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chars randomly turning in another direction

Moderator: MiRai



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Joined: Wed Aug 05, 2020 4:17 pm

Post Wed Aug 05, 2020 4:44 pm

chars randomly turning in another direction

hello fellow boxer of azeroth!

i mainly farm in nazmir and voldun with mousewheel up + down and since i started multiboxing about two weeks ago all my 8 chars are randomly turning in another direction. they never do it together and its never the same way. sometimes they just turn like 1mm to the left, the next time they are turning 90 degrees to the right and sometimes they even to a uturn. its completly random. when im lucky they wont move for like 20 or 30 minutes and sometimes they do it like every 30secs.

the only thing i know what is connected to this problem is, that its ALWAYS happening while looting. as pretty much everyone else, im also looting with the loot-a-rang. but it cant be the only reason while it is happening since it doesnt happen everytime im looting.

i tried pretty much everyting by now:

- reinstalled wow
- reinstalled isboxer + innerspace
- deleted all addons
- resetted my keybindsettings and changed the keybinds in wow and isboxer for like 50 times
- changed my mouse
- updated innerspace to the dev version
- let someone with around 10 years of multibox experience check my settings several times (his thought was, that it has to do something with "interact with target" but it even happens when interact is not even binded in wow and isboxer. by now he thinks something outside of wow and isboxer is causing thi sproblem but he also checked my pc over teamviewer. i have nothing running besides wow and innerspace. but then again WHEN it happens its ALWAYS while looting. it has to be connected to that)

by now im willing to try everything. i would greatly appreciate any idea!

here is a short clip of it:



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Post Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:05 am

Re: chars randomly turning in another direction

Hello, I have the same problem. One difference, I'm not using mouse, I'm pushing button on a keyboard.
Now, after the m-boxing TOS changes. I don't use isboxer or innerspace. I'm using JMB and casting loot-a-rang with regular WoW macro (/use loot-a-rang) and the problem still happens.
Please please PLEEAAASEEE help.


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Post Tue Dec 08, 2020 10:05 pm

Re: chars randomly turning in another direction

It sounds like one of the camera follow settings may be in play.


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Joined: Wed Dec 12, 2018 1:47 pm

Post Wed Dec 09, 2020 11:33 am

Re: chars randomly turning in another direction

I completely deleted Cache and WTF folders. Also turned off camera following function. Did not help at all. The point is that the whole char moves, not only the camera.
All this situation is weird. I've read somewhere that since WoTLK some players have similar issue while running, time by time their char changes direction without any reason. Casual players said, that even Blizzard don't know why this can be happening, don't know if we can trust this info tho.

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