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Characters gets "stuck" after 2-3 hours of gameplay

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 3

Joined: Fri May 01, 2020 4:39 am

Post Fri May 01, 2020 5:06 am

Characters gets "stuck" after 2-3 hours of gameplay

Hi, I've been multiboxing for about 2 months now, and really love the program.

I multibox 8 clients atm and I mainly farm gold (characters spamming a spell for two min, then loot and repeat)

What's happening is that after about 2+ hours of gameplay in the same session, characters starts to get "stuck".
"Stuck" in this case means that they completely "lock" into a specific action, and without jumping, and only jumping, makes them unable to perform a different action than what I started after the last jump.
This is really awkward to try to explain, so I'll go deep with this:
After setting up my farming setup, placing characters etc, I basicly just mash one ability (sunfire) for 2 minutes straight, then I spam my loot-"ability" (loot-a-rang) for about 15 sec, and that is the whole process.
Then after some time, characters become unable to perform a different action. So after my 2min of sunfire, the "stucked" characters can't perform the loot-action. The only "solution" is that I have to perform a jump on the stucked characters to basicly "snap" them out of the "stuck", but I have to do that for every single diffrent action I do. For every farm "cycle" I have to then do this multiple times, for mount, following etc etc.

Turning on repeater doesn't make any difference. The only real solution to stop this issue from continuing, is to completely exit all the clients and reboot, to have the same problem accur 2-3 hours later.
To only changes to the settings through isboxer I've made is to add the two "spells" I use in my "cycle" as straight key broadcasts under keymaps-custom hotkeys.
I have recently upgraded my pc, which most definitely is not the issue.
I've had this issue since day 1.

I hope there is a solution to this, cause it's really starting to annoy my ass, even though the "fix" is to just press spacebar all the time, but not really knowing when it happens kinda suck.



Posts: 3

Joined: Fri May 01, 2020 4:39 am

Post Fri May 01, 2020 5:09 am

Re: Characters gets "stuck" after 2-3 hours of gameplay

I should also add that this always happens to the character is the last slot, like slot #8 first. And if I ignore it and don't reboot the session, it will gradually "spread" to slot #7 then 6 then 5. All though its not always in that order, but always starts with #8.


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Joined: Thu Oct 01, 2020 11:08 pm

Post Thu Oct 01, 2020 11:11 pm

Re: Characters gets "stuck" after 2-3 hours of gameplay

x 2


Posts: 9

Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:44 am

Post Thu Oct 01, 2020 11:52 pm

Re: Characters gets "stuck" after 2-3 hours of gameplay

You won't find much support for that sort of gameplay here, but this is a loot-a-rang bug. There are 2 options:
1. Stop standing so still
2. Add /stopcasting to loot-a-rang macro

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