Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:13 pm by bob
The way it is set up currently basically sends 5 or 6 key combinations to the game at the same time and wants the game to figure out which macro to run.
You could achieve much the same thing by having a single macro which has all the /cast XXXX lines in it.
The other option is to actually put each macro call in separate steps in the rotation and have like a rotation with one key combo sent to the game at a time, rather than the sledgehammer the keyboard approach. This of course may not have the desired outcome where you always fire a spell as it is possible that you might get to a step and that particular spell is not available so the toon does nothing on that hotkey mash (although it usually will be cycled on fairly quick).
If there is a common fallback spell (macro) that should be available every time (or even 80%-90%), then perhaps you could stretch it out to 3 or 4 steps which only have one or two macro calls in each step so it lessens the amount the game is being hit to try and decipher the incoming key combos.