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Only read if bored...

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Post Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:05 pm

Only read if bored...

Hey all,

I just joined the ISBoxer user base and I thought I'd drop in and introduce myself, my multiboxing experience to date, and how I came to ISBoxer.

My name is Steven and my most commonly used gamer tags are StevOwn and/or Metro (I'm a metrology engineer). I consider myself an ameteur boxer and have been boxing for almost a year with keyclone. I currently have Four teams:

80 pal, 80 sham, 80 sham, 80 sham, 80 sham -> Typical prot + 4 ele, though I'm thinking about switching to enhancement on the shammies (thank you IWT!)
60 druid, 60 druid, 60 druid, 60 druid, 60 druid -> 1 feral, 4x boomkin
60 DK, 60 Priest, 60 Priest, 60 Priest, 60 Priest -> Unholy DK + 4 holy nova spamming priests... can anyone say AOE fest? FYI, this team is very fun
60 lock, 60 lock, 60 lock -> empty toons, no talents, leveled from cascading RAF free levels

I plan to start a dk+4pal team this week or next week, depending on work schedule.
Not sure what team to build with the RAF levels

Mostly I'm pretty quiet in game and don't draw a lot of attention. I've been in the same small-time guild for a while, and though at times I think I'd be better suited in a different guild since I don't ever see anyone on, I've always been loyal and contribute tons to the gbank that I'm in. I dont get to participate in any hardcore PVP or Raiding/Heroics simply because I'm a night owl. I work 6pm to 6am and on my days off I keep the same schedule. Multiboxing is a godsend to me for that reason. I only need ME to play, and it doesn't matter that no one else is on. :)

I have cleared *most* heroics with my 80 team with the sole intentions of getting heirloom items for my baby teams and farming gold through professions and loots. However, with the struggles I experience on a couple bosses/heroics it became clear I needed to do a bit of research to improve my boxing skills. I had problems with things like fear, puddles of death, decay flesh, vehicles (all my macro's for assist were actually on the toolbar and that changes on a vehicle) and mass mind control (Old kingdom?). I ended up creating too many macro's for the simpliest things until it became unmanageable and frustrating. See, when I started boxing, I pretty much just broadcasted keys to all windows and handled the rest myself through macro's and addons. I didn't do any forum reading, or just enough to know how to setup keyclone for RR and DNP. What I ended up with was a set of sub-par focus-leader macros, and NO ability to switch in the event of leader death. This made me a *bad* boxer in BG and in general. You know, the one you are NOT excited to see when you join a BG :), yea I was that guy. Anyway, I'm kicking myself for not researching earlier because there are so many things I've discovered from the multiboxing and ISBoxer forums alone that I don't know how I ever lived without them, like Focusless/leaderless boxing, parrot with throttling and team damage, switching toons after a dead/cc, mouse broadcasting, repeater zones + heal addon, click macros (ZOMG will save so much button space...), and most importantly.... IWT! (notice all my current teams are range, you can image my delight learning about IWT)

Anywho, I'm very excited about ISBoxer and what I've learned. I only had a chance to DL it and do the quick setup before I ran off to work tonight, and I can't wait to get home to play with it. I'm going to start completely from scratch on my in game macros and addons... and hopefully not fail so much.

At this point I don't really have any questions on ISBoxer itself and should be able to figure it out but was looking for a bit of input on the WoW end specifically. As stated above, I want to make a ret pal team since everyone is raving about it. I am also thinking about converting my ele shammies to enhancement. As far as healing and art of war procs, how do you guys fire off your flash of lights? Do you wait for all 4 rets to have art of war, or do you just take the dps hit on the ones that don't? My original thoughts were to just use /stopcasting to ensure any pal without art of war wouldn't cast but then I read blizz made it so that if you put /stopcasting in your macro it will reset swing timer so that's out of the question in a dps mashing click macro. How do you folks deal with this, or do you just accept it? I want to do the same thing with my enhance shammies who will sometimes get instant cast heals/lightning.



Grandmaster Guidesmith

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Post Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:41 pm

Re: Only read if bored...

From what I've seen, most would use a click macro (which is a priority system).
The system is basically a big button which calls several other castsequences in order.
And each is a spell, followed by commas (no action when the sequence is pressed) to determine timing.
Once the commas are done, the spell fires off again.

You can put Exorcism, Flash Heal (target=player) and Flash Heal (FTL Assist me) as three options for Art of War.

A good trick with IS Boxer is to have a mapped key do each heal action.
Then the master macro can include all three.

Then set up a control key for this.
Possibly three steps, Exorcism, Self Heal, Assist Heal.
On press one, it enables the mapped key for one and disables the mapped key for the others.
I believe you do this with a Keymap State Action.
When a mapped key is disabled, having it called does nothing.

I'd probably go with a /stopcasting in there.
That way, if its instant it is done.
And if there was no proc, the stopcasting gets you onto the next effect immediately.
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Post Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:52 pm

Re: Only read if bored...

Welcome :)

For my Art of War procs I fire FoL/Exorcism on all of them at regular intervals instead of trying to micromanage the procs, and I eat the loss. I probably lose out on some DPS but I'm not exactly hurting for DPS these days either.

I select between Flash of Light on self, tank, and Exorcism basically how Ualaa describes


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Post Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:35 pm

Re: Only read if bored...

Good stuff. You guys are quick.



Grandmaster Guidesmith

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Post Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:50 pm

Re: Only read if bored...

IS Boxer is very flexible.
Chances are, if it is doable, there's a way to do it with IS Boxer.

Between the guides/wiki here (for IS Boxer) and on (dual-boxing.com or multiboxing.com) for general warcraft stuff.
There's a lot of resources available for boxing.

And of course, the forums are good for questions too.
With the best resource being the IRC (linked from isboxer.com main page).
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Post Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:06 pm

Re: Only read if bored...

Yea, I'm sure there's a way to do it, even if i just make sure all toons jump before they cast flash of light (wouldn't cast if there was a casting time). Haven't quite gotten that far yet, still tickling myself playing with the initial setup. There's so many options and so many possibilities, simply amazing.


I'm up and running. Successfully downed one boss I couldn't before, tried and wiped about 10 times on last boss in Old Kingdom, starting to think that is just a gear thing, since my toons only sport around 15k HPS and 1700 SP, they get worked pretty hard.

Really excited about the repeater regions + vuhdo, never had that before. This alone made instancing so much easier. The auto-leader switching when swapping windows will improve my PvP drastically as well, as soon as I get into a BG or two. Really exciting stuff.

Here's a couple screenshots of the setup, I haven't figured out the proper resolution to run in, looks a bit squished, still playing with it.



Next I'm going to spend some time on Parrot and see if I can get it to show throttled party damage without cluttering my screen too much, unfortunately the instructions I was referencing are for an older version of Parrot, and I'm not that great at edditing the lua myself.

I have 4 days off from work so hoping to get things ironed out. I'll post some more pics once I'm happy, just wanted to post in case anyone had some suggestions specific to my setup as I'm going along



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Post Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:08 pm

Re: Only read if bored...

So... I've made substantial progress in the heroics. But the second boss in HoR is pretty much kicking my face in. About 20 attempts and 500g in repair bills later I decided to seek advice. Anyone have tips for this guy? As far as I can tell it's "shared suffering" that keeps killing my slaves, hitting for 16k+. Eventually one dies, and it's down hill from there. Shadow resist aura is on.

On another note, I dropped heirloom items on my new paladin team and enjoy the melee switch very much. However, I was having problems getting my "new world of warcraft macro" feature to work. I did some reading and found a lot of people have examples using /console AutoInteract and mention turning CTM on with keypress and off with key release so I figure i'd try to reproduce it. After much frustration of not getting it to work, i started testing the macro feature with simple stuff like /say test and that doesn't work either. I'm at work so I can't attach a copy of my config but I'll tell you as best I remember how it's set up:

IWT is bound to "T" in WoW

General keymaps
CTM ON -> keybind shift-alt-[
Step 1 action 1 -> new world of wacraft macro action -> keybind shift-alt-[ -> target = all w/out current -> macro command "/console AutoInteract 1"
CTM OFF -> keybind shift-alt-]
Step 1 action 1 -> new world of wacraft macro action -> keybind shift-alt-] -> target = currentwindow -> macro command "/console AutoInteract 0"

FTL Keymaps
IWT -> keybind "T" -> trigger on press and release
Step 1 action 1 -> do mapped key action -> target = currentwindow -> FTL Assist me
Step 1 action 2 -> do mapped key action -> target = currentwindow -> general-CTM OFF
Step 1 action 3 -> do mapped key action -> target = currentwindow -> general-CTM ON
Step 1 action 4 -> new key combo (forgot the syntax) -> target = all w/out current -> keypress "T"

Step 2 action 1 -> do mapped key action -> target = all -> general-CTM OFF

There is something obviously flawed with my logic which basically goes like this: I press the key, slaves assist, slaves turn CTM on, master turns CTM off, everyone interacts with target... I release the key and CTM goes off for everyone.

I think I'm not using the macro feature correctly, because as stated above, I tried binding a key to perform the macro "/say test" and couldn't get my toons to spit out "test". Also, the toons all appear to assist and interact, the CTM just isn't turning on/off, which is the macro part.

If you are able to spot my issue without too much trouble i'd be interested in hearing it, if not, I can attach my config tomorrow when I get home from work.

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