Join us in's official WoW Guilds!
As recently discussed in's WoW General forum thread Help me choose a realm to prepare for WoD + community events, we have officially chosen two servers in the same Cross-Realm Zone (CRZ) block to host both an Alliance guild and a Horde guild called Multiboxer.
Our Alliance guild is on Sargeras, and our Horde guild is on Bleeding Hollow.
Here is the current list of US Realms connected to these two:
Bleeding Hollow
Black Dragonflight/Gul'dan/Skullcrusher
Auchidoun/Cho'gall/Laughing Skull
Deathwing/Executus/Kalecgos/Shattered Halls
Blackwing Lair/Dethecus/Detheroc/Haomarush/Lethon/Shadowmoon
Alterac Mountains/Balnazzar/Gorgonnash/The Forgotten Coast/Warsong
Agamaggon/Archimonde/Jadenar/The Underbog
Burning Legion
We will welcome guild members from any of these realms, so if you already have a team on any of them, feel free to join in! For people making new teams, we would ultimately prefer you join us on our home realms, but will leave that up to you. Just remember that some areas in the game, and some content, will not work with CRZ. But for the most part, anyone on this CRZ block should be able to participate in our community events.
When you're ready to join in, please make a new thread in the guild forum ( ) , tag the thread with Alliance or Horde prefix, give the names of the toons on your team, and we'll get you hooked up. Pretty please just multiboxing teams, your solo "mains" should be in another guild and not tagged as <Multiboxer>
Guild members will get a special badge on the forums that shows up next to your posts -- one for the Horde guild and one for the Alliance guild. You can join both guilds with different teams and get both badges if you want. All the cool kids are doing it, so you totally won't look cool on the forums without at least one of these two badges! We'll also have badges for participating in community events down the road. (p.s. LF graphic designer to make a few badges, though I need other stuff done too)
To get things rolling, I've transferred my level 80 Shaman team onto Bleeding Hollow and I'll be levelling them up. I also have DK teams started on both sides, but I'll probably generally play a mixed team. MiRai will be RAFing it up sometime soon, after he gets situated in his new place, but in the meantime he's levelling up a solo toon on the Sargeras side (not tagged as <Multiboxer>). Both MiRai and I will have teams on both sides though.
There's fun to be had, join us!