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Odd graphics-fixed

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:08 pm
by highliner420
Im having some odd graphical issues with SWTOR when using Innerspace to launch it. The UI elements are fine but the other graphics are skewed like I am zoomed in. Everything looks fine when not using Innerspace or IS boxer. I've tried deleting the game from Innerspace and re-adding it but that didn't help. Any suggestions?
edit-added a couple of pics, first SS is without Innerspace, second and third are with Innerspace

Re: Odd graphics

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:59 pm
by lax
The answer is probably in your Window Layout. I would need to see it to really see what might be happening. You can follow these instructions to show me your config.

You can probably remove the Window Layout from your Character Set to eliminate this issue

Re: Odd graphics

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:30 pm
by highliner420
This is occurring when just using the innerspace default profile and not an is boxer character set to launch a game window.I've even tried deleting and reinstalling innerspace and I'm still getting the
same results. I'm not at home right now but when I can I'll post the info you're asking for

Re: Odd graphics

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:42 pm
by highliner420
Here is the info you are looking for. Hope it helps. I had some issues with the SWTOR launcher last night so I reinstalled the client and still getting the same results. My setup is a 24" main and a 22" secondary monitor on one vid card and a 22" mon
on another vid card. I followed the post putting both clients on the main mon with a dxNothing on the secondary monitor. I thought that setup might be the problem so I tried disabling the secondary mon and using a new window layout with just one
client and still the same results. I'm no computer guru but I can usually figure things out by looking at forums and poking my way around the computer, I've tried all the troubleshooting options I can think of and still no results.

edit- Just to add, the intro movies are in a messed up resolution too, and I am noticing during the loading screen that there is a graphical glitch occurring like something is being changed in the way something is being rendered. I am not seeing that same glitch when I launch the game by itself. It just seems really strange to me that the UI elements look perfect and are not stretched or skewed but the rest of the game is messed up.

Re: Odd graphics

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:14 pm
by lax
Well, the configuration you pasted for me isn't as described since it only has one character, but that's okay.

You have ISBoxer configured for 1920x1200. What is SWTOR set to in the game? (through IS/ISBoxer) Windowed mode vs full screen and the resolution may both be important.

Another bit of useful information you could get me, while the game is running through IS/ISBoxer:
1. Right click the IS icon in the notification area and select Console
2. In the main IS window, in the Console window within it, enter the command "displayinfo" with no quotes (type displayinfo, hit enter)
3. To copy and paste directly from the console window, simply click and drag to highlight the desired text. When you let go of the mouse button, the highlight will disappear, and the text is automatically copied for you. Paste it.

Re: Odd graphics

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:44 pm
by highliner420
Yeah while I was troubleshooting I made it one character to make it easier, I have SW set at 1920x1200 with fullscreen windowed.
Your second inquiry may be the answer

Session launched (is1): "C:/Star Wars-The Old Republic/swtor/RetailClient/swtor.exe"
Adapter resolution: 1680x1050
Current display mode: 784x480 (windowed)
Window viewable size: 784x480
Display Scale: 100.0%x100.0%, Distortion: 0.0%

That is the resolution of my other two monitors, I was wondering if that was part of the problem so I had tried disconnecting the second mon off of the main vid card and making new profiles but I still had no luck.

Edit-Just FYI I 5box rift and have had no problems with it. I launched a session of it to see if the same info came up, not sure if this helps but here it is.

Successfully executed '"C:\RIFT Game\riftpatchlive.exe"'.
Session launched (is1): "C:/RIFT Game/rift.exe"
Adapter resolution: 1680x1050
Current display mode: 784x480 (windowed)
Window viewable size: 784x480
Display Scale: 100.0%x100.0%, Distortion: 0.0%

Re: Odd graphics

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:34 pm
by highliner420
Just an update, I've been trying to troubleshoot with no luck so far. I was wondering if the second monitor on the vid card had something to do with the problem so I disconnected the monitor and rebooted the comp. Still getting the same problem but I'm getting different info from IS.

Session launched (is1): "C:/Star Wars-The Old Republic/swtor/RetailClient/swtor.exe"
Adapter resolution: 1920x1200
Current display mode: 784x562 (windowed)
Window viewable size: 784x562
Display Scale: 100.0%x100.0%, Distortion: 0.0%

Not sure if this helps but here you go.

Re: Odd graphics

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:24 pm
by lax
I'm looking through the related code on my end and trying to track down whatever this might be...

Honestly I don't know where the game is getting the 784x562 number. However, I would try changing the windowed mode setting around, especially if it thinks 784x562 is full screen.

Re: Odd graphics

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:40 pm
by highliner420
Okay everything is working now. Here is what I found.

Session launched (is2): "C:/Star Wars-The Old Republic/swtor/RetailClient/swtor.exe"
Adapter resolution: 1920x1200
Current display mode: 784x562 (windowed)
Window viewable size: 784x480
Display Scale: 100.0%x85.4%, Distortion: 14.6%
Adapter resolution: 1920x1200
Current display mode: 784x562 (windowed)
Window viewable size: 784x480
Display Scale: 100.0%x85.4%, Distortion: 14.6%
Adapter resolution: 1920x1200
Current display mode: 1067x724 (windowed)
Window viewable size: 1067x724
Display Scale: 100.0%x100.0%, Distortion: 0.0%
Adapter resolution: 1920x1200
Current display mode: 1593x955 (windowed)
Window viewable size: 1593x955
Display Scale: 100.0%x100.0%, Distortion: 0.0%
Adapter resolution: 1920x1200
Current display mode: 1851x1080 (windowed)
Window viewable size: 1851x1080
Display Scale: 100.0%x100.0%, Distortion: 0.0%

The odd "Current Display mode" numbers are what size the IS console window is, I was able to get the numbers to change by resizing the window.

Next up, the odd graphics. As stated earlier my setup is a 24" main and a 22" secondary monitor on one vid card and a 22" mon on another vid card. For troubleshooting purposes I had disconnected the 2nd mon off of the main video card, with no

results. In your last post you mentioned changing the windowed mode around, which I did and noticed both the 24" mon on the main vid card and the 22" mon on the secondary vid card started flickering. So I proceeded to disconnect the monitor

from the secondary vid card and launched SW through ISboxer and everything was correct. So I changed the IS profile and tried 2 instances and everything worked. I hooked up the 22" mon to the main vid card, launched an ISboxer profile with 2

SW instances on the main mon and a dxNothing window on the 2nd monitor and everything worked correctly. I finished by hooking up the 3rd mon to the secondary vid card, launched ISboxer and was greeted by the odd graphics. I disconnected the

3rd mon, launched ISboxer and everything was working correctly again. With some other troubleshooting attempts I found that the mon on the 2nd vid card can't just be powered off, it has to be disconnected from the vid card for everything to

work correctly. After seeing the monitors flickering, I remembered having issues with KOTOR 1, so this could be something to do with Bioware's code. Who knows, I'm no programmer. Thanks for the assistance and hopefully this help you and/or

someone else in the future.

Re: Odd graphics-fixed

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:43 pm
by lax
Very interesting, thanks for the information and glad you got it working sufficiently :)

I will have to see what I can do about that