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IwT & CtM not working

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Mon Jan 22, 2024 9:11 pm

IwT & CtM not working


I have been using ISBoxer for many years, and have had very few problems. However, i think i have changed a setting somewhere that has broken my Interact with Target and Click-to-Move functions. I usually use a standard multi-class casting team, but have recently created a melee team. I was able to get the IwT and CtM functions working a few days ago, but have since made changes and broken it. I cannot find where I broke it. I have watched MiRai's videos and other videos and posts from ISboxer forums and have not found the fix.

I should say that my Interact with Target keybind is bound to in-game Z, and it seems to work as intended. But the IwT, inside of my rotation, (with a 'Move Forward' action to stop the toons from running around) based on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQCEpqprUWA&t=1s is not working.

The ISBoxer addon IS enabled. And nothing in-game is bound to Ctrl+Shift+N or Ctrl+Alt+N. I think my "Virtual Mapped Keys" inside of the Character Set is correct. It seems to me everything is configured properly, but obviously not:) I have originally setup ISBoxer based on MiRai's Pro setup: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqHaH4gbrmo&list=PLtaeemZCwSPxVgjtom4EuQuF9UFhl5npq%20MiRai's%20Pro). So, hopefully, my config is not overly and unnecessarily complicated.

It is a team consisting of Druid healer (my main), Paladin tank, Rogue DPS, x2 Shamans DPS. And I have all but the healer tagged with "Melee" Action Target Group. So, all of the other characters are melee classes.

Let me know if i need to post my config via another option.

Thanks for your help!


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Post Mon Jan 22, 2024 10:01 pm

Re: IwT & CtM not working

What is the team name, and perhaps an explanation of what is not actually working?
Like what hotkey you are pressing in order to attempt to get an action taking place.

The one that that stands out to me is that your "pro" setup has Hotkeys set for all the mapped keys for the various classes, and quite a few shouldn't have as they should be executing from the mapped keys in ISB42 - Combat Hotkeys and going through the virtual chain. However, this is not necessarily your IWT/CTM issue.


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Post Mon Jan 22, 2024 10:56 pm

Re: IwT & CtM not working

The melee team name in question is "Evermoon-x5-Team6".

I use hotkey 'Z' bound in-game and in ISBoxer for general purpose IwT (talk to NPC, loot...) and have no problems.

I spam '1' to do my DPS rotation (which is configured via "Virtual Combat" to point to individual class keymaps.) This setup is not working. It has worked before and worked well. I was able to spam "1" and all the toons would run to the enemy and attack. And with a "Move Forward" step built into the actions, they would not randomly run around. I fear if I were to need to constantly use "Z" when I have multiple mobs in combat, things would get to busy for my fingers. i would like to try to simplify my key usage by building IwT and CtM into my rotations.

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