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Mouse movement not being broadcasted to the 2nd PC

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Post Tue Apr 28, 2015 2:31 pm

Mouse movement not being broadcasted to the 2nd PC

Hello there,

Before I write about my issue, let me thank you for this fantastic piece of software that I've started to use for a little more than one month now.

I recently moved my 2nd PC next to my main one, to test multiboxing with multiples computers. I found that running 4 instances of diablo 3 on only one computer doesn't provide a really fun gaming experience. The game can tumble down to 20 fps in the worst moments (4 blizzards + 8 hydras + a lot of meteors), even with an oc'ed 4.9Ghz i7 2700k with a oc'ed GTX 780.

For this test I just wanted to be able to dual box 2 accounts with 2 differents PC's on 2 screens.

I followed this tutorial : http://isboxer.com/wiki/HOWTO:Use_ISBox ... _Computers , and managed to have the game launch on the 2 PC's.
The keyboard broadcast is ok, the mouse clicks are also ok, but there is absolutely no mouse movement on the second PC.

So I started searching this forum and found 2 possible resolutions to my problem :
- have the same resolution for the 2 PC's
-> not changing anything
- activate the "Allow active window cursor to move via broadcast (multi-PC)" option as described in this topic http://isboxer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=6104
-> the mouse do move, but with an incredible jitter, it's impossible to have a linear movement and moving the cursor even a tenth of the screen size. Jittering might be the wrong word, it's simply only really shivering without real movement.

So I'm just wondering what i'm doing wrong.

My configuration file is here : http://www.privatepaste.com/e61f78769d
I'm using for the 2 PC test these 2 character sets : "d3 duo pc 1" and "d3 duo pc 2"

Thanks in advance !


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Post Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:12 pm

Re: Mouse movement not being broadcasted to the 2nd PC

-> the mouse do move, but with an incredible jitter, it's impossible to have a linear movement and moving the cursor even a tenth of the screen size. Jittering might be the wrong word, it's simply only really shivering without real movement.

Activate Broadcasting Mode only on (from) one PC at a time to avoid this issue. Alternatively, make sure only one PC has a game window as the active, foreground window (for example focus Notepad or a browser on your second PC).

Otherwise it sounds like you're on the right track


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Post Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:25 pm

Re: Mouse movement not being broadcasted to the 2nd PC

Thanks for the fast answer !

From what I've tested, checking "Allow active window cursor to move via broadcast (multi-PC)" only on the slave PC seems to do the trick, but I don't know if this is what you're talking about when you write "Activate Broadcasting Mode only on (from) one PC at a time".
Putting the D3 window in background on the slave PC also works.

Anyway, thank you again, my issue seems to be resolved now :)

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