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WoW multiple slots not snapping or launching

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 10

Joined: Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:45 pm

Post Sat Jan 27, 2018 4:13 pm

WoW multiple slots not snapping or launching

Hi Lax, et al!

So here's what's happening: I launch Inner Space, Launch my character set (five characters) and....only one window comes up. The one window that does come up is for the first character slot, but doesn't "snap" to the area like it used to before (does that make sense? The window still has a title bar, etc. and doesn't fill in the whole space). No other windows launch. The console says:

| 12:52:45 ISBoxer: Preparing to launch Character Set '5TeamwithDXNothing'
| 12:52:45 ISBoxer: Settings imported from ISBoxerToolkit.GeneralSettings.XML
| 12:52:45 ISBoxer: Making sure Characters in Character Set '5TeamwithDXNothing' are
| 12:52:45 ISBoxer: Good!
| 12:52:45 ISBoxer: Launching Character Set '5TeamwithDXNothing' all slots...
| 12:52:45 ISBoxer: Launching Slot 1 Character 'Univel-Feathermoon'
Successfully executed '"C:\World of Warcraft\wow-64.exe"'.
Session name 'World of Warcraft14620' accepted for process C:\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe
Session name 'is1' accepted for process C:\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe
| 12:55:45 ISBoxer: Character from Set '5TeamwithDXNothing' not fully launched after 3 minutes.
Select again to continue launching additional slots.
| 12:55:45 ISBoxer: Instructions completed.

What I have tried:
Verified I can run WoW on it's own
Researched a lot on the forums here and tried a few things...nada.
Uninstalled ISBoxer and reinstalled
Characters will launch individually from Inner Space when chosen individually, but not snap to their slot like the first character.
Relaunched the entire character set at once after the initial fail...does the same thing (only launches the first character and doesn't snap to it's position).
Went back to archival build 6200 and tested everything again. It does the same thing.
Vertified under Inner Space Configuration, Game Comfiguration that Direct 3D9 is checked
Banged head against the wall. Wrote this up.

Here's my diagnostic:

I am running Windows 10 with two monitors, though I only specify being on one monitor (the main 1).

Let me know if you need anything else! Appreciate your help,


PS The weird thing is that it was JUST working three days ago!


Posts: 10

Joined: Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:45 pm

Post Sat Jan 27, 2018 10:02 pm

Re: WoW multiple slots not snapping or launching

So I wanted to update this a little bit as AltBob and MiRai and Valerian helped me a bit in discord, though we could not find the cause.

I removed all extraneous processes, including turning off Windows Defender, Malwarebytes, and Logitech. Processes for Apple, ink, etc. were also turned off. Nothing affected the outcome. HOWEVER, once I did shut all these down, the process of launching characters got a BIT further as it snapped the first character to it's slot and loaded the second character. It continued to hang and behave the same way as before after that.

It feels like something is super slowing down the process and timing out. I can launch the characters individually, though each takes about two minutes to launch. However, none of the Inner Space stuff works (i.e. Broadcasting on/off, Key Maps on/off, auto switching from one window to another, etc.) Relaunching the set over the individually launched sets did not work - an entirely new set appears to be starting (i.e. the first character launch attempts, but hangs).

It seems also somewhat obvious that it may be a windows update as it was working three days ago (on build 6200). Could be a windows update interfering.

I cannot duplicate this on my laptop however. I have IS Boxer installed there (gawd, the small screen!), BUT I'm having issues with the DX Nothing screen loading properly (launches all the characters and I get my Inner-space-ness, but it doens't snap character 2-5 into their DX Nothing slots). Not sure what's going on there, if it's related or not, but figured I'd mention it. Gonna play around a bit with it and see if happens with all dxNothings I load.

Hope some of this helps track down the problem! Missing multiboxing, but I'll live.

Thanks for all your support,


Edit: I also wanted to add that the computer I'm having problems with is a Microsoft Surface Studio. Definitely powerful enough for all this, but figured I'd mention it as slightly different than what most people have.

Edit 2: I'm still having problems with dXNothing windows(on the laptop). I'm using the wizard, but when I chose a layout (say the one where the "hole" is in the bottom left and two slots are on the bottom and two on the right hand side) the character slots 2-5 will snap to a spot but they are half off the screen. Odd. Tired now so I think I'll call it a night.


Posts: 10

Joined: Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:45 pm

Post Sun Jan 28, 2018 12:20 am

Re: WoW multiple slots not snapping or launching

I'm so embarrassed.... After noticing that the GPU was at 97% when launching the wow executable from within Innerspace, I figured it might be a graphics issue. Though Windows said no driver update was available, I went to NVIDIAs site and they had an update. A gaming update. Sigh. Go figure. Long story short, I loaded the new driver and my original profile launches with no problems now.

Forgive all the fuss! I can't believe I spent all day troubleshooting this when it was a 101 problem!!

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