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How do i box Multi-PCs?

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Post Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:30 pm

How do i box Multi-PCs?

Hey guys, i'm pretty new to ISboxer (with only a couple days of use up to this point, subscribed tho, not on demo =P)

And just earlier today i realized/read that ISboxer can be used to run accounts on other PC's as well, but i haven't found out how yet =X

Here's my situation to help out with what i'm looking to get done.

I play -up to- 6 accounts at one time in Everquest2 (2 mine, 2 a friends, 1 my wife, 1 another friend...so not always on 6, sometimes 2, sometimes 3...etc etc)
My personal PC can handle up to 4 clients relatively lag-free with stable 20-35FPS on a lower graphics setting.
But my need to multi-PC comes in when running the 5th, and 6th account.
I have 2 other PC's (In the same room) that can also run 1 client each (Which i'm looking to run client #5 and/or client #6 on when necessary)

I have a kind of a complicated way of playing, to give myself full control of a healer (if playing one at time) and not, if it's necessary i can explain how, but i don't think it's specific to the info i'm trying to find out :)

I am basically just looking to find out: How do i box on multi-PCs, and can they/how do they pickup the commands from my main PC (Hit button 1 on MY pc and have it hit button 1 on my PC+PC#2 simealtaneously)

Pre-done guides are find, i've looked around a bit and haven't found any yet (i could just be missing it though haha) and any help in the right direction is greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance~~


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Post Sat Jun 19, 2010 12:17 pm

Re: How do i box Multi-PCs?

Ok, well i've found the guide included in ISboxer itself durh xD

Will give it a whirl >.>


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Post Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:40 pm

Re: How do i box Multi-PCs?

Well, i tried, but to no avail, i feel like i've followed the instructions perfectly, but the eq2 client refuses to launch on the 2nd PC (although if i right click innerspace, on MY PC it does NOT have the character set supposed to be launched on PC2... but PC2 DOES have it when i right click innerspace and go to character sets)

Here is my configuration


It was just a test, to see if i could get it to work but no dice....really f'ing depressing actually...i had such high hopes for this feature to have it just slap me in the face so far -.- ... really hoping to get this to work =/


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Post Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:33 pm

Re: How do i box Multi-PCs?

Your ISBoxer configuration looks ok. The Character Set assigned to a specific Computer will only show up in the list on that PC; any assigned to the "current computer" will show up on any PC.

If the second PC does not launch, here's what to do. Open up the main Inner Space console on both PCs -- right click IS in the system tray, and select Console (you may need to close the Patcher window to see the console). When you launch your team, ISBoxer will output there what it's trying to do. The first thing it's going to do when you launch your main Character Set is try to connect to your other PC, and send the instruction to launch the other set.

So, first you can watch the console on the second PC as you launch the main set. If nothing at all shows up, then it probably failed to connect at all, and the main PC console will specifically indicate that; this would usually be that either port 10101 is not open on the slave PC in the firewall, incoming connections are not enabled on that PC as per the guide, or outgoing connections are blocked on the main PC by firewall software (e.g. Windows firewall)

If you copied your Inner Space install from the main PC to the second PC, then the second PC will complain about the Uplink names being the same; that is fixed in the IS Configuration window, next to the checkbox to enable incoming connections. By default, the Uplink Name is the same name as the computer's name according to Windows. If you change the Uplink Name in this window, you will need to update the ISBoxer configuration to match it.

If it does connect, but the second PC says nothing other than (after) connection succeeded, then the Uplink name in IS Configuration does not match what it says for the Computer in ISBoxer.

If the second PC tries to launch but can't, then it will usually say something in red as to why not. Usually this would be that the selected Game or Game Profile in ISBoxer does not actually exist on that PC. You can use Add Game from the IS menu to add it -- for EQ2, point it to the EQ2 client itself (I believe that's everquest2.exe), not the launcher. It's easiest when the Game and Game Profile names match on both PCs, otherwise you'll need to Add Game on the main PC with the same name as the second PC, just so that you can pick it in ISBoxer (the path doesn't need to be the same on both PCs, it goes by the names of the Game and Game Profile)

That should pretty much cover it. Let me know :)


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Post Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:33 pm

Re: How do i box Multi-PCs?

lax wrote:Your ISBoxer configuration looks ok. The Character Set assigned to a specific Computer will only show up in the list on that PC; any assigned to the "current computer" will show up on any PC.

If the second PC does not launch, here's what to do. Open up the main Inner Space console on both PCs -- right click IS in the system tray, and select Console. When you launch your team, ISBoxer will output there what it's trying to do. The first thing it's going to do when you launch your main Character Set is try to connect to your other PC, and send the instruction to launch the other set.

So, first you can watch the console on the second PC as you launch the main set. If nothing at all shows up, then it probably failed to connect at all, and the main PC console will specifically indicate that; this would usually be that either port 10101 is not open on the slave PC in the firewall, incoming connections are not enabled on that PC as per the guide, or outgoing connections are blocked on the main PC by firewall software (e.g. Windows firewall)

If you copied your Inner Space install from the main PC to the second PC, then the second PC will complain about the Uplink names being the same; that is fixed in the IS Configuration window, by the checkbox to enable incoming connections. By default, the Uplink Name is the same name as the computer's name according to Windows. If you change the Uplink Name in this window, you will need to update the ISBoxer configuration to match it.

If it does connect, but the second PC says nothing other than (after) connection succeeded, then the Uplink name in IS Configuration does not match what it says for the Computer in ISBoxer.

If the second PC tries to launch but can't, then it will usually say something in red as to why not. Usually this would be that the selected Game or Game Profile in ISBoxer does not actually exist on that PC. You can use Add Game from the IS menu to add it -- for EQ2, point it to the EQ2 client itself (I believe that's everquest2.exe), not the launcher. It's easiest when the Game and Game Profile names match on both PCs, otherwise you'll need to Add Game on the main PC with the same name as the second PC, just so that you can pick it in ISBoxer (the path doesn't need to be the same on both PCs, it goes by the names of the Game and Game Profile)

That should pretty much cover it. Let me know :)

Gonna go take a nap now, will look over this and tinker when i get up

But 1 thing i can say out of that list, is that both pc's had fresh installed of innerspace from ISboxer.com's Bundle pack, no copied files or anything

Thanks for the advice, here's to hoping it works when i get up :D


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Post Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:36 pm

Re: How do i box Multi-PCs?

I feel retarded ._.;;

I tooootally forgot to turn off the firewall for the PC that was receiving my incoming connection (The dell)

but i definately appreciate the insights Lax :D


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Post Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:51 am

Re: How do i box Multi-PCs?

Ugh.... so now i tried to create a new XML from scratch....and nothing but problems :-(

I still have the one i pasted before as a saved XML on my system... i can load that one up, and it still launches perfectly fine

Here is the new one: http://pastebin.com/NkaYZCb0

The computer marked "PC" again, like my original problem, receives no incoming signal, firewall is definately off on both
- Main areas of focus are the 5 - 6box toons, as those are the only ones set to launch on my 2nd PC and 3rd PC (marked as dell) < or vice versa w/e >.<;;

Old one: http://pastebin.com/dg8jfcb9

I don't understand what i did any differently... as far as i can tell, they are both set up in the same fashion, but neither computer will work under my new file -.-

once again, this feature is just busting my brain, even though i fear it might be something stupidly simple again, i just can't figure it out :-(


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Post Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:14 am

Re: How do i box Multi-PCs?

I´m new to IB - comming from keyclone.

I´m 5 boxing using 1 main and 2 alt comuters with 2 Characters.

And got same ploblems - any change there cut be put some pictures or a video guide up.

I get lost from around nr. 7 in the guide.


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Post Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:23 am

Re: How do i box Multi-PCs?

The problem is *drumroll* that you renamed the Computers in ISBoxer. ISBoxer does not have the IP address or hostname field filled in for either of the Computers, so it's going to try to connect by the assigned names -- PC or Dell. Neither of which are the hostname of the computers, so it's going to fail to connect to either of them. To solve the problem, fill in the "IP Address or hostname" field for each of the Computers. You can copy/paste from the Uplink Name field (which is only used to communicate with the other Inner Space after a successful connection).

Also, for your Key Map in the new one, the name of the Key Map is 6 miles long. You may have trouble with the Key Map, or certain keys in it, not wanting to work (if not now, then when you start trying more complicated mapped keys later, particularly anything with multiple Steps, or a Do Mapped Key Action, or a Click Bar that uses one of the Mapped Keys). You should try to keep concise names (i.e. not combining the name of everything it contains). "6box - Tank/Bard (PC)/Healer/Warlock/Wizard/Illy (Dell) -Solo-" is a bit excessive too, but long Character Set names wont break anything ;)


And got same ploblems - any change there cut be put some pictures or a video guide up.

I get lost from around nr. 7 in the guide.

That doesn't sound like the same problem at all, this thread was about a finished configuration that he couldn't get to connect to the other PC. Number 7 says to make your Character Sets, you can just use the Quick Setup Wizard for that. There's videos showing how to make character sets, like the 40 second configuration video ;) Stop by the ISBoxer Chat Room.


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Post Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:30 pm

Re: How do i box Multi-PCs?

lax wrote:The problem is *drumroll* that you renamed the Computers in ISBoxer. ISBoxer does not have the IP address or hostname field filled in for either of the Computers, so it's going to try to connect by the assigned names -- PC or Dell. Neither of which are the hostname of the computers, so it's going to fail to connect to either of them. To solve the problem, fill in the "IP Address or hostname" field for each of the Computers. You can copy/paste from the Uplink Name field (which is only used to communicate with the other Inner Space after a successful connection).

Also, for your Key Map in the new one, the name of the Key Map is 6 miles long. You may have trouble with the Key Map, or certain keys in it, not wanting to work (if not now, then when you start trying more complicated mapped keys later, particularly anything with multiple Steps, or a Do Mapped Key Action, or a Click Bar that uses one of the Mapped Keys). You should try to keep concise names (i.e. not combining the name of everything it contains). "6box - Tank/Bard (PC)/Healer/Warlock/Wizard/Illy (Dell) -Solo-" is a bit excessive too, but long Character Set names wont break anything ;)

Aah! I was kinda wondering if that was it, but at the same time i was kinda thinking the names "PC" and "Dell" was just sort of, a name, i didn't realize even to that point they were actually a part of the process in and of itself hehe

Will change the names back to the originals (Alicia-Aebf45 or something and Bloodytrailz) and hopefully that works better

Again, thank you lax, you're commitment to helping is nothing short of astounding :-)

And i shall try to take your advice, the 1 4pack mapped key does work fine tho (so far) haven't had a problem with it yet
And as far as the character set names go, i was just trying to keep it clear as to what all the things were, so that when X and Y or just Z person is online, it says right there what i should log on... although i guess i could cut out the entire middle part of "tank/bard/mage/etc" and just put.... 5box -Alicia On- 4box -Jacky On- 4box -Alicia/Joel On- cuz i still know which characters i'd be launching =P

I'll take your advice and just shorten the names up hehe :)

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