Sat Dec 15, 2018 5:44 am by rafalj7
i have similar problem. After 8.1 it is almost unplayable.
I am using 2 pcs. On both pcs i never reached 100% cpu load (only during loading screens) and never reached 100% memory and gpu. After patch without any changes in hardware/software i am struggling, that much that it is almost unplayable.
1st pc even it was not using 100% cpu/memory/gpu etc was crashing and suddenly clients were shuting down without any errors - but CPU did not reach 100%. I tried to reinstall game, update drivers etc etc, then moved game to SSD and now i am reaching 100% cpu, game takes like in your case 5 min to load but at least i do not get crashes, yet it is 100% cpu usage all the time, strange thing is that on all clinets game performance is very smooth.
On the 2nd pc it is worse. i am not reaching 100% cpu - i did the same, SSD, update drivers. reinstall game, addons etc etc, also tried all thread strategy and nothing. Game is loading very fast - 16 clients within 30 s or something, but during playing i have extremly bad performance, i have microfreezes every 1-3s on each client which cause problems with playing/ killing / looting etc. Even sometimes not only clinet crashes, but whole PC... i decided to monitor once again CPU usage and it was all the time ~60-80% on each core/thread, memory ~60%, gpu 60% .. so i was very cofused wtf is going on. Then i checked real number of cpu usage. I have Ryzen 2700 with 3.425 GHz (OCed slightly) and before patch i was using ~70% of this value, while now i had 60-80% usage but i realized freuency was increasing from time to time from 3,4 to 3,6 even 3.9 on EACH THREAD and in these spikes cpu usage on some threads jump into 100%... and i think this causes my microfreezes and game/PC crashes ... I do not know what to do. I cannot believe that this stupid patch changed everything that I am using in fact up to 60% more cpu then before which cannot be see by monitoring % usage, but in fact real frequency. I am so pissed...
1st pc is intel i5 xxxx dont remember, with gtx 960 and memory 24gb, 2nd pc already mentioned ryzen, gtx 1070 and 32 gb memory. And patch is problem for both rigs. Before patch i had very smooth perofrmance on 8 clinets @1st pc and 16 clients@2nd pc. I could even run more without big issues (up to 10 and up to 18) - now i cannot use 8/16 ...
But at least regarding your problem i have the same on my 1st pc and cannot find solution for that.