Update Required - Private Legion
I am playing on a private server that I have set up locally. It is running the Legion expansion and I can log into it manually without issue (even multiple times from the same computer). When I try and launch a set through Innerspace I keep getting "Patch Required" and after a short delay has a "restart" popup. Clicking restart drops me to login with a "Failed to apply patch" message. It just loops that way over and over. I have searched the forums but don't see anything similar to what I'm experiencing.
I know you don't support private servers, but any ideas on what I should be looking at to fix this?
I checked my AddOns folder and I do have an ISBoxer folder in it. I've actually tried with multiple clients and different servers as well. Testing with a local setup and a publicly available server with the same results. I am using the "Wow.exe" executable and not some oddly name version. I have a WotLK server that I've setup as well which works through ISBoxer without fail. This seems to be specific to Legion though I've only tested the 2 versions. Neither of the Legion servers I'm trying to connect to have a bnet.exe or whatever the name would be. Is that the problem? It is trying to download/patch BNet and can't find it through ISBoxer?
I think during my various profile setup tests I saw a method to manually launch the game which I think would work, as I said I can launch and log into the game manually without issue. Is that my solution and where did I see that? I haven't been able to find it again.
Happy to provide any further information that I can, I just don't know what would be useful to figure this out. Let me know, and thanks!
I know you don't support private servers, but any ideas on what I should be looking at to fix this?
I checked my AddOns folder and I do have an ISBoxer folder in it. I've actually tried with multiple clients and different servers as well. Testing with a local setup and a publicly available server with the same results. I am using the "Wow.exe" executable and not some oddly name version. I have a WotLK server that I've setup as well which works through ISBoxer without fail. This seems to be specific to Legion though I've only tested the 2 versions. Neither of the Legion servers I'm trying to connect to have a bnet.exe or whatever the name would be. Is that the problem? It is trying to download/patch BNet and can't find it through ISBoxer?
I think during my various profile setup tests I saw a method to manually launch the game which I think would work, as I said I can launch and log into the game manually without issue. Is that my solution and where did I see that? I haven't been able to find it again.
Happy to provide any further information that I can, I just don't know what would be useful to figure this out. Let me know, and thanks!
H8red in IRC.