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window switch issues

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Posts: 9

Joined: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:41 am

Post Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:49 am

window switch issues

just started using Isboxer and so far i'm very happy with it.
I 4 box with a 2 screen setup with main on big screen and other 3 account on side screen
I have a few things I would like to change but dont know how exactly and didnt find it in the help menu.

1) when I switch main window to change toon (for a pickup quest for example) ISb turns on the mouse repeater everytime even if it wasnt on before. How do I stop that ?
2) ISb seems to broadcast all keyboard key by default and I only want the action bar keys sent. in the keymap section of my tean there is no list of the actual keys it just says this item has no poperties in this context - why ?

sorry for the newbie questions



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Post Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:33 am

Re: window switch issues

1. It doesn't turn it on. You turned it ON on all windows with your own hotkey, and turned it OFF in the current window possibly by clicking the icon? To correct this issue, remove all of the hotkeys you created in your Repeater Profile, and instead use the Repeat Hotkeys configured in the Control key map (Shift+Alt+R by default, you can configure the hotkeys there if you want)

2. You generally want to play with Repeater turned off. You have it on. Highly recommend going through the Quick Start Guide, which helps you with this and other common questions for new users

http://isboxer.com/index.php/guides/69-wow-guide-quick-start -- Make sure to read from "Understanding Key Maps vs Repeater" down to and including "Quickly add many hotkeys, optionally with auto-assist " even if you skip the rest of the guide.

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