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Issues with recent update

Moderator: MiRai



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Joined: Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:05 pm

Post Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:46 pm

Issues with recent update

It seems that the latest update to Inner Space is causing issues with World of Warcraft. I guess I better mention that it's the 3.3.5a client.

* After launching the games the key maps, broadcasting etc do not work. Exporting from ISBoxer has a chance of making a few of the clients respond but not all of them. I'm doing this with 10 characters and usually it's 2 that starts to work after exporting. If I manually click each window, activate and deactivate repeater inside each of them they suddenly start to respond to both regular key maps and repeater.
* The mouse is behaving even worse. It behaves as if the sensitivity is through the roof even though I haven't changed the DPI or the in-game option. If I slowly move the mouse to the left the character will actually turn right instead (and vice versa) - moving it slightly faster causes a kind of jittery effect with a very high sensitivity.

The first one has an acceptable, yet strange, workaround but the second one I just don't know. I can't downgrade to test it either because the versions listed in the archive just complain about Lavish.dll missing.

Even when each game start, basically it "flashes" before snapping into its correct position and size (best explanation I can give), now it's like a mess of strangeness before snapping into the correct position and size. It's tough to explain but it's strange. I could try to get a print of it if needed but I'm not going to include one right now because I don't think it would help anyone - could be wrong.

EDIT: Broadcasting is very, very strange. I tried inputting the string "Qwerty" into the in-game chat and it came out as "qWerty" on some, "QWerty" on some and "Qwerty" on some. Once one included strange characters I've never seen before.


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Post Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:57 pm

Re: Issues with recent update

The Patcher window has a History tab, all you need to do to revert to your previously working version is click the History tab, select the version, and click the install button

Thank you for reporting the issues you're experiencing


Posts: 4

Joined: Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:05 pm

Post Sun Sep 24, 2023 9:08 pm

Re: Issues with recent update

I couldn't find any other version listed there. I have however found the solution so this topic might as well be closed. I should've looked at Discord before even considering posting here but thanks to your message there I ticked the "Disable New Virtual Input" and it works like a dream again. That was kind of my bad for not figuring it out sooner.

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