Swappig between screens causes a ton of lag/stuttering
I have a 3 toon team and run fixed (no swapping) setup on 1 monitor. Whenever I mouse to a different screen to interact with another character, I get a ton of lag/stuttering that makes the game virtually unplayable. The more I swap, the worse it gets, but if I stay on one screen, and don't interact with the others, it runs just fine. I should note that as a benchmark, I launched 3 accounts manually through the Blizzard launcher (outside of IS Boxer) and have no input lag or stuttering when switching between them. I've been troubleshooting solutions for a few days now, and it does not seem to be a hardware issue. Each account is set to full screen mode, with the lowest possible settings, and framerates on the default 30-60 setting.
Intel i7-9700k
32 Gigs Ram
Any ideas or other diagnostics I could run would be greatly appreciated. I suppose I could just play through multiple launchers, but it's just so sloppy, I cant bring myself to do it.
Thanks in advance!