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4 Different Chars

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Wed Oct 23, 2019 5:52 am

4 Different Chars

Hi All,

I have a question, i have searched internet/google/isboxer forum. but i could not find it. I want to know the best mix setup in diablo 3.

I had 2x wd, but it was a quite borred, i want like : 1xwd, 1x barb, 1x wizz, 1x monk. but i could not find any information if it's playable.
Best try was 2 monks and 2 Necro's.

Some one has a good idee?



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Post Wed Oct 23, 2019 6:56 am

Re: 4 Different Chars

"best" is subjective to each persons likes/dislikes about each character class. It's a pointless kind of question because someone else's best might be something you are bored with.

Perhaps if you should try out different combos until you find one you like.


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Post Wed Oct 23, 2019 8:08 am

Re: 4 Different Chars

it's not pointless. If some else tried. Wiz/Barb/Monk/Necro and he think this a playable with Isboxer. This would help me or others to try 4 diffrent combo's.
I play now only 4x barb or 4x monk's.. ect ect..


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Post Sat Nov 30, 2019 4:17 am

Re: 4 Different Chars

I have been out of Diablo III for a couple of years now, but I might want to give it another try this season (I mean S19).

Playing 4x the same class is easy and comfortable, but not optimal.

I suggest that you watch videos of teams of 4 players hitting very high GRs (like around 150 ATM), so that you can know what the "Meta" is for S19. And then, you adapt this "Meta" for multiboxing. You can't copy it as it is, because (example) there is often a zDPS Barbarian (or Crusader) who fetches trash mobs and bring them to the "killing zone" where the 3 other players are. Obviously you can't do that while multiboxing.

Still, the best combos are :

- 1x DPS and 3x zDPS
- 2x DPS with one for area damage and the other for single target (boss killing), along with 2x zDPS.

This is more tricky to play, but much more rewarding.

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