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I have six month suspension

Moderator: MiRai



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Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:08 pm

Post Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:13 pm

I have six month suspension

Have six month suspension today for "botting" but i used IzBoxer and dont use any macros or smth. Wrote 2 times in support but they just sad that i use bot and cheeting programs.

I dont know what to do :(


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Post Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:18 pm

Re: I have six month suspension

Your screenshot says your fellow players reported you for "cheating". It goes on to say that "cheating" includes actions like botting, and exploiting game mechanics.

Your suspension appears to be because of what you were doing in the game, not because you used ISBoxer. If your discussion with Blizzard is "I only used ISBoxer!!!!" that's why you're not getting anywhere with it.

There is no assistance we can provide, as we are not you or Blizzard, and have zero knowledge of you or what you were doing or using. I will say that Blizzard tends to have someone follow up on reports and review what you are doing, if not even talk to you, before banning you based on reports. I will also say if they wanted to ban for using ISBoxer, they probably would have included it in the recent ban waves.

Here's what we have posted on ISBoxer Discord that would apply here.
1. ISBoxer is not a shield for cheating in games or breaking game rules. If you are doing things that would get you banned from the game anyway, including harassing others, RMT in games that prohibit RMT, "zone disruption", "afk farming" (also known as botting), etc -- using ISBoxer is not going to help you avoid getting banned, and telling us or the game company that you "only used ISBoxer" will not reverse or prevent your ban. Please leave if that is why you are here.

2. We do not promote "afk farming" or "I'm not afk farming I'm just standing still and hitting one button and not looking at it". This is not what our community is about and we're not here to help you do that. Such behavior ends up being toxic to the game, to the multiboxing community, and could result in getting banned from both. For help/ideas maximizing your gold intake, try something like https://www.reddit.com/r/woweconomy/ rather than the multiboxing community.

Anyway, again, I don't want to make any assumptions, but the screenshot clearly says you were reported by other players.

As there is nothing productive to come from this thread, it will now be locked. Sorry to hear your trouble, I do wish you luck.

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