeek:Lax will eventually compile an update to deal with it.

In my own opinion, i think it's mostly tied to the DX11 wrapper.
But there is also something in the game, triggering screen resolution resizing, which also absolutely triggers it.
I know that D2R, is technically not a DX11 title. It's DX12. Even Blues at blizz say that's the only way to run it.
However, they're more educated in 'postings' than understanding OS's & coding.
And honestly, the DX11 wrapper is far less taxing on the overall system then DX12 would be.

P.S. makes me wonder if that's also an issue as to why D4 is so hard to multibox with, is it too only using a DX11 wrapper for a DX12 title? /shrug
(Because I do not see a DX12.dll in ISB for it to use, but maybe I missed something. I do see DX8/9/11 however.)

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