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Post Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:51 am


I got the trial of ISboxer/inner space the other day to multibox 3 accounts on Realm of the Mad God, but whenever I multibox the characters (when broadcasting is still on) seem to stray away from the main one over time, and I have to type the whole thing out to teleport back to the main person, another is whenever I shut down or restart my computer it stops working and I need to go through the whole proccess of making a team again, all in all I really don't think this was worth getting due to how complicated and long it takes to set up.


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Post Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:12 am

Re: Problems

Luckily there are posts in this very forum that explain most of what you just posted about. ;) I would definitely check out the stickies in the ROTMG forum section here, like starcraftjunkie's guide http://isboxer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2252

I got the trial of ISboxer/inner space the other day to multibox 3 accounts on Realm of the Mad God, but whenever I multibox the characters (when broadcasting is still on) seem to stray away from the main one over time

Characters move at different speeds in ROTMG. You have a Speed (SPD) stat that affects how fast you move. It's random each time you create a character.

and I have to type the whole thing out to teleport back to the main person

You don't have to type anything out to teleport, you can use my handy dandy ROTMG Key Map to teleport everyone to you. http://isboxer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2245

This is a million times easier and all you do is hold down the key for 1/4 a second or so instead of typing something out or clicking teleport from the menu from the nearby/locked player list.

another is whenever I shut down or restart my computer it stops working and I need to go through the whole proccess of making a team again

Whenever Realm of the Mad God is updated, the old .SWF link will no longer work. They recently updated the game and have been periodically issuing fixes. The number at the end of the .SWF link -- the link currently being http://www.realmofthemadgod.com/AGCLoader1340144946.swf as of this post, with the number being 1340144946 -- is a timestamp. You can take this number and paste it into Wolfram Alpha along with the words "unix time" and it will tell you what time that number is, and how long ago it was. (I may add this information to the howto..) 1340144946 unix time <-- this will tell you 10:20pm UTC Tuesday June 19 2012, or roughly 11 hours 40 minutes ago as I type this. They did at least 2 updates yesterday before that that I saw as well.

Not really a big deal, you just have to use the new URL or the game wont load.

Hope this clears a few things up for you


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Post Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:19 am

Re: Problems

Thanks a whole heap, Lax, also, whenever I join the chat (IRC) It says I can not join..
[20:19] == Usermode change: +iwx
[20:19] == #isboxer Cannot join channel (+b)
Goes at the end of whenever I try to join, not sure what it means.. +B?


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Post Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:31 am

Re: Problems

It means this happened

[06:37] * Alge_ (webchat@foragoodtimecall-833A6310.grape ... act.net.au) has joined #isboxer
[06:37] <Alge_> Hello
[06:37] <Alge_> Is alge back
[06:39] <Alge_> why do some of the screens say
[06:39] <Alge_> Account already in use
[06:39] <Alge> I have no idea and stop using my Nick
[06:40] <Alge_> Im not
[06:40] <Alge_> It has an underline
[06:42] <Alge_> Oh, I need multiple
[06:42] <Alge_> o.o
[06:42] <Alge_> Like one for each person?
[06:42] <Alge_> wth
[06:42] <Alge> haha
[06:43] <Alge_> Kinda gay o.o
[06:44] <Alge_> Or should i be using a guest account? oo
[06:45] <Tranquil_Suit> Alge_: Stop trolling please
[06:45] * Lax sets ban on *!*webchat@*.grapevine.transact.net.au
[06:45] * Lax has kicked Alge_ from #isboxer (Lax)
[06:45] <Alge> thank you

Generally this kind of ban from the chat room is temporary and short-lived. I've removed it for you now..

Also this page http://isboxer.com/rotmg.php (from the HOWTO) now includes a note about when the game last updated, like this: "Game was last updated 12 hours ago; old URLs will no longer work due to this update."

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