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WoW Classic Tip: Launch your team but it launches Retail?

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Post Wed Aug 28, 2019 1:48 am

WoW Classic Tip: Launch your team but it launches Retail?

There has been a fair number of questions about this: "I'm trying to set up WoW Classic but no matter what I do it launches Retail"

Fortunately, this is easy to solve!

First, make sure you have updated Inner Space. If you launch Inner Space and the Patcher window automatically pops up with any patch information, you must click the button in order to actually update. The current live build is 6497. If you are on a build older than 6463, you won't have the updated WoW detection that includes a Game Profile for Classic.

Next, make sure you have a Game Profile that will successfully launch Classic. If it's not already listed in your Inner Space right-click menu, use Add Game to add WoW Classic via its wowclassic.exe -- which would look something like this, except with wowclassic.exe instead of Wow.exe (image slightly outdated as of WoW Classic 1.13.3) ...
... you can TEST whether it successfully launches WoW Classic, by selecting the Game Profile directly from the Inner Space menu; for example, if you manually added WoW Classic, you might find a WoW Classic Default Profile. If it was automatically added, you might find one called "World of Warcraft Classic Client" for you to use. Either way, manually launch that Game Profile through the Inner Space menu and make sure it launches WoW Classic.

Next, you just need to make sure this Game Profile is assigned to your Characters in ISBoxer Toolkit
In ISBoxer Toolkit, in the top left pane under Characters, select each one that should go to classic. You will want to adjust the Game Profile assigned to the Character, to match exactly what you launched above!
This handy gif shows what to do: https://gfycat.com/PoliteQuaintHedgehog

UPDATE: As of WoW Classic 1.13.3, the file is _classic_\wowclassic.exe instead of _classic_\wow.exe


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Post Thu Jan 30, 2020 8:09 am

Re: WoW Classic Tip: Launch your team but it launches Retail?

Hi, I have followed these instructions to the letter. Despite showing wowclassic.exe within the parameter and ensuring I have updated innerspace and rebooted the computer. It still will not launch. Previously it kept launching Retail but now, nothing.
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Post Sat Feb 08, 2020 9:15 am

Re: WoW Classic Tip: Launch your team but it launches Retail?

Can anyone find me an answer?


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Post Sat Feb 08, 2020 1:41 pm

Re: WoW Classic Tip: Launch your team but it launches Retail?

Silencious wrote:Hi, I have followed these instructions to the letter.

From your screenshot, it appears you are trying to add a game 'World of Warcraft', and it's coming back with an error because that game already exists. In the instructions in the first post say to add with a new name: 'WoW Classic'.


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Post Sun Feb 16, 2020 5:14 pm

Re: WoW Classic Tip: Launch your team but it launches Retail?

same issue i have deleted every game except wow classic and now it doesnt pull up anything


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Post Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:51 am

Re: WoW Classic Tip: Launch your team but it launches Retail?

Doesn't sound like the same issue at all. But it does sound like your characters in the toolkit are not pointing at the game profile you want them to. You can select each character in the top left, and in the lower right, change the Game and Game Profile drop downs to be what you want them to be. Dont do this in the Quick Setup Wizard. It does not apply changes to these settings on existing characters. You need to do it outside of the setup wizard.


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Post Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:50 am

Re: WoW Classic Tip: Launch your team but it launches Retail?

I found that Bitdefender internet suit has an advance threat defence which despite indicating to allow Innerspace and everything relating to isboxer, it would not allow it to run. I have to temporary disable this for it to run. But on retail, it no issue. Found it just out of pure luck, now ... I'm :D a happy puppy


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Post Sun Oct 11, 2020 9:47 am

Re: WoW Classic Tip: Launch your team but it launches Retail?

I am also having this problem. No matter what changes I make to the configuration, Retail is launched instead of Classic.


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Post Sun Oct 11, 2020 11:34 am

Re: WoW Classic Tip: Launch your team but it launches Retail?

The Quick Setup Wizard does NOT change the game/game profile of existing characters that have already been created in the toolkit profile.
To change existing characters, you will need to find them in the top left, and change the Game Profile in the lower right.
This quick GIF shows the process. https://gfycat.com/PoliteQuaintHedgehog

You will probably want the one which says World of Warcraft Classic Client, or World of Warcraft Launcher (and then you can select whichever client you want from there).

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