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Constant Disconnects

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Post Mon Jun 17, 2019 7:26 pm

Constant Disconnects


I have multiboxed before with no problem but recently my characters are getting DC'd every 2-3 minutes. Sometimes it settles and let's me play but today it kept happening so much I had to stop for my own sanity.

Has anyone else had this issue and been able to overcome it?


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Post Mon Jun 17, 2019 8:00 pm

Re: Constant Disconnects

Are you trying to multibox while using wireless internet?


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Post Mon Jun 17, 2019 8:20 pm

Re: Constant Disconnects

No, wired.

I have just tried reinstalling inner space and isboxer with no luck.

Edit: I disabled the "Optimize Network for Speed" option on all 5 clients and only 2 of them DCd since, far less than normal. Coincidence maybe, time will tell?


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Post Sun Jun 23, 2019 5:06 am

Re: Constant Disconnects

I am having the same issues. Not quite sure when it started, but its only there for a week or two. It was not the classic change as I had the disconnects before.

I am not having constant disconnects but pretty much everytime I log in with a team random 2 out of 5 characters get disconnected. After logging back in with these two all the makros dont work anymore, need to reload through loading the profile from innerspace.

I think its time based. After a minute or so two disappear. Its not a specific action like accepting a quest or clicking. If I quit everything and load a second team, again two get disconnected.

After I go through this everything is fine and they stay online. I do have to reload the team in the innerspace application more frequently as the team seems to lose their keyboard settings/makros sometimes in mid session. Again not sure what cases that as its not consistent.


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Post Mon Jun 24, 2019 4:12 am

Re: Constant Disconnects

Maphizto wrote:I am having the same issues. Not quite sure when it started, but its only there for a week or two. It was not the classic change as I had the disconnects before.

I am not having constant disconnects but pretty much everytime I log in with a team random 2 out of 5 characters get disconnected. After logging back in with these two all the makros dont work anymore, need to reload through loading the profile from innerspace.

I think its time based. After a minute or so two disappear. Its not a specific action like accepting a quest or clicking. If I quit everything and load a second team, again two get disconnected.

After I go through this everything is fine and they stay online. I do have to reload the team in the innerspace application more frequently as the team seems to lose their keyboard settings/makros sometimes in mid session. Again not sure what cases that as its not consistent.

I am also having this problem, it doesn't seem to have to do with any addon. Because even if I don't fully login but stay at character selection for a while, 1-3 accounts still get disconnected.


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Post Mon Jun 24, 2019 5:25 pm

Re: Constant Disconnects

I can confirm this is happening to me too - I have gotten into the habit now of logging my team in and just waiting for a few minutes at the character select screen before "Entering World". Invariably anything between 1 and 3 accounts will just disconnect with the 51900319 error. It's not the end of the world of course........just annoying. Once I log them back in, everything is pretty much good as gold.

This has been only going on the past few weeks.

Things I have tried (this is a wired connection as well btw):

- Dropping InnerSpace load aggression down to moderate
- Logging them in one at a time
- Disabling Optimize Network Speed in WoW Client
- Flushing DNS cache
- Restart router

None of that worked.

I am currently running development updates of InnerSpace after Lax was kind enough to add some support for my Razer Tartarus V2. So as an experiment, I rolled back to the live version which is 6423 and logged in a few times. No disconnects.

Then I re-patched to the lastest dev build of 6461 (I NEEEEED my Tartarus :) ) - and so far, no disconnects - I will do a more thorough test tomorrow as I just logged my teams on for a few minutes to check if they disconnected and they didn't.

If you are getting disconnects, perhaps try a roll-back to live if you are running the dev patches, then re-patch. Perhaps something broke somewhere in the update process between the various dev builds as there have been quite a few in the last month or so.


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Post Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:57 am

Re: Constant Disconnects

I was already on the live build. It's nice that it fixed it for you, but as I get disconnected already in the character selection screen also (Seems to be just after some time like 1 minute or so and it disconnects). I have a hard time seeing it can have anything to do with innerspace or any addon as they are not loaded yet. The only way I can not get some clients to not disconnect, is to wait a minute or so between logging in accounts. And I rather just reconnect those that disconnect then.
I restarted multiboxing rather recently but it worked the first few days, so it's also a few weeks for me.


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Post Tue Jun 25, 2019 5:11 am

Re: Constant Disconnects

Just putting it out there that InnerSpace and ISBoxer do not do anything with the network communications between the game and the server. All network comms are the games own.

The disconnects may be a corrupt file, although that seems unlikely with not all crashing out.
It is more likely (IMO) the game and mitigations that have been implemented to prevent abuse from taking place by either botters, DDOS attacks, hackers, and/or gold farmers. With multiboxers just being picked up as collateral damage.

Others have suggested turning off network optimization and if possible disabling IPv6 on your network stack.
You might also consider other software you happen to have running, although the problem is widespread enough that the only common factor that we can see at this time (other than the game and InnerSpace/ISBoxer) would be Windows.


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Post Tue Jun 25, 2019 5:38 am

Re: Constant Disconnects

It is possible that it could be the windows update it was for me june 12th and that was when I reached 120 and those disconnects started. But it could also be blizzard change of course. But the timing is perfect for the KB4503286(might have another name in other region) update on windows because I'm pretty sure that is when it started for me.

I saw that I was still on windows 1803 so if you have newer version windows you would probably not have gotten that update, or another name on it.
updating now see if that maybe will help with disconnects.
upgrading Windows 10 1903 didn't make any change anyway, hopefully whatever causing it will get better, but it is still just a little bit annoying, no big problem really.
If it is blizzard fightinng bots I will have to live with it just.


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Post Tue Jun 25, 2019 2:38 pm

Re: Constant Disconnects

Im having the same issues. It started the same day of the last update to EMA. Hopefully its just a coincidence.

Every time I log a team in, a random one or two disconnect. Once everyone is back online it wont do it again until I log another team. Then same thing all over again.

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