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Assist Targeting Only Working In Steps

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Post Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:47 pm

Assist Targeting Only Working In Steps

Hi there, brand new to this but I've looked through other posts and don't see anyone else mentioning this so trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong here. I started a new profile just to make sure everything was fresh off the quickstart wizard and kept the configuration down to next to no buttons since all the buttons I set up act the same way. Configuration viewable at http://privatepaste.com/94329b9097.

In a nutshell when I setup any button to assist and than attack my target I need to press the button more than once to get it to work. In this example I have two slots, one for each monitor and drive exclusively from slot one sending commands to slot two for assist. To keep things simple I am trying to configure the number one on my keyboard to send a command to the second window to target me (F2), acquire my target (F12) and than for us both to press the number 1 at the same time to perform the first attack. In the code above I have the key to just send the final 1 command to the second slot as it was easier to test if it was working or not without getting in a lot of unnecessary fights.

From the game if I am in the second window without the hotkey setup I can press F2 - F12 - 1 and the second window will do just what I want it to. When I configure the hotkey as pasted in the code above when I press it the second slot will acquire my target and then I need to press it again for the attack to take place. Before I setup the Key Mapped Action - Do New Mapped Key - Assist Me I had tried just entering the keyboard commands (F2 - F12 - 1 with the first two send to the second slot) directly into the Combat hotkey as actions and they failed with the result being the second slot targeting slot 1 and slot 1 attacking the target alone. Putting them into steps worked but then I needed three steps and so had to press the button three times for each attack.

Since it appears that anything in steps requires a new keystroke to advance I assume my goal is to set this all up as an action but I'm just missing what I need to do to get a single action to work. Because I don't see any other comments on this I'm pretty convinced that I am just making one of those bone headed mistakes that is easy enough to fix if you're not the new guy looking at a complex framework trying to figure out how it all works so any help would really be appreciated.

Thanks in advance for the advice!


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Post Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:55 pm

Re: Assist Targeting Only Working In Steps

1. The definition of a Step is that you have to push the key again in order to perform it, yep. However, you can configure your Mapped Key to execute a step when the Hotkey is "pressed OR released", meaning that a Step will execute when you press it, and a Step will execute when you let go of it. This will make your 2 steps feel more natural.

2. How much the game wants to interpret at once is wholly up to the game design. If the game doesn't like having all of those keys at the same time, then that's pretty much that and we have to find ways of working around it.

Personally, I don't have auto-assist on my attacks in SWTOR.


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Post Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:18 pm

Re: Assist Targeting Only Working In Steps

Yeah that's what I was looking for. I poked around trying to find some sort of delay timer I could put in either to advance the next step or pause the next action and couldn't find it but it seems the time between press and release is just perfect for this. For this initial setup and testing things out I'm just running two identical characters through at best 2 man stuff so for now just smacking the same target with the same attack should work. I figure by the time I get this all sorted out it'll be easier to navigate around the setup to get more advanced teams in play.

Thanks for the quick reply, I can get back to playing and stop jamming buttons over and over to get things done.

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