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Soloing Siege of Ogrimmar

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:59 pm
by Mercurio
I posted this at, but thought some other ISBoxer users that don't frequent that site might be interested as well. I always like to see other boxers soloing current raid content:

I've been having fun the last few months working on upgrading my PvE gear on some of my teams in WoW. Yesterday I figured I'd try SoO flex by myself and see what I could get done.

Happily, I downed the first four bosses. Protectors and Norushen were trivial, while Immerseus and Sha took more work. Blizzard continues to add to the complexity of raid encounters that make things harder for us boxers, but we are able to overcome.

Not sure if anyone else has been successful with this (or has even been crazy enough to try), but I thought I'd share my success. I hope you enjoy them!


Fallen Protectors


Sha of Pride


Iron Juggernaut

And ISBoxer made it all possible, thanks Lax!

Re: Soloing Siege of Ogrimmar

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:07 am
by lax
Awesome, thanks for sharing here :)

Also, you can add videos (and screenshots and other links) to's index! This will get exposure at the bottom of the front page

Re: Soloing Siege of Ogrimmar

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 12:23 pm
by Norrin
I really enjoyed these.
I don't really get to box much these days so have to live through others.

So thank you so much for sharing them.