World of Warcraft 7.3.0 Compatibility - Update Sep 10 2017
Sept 13 2017: Inner Space build 6195 is now LIVE, correcting issues with World of Warcraft 7.3.0.
As many of you are discovering today, launching WoW 7.3 with Inner Space/ISBoxer produces a "Failed to execute" error.
The fix for this issue is not simple. It is not a line of code I can find a typo in to make it no longer "Fail to execute". There is not a simple workaround to e.g. "just use wow.exe instead of wow-64.exe" (this results in exactly the same error, don't waste your time!). But, the fix is coming!
Since WoW 7.3 came to the Public Test Realm (PTR), I have been working hard on refactoring/rewriting the most complicated and innermost piece of Inner Space. This must be done in order to support a change they made to the way the game is packaged, which results in this error. The original intent was to complete this work before the release of WoW 7.3, and up until today that was still the basic plan. Obviously we're past that deadline.
An optimistic (if things move along smoothly) ETA at the moment is by sometime tomorrow evening (8/30, 6PM EST or later). Things almost never go smoothly.
Stay tuned for further updates

Edit: While you're here waiting, feel free to drop by the ISBoxer Discord. You can get the latest updates on this issue in our #World_of_Warcraft channel.

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